Here it goes again! Chapter thirteen! Noow - you all wonder what the Steve thing is! (Here it comes, marium!)I guess it finally comes this chapter!

This is the 13'th chapter. Number 13 is actually a unfortunate number. And unfortunate things would happen in this chapter.

I have two personalities. One good - one evil. The two of them are very different, but they are me, and I am them, and they accept it and live in peace. One is the author, the other is the fan in this story.

The author has the whole story in her mind. She writes it down. The fan is happy over the story. But she gets sad or afraid sometimes. Afraid of what might happen next. The other me is afraid in this chapter. She still dosn't know how it would all end..

Thanks so much to the usual people, my good friends who help me keep going on with this story! And sorry to SylviaVail - who I forgot to thank last chapter! (I knew that I had forgotten someone!)

Do you want to decide how this story would end? I've made a poll about it. You can go there right now and vote for the best ending, or send me a PM with how you want it to end. Just one thing - this isn't a happy-go-lucky story. I can't guarantee that everyone will survive and live happy ever after.


Steve stared at me, white as a sheet. "Mu-Murlough? You mean.. the va-va-vampaneze Murlough? The same that wanted to k-kill.. Evra?" I nodded. Both Steve and I hated the vampaneze. We knew what they were. Not that it helped now. The moon was full, and the air ice-cold. As I said, there was nobody outside. Nobody would be able to help us if they decided to attack us. My inner self screamed something about danger, and I took Steve's hand and started running. A shadow swore in the darkness. He got out of the dark corner, and laughed.

"You won't get away that easily!" He didn't really sound mad at us. He sounded like Mr. Crepsley when I said something foolish. Murlough stepped inside the shadows again, and I saw him jump up, yes, right up - five meters up - before he landed on a roof and dissappeared in the night. I didn't dare follow after him. "Is-Is he gone?" - Steve panted.

"Yes, I think so. But he s-said that we won't get away that easily."

Steve gasped and continued running. Unfortunately, we got lost in the town. There was nobody outside, so we couldn't ask someone for help. We went around for what felt like hours, always afraid of seeing the blood-thirsty monsters. A cab drove by, and Steve stopped it to ask what time it was. "Ten o'clock! What are two kids like you doing outside? Get home to your' mommas!" I always felt when Steve was mad at someone. I could se it on the way he lifte his shoulder, appearing taller, the way he talked and his unfriendly stare. He got mad at the cab-driver now. "You wanna pay we a little, and I'll drive you home in no time! What'd ya say, kid?"

"Stop kalling me kid, for god's sake! And we can get home on our own, thank you very much!"

- He said with an ironic voice. The cab driver - who seemed to have had a bad day stared back at him, and then drove home, or wherever he had to go to.

"I hate such old stupid men!" Steve hissed and threw a stone at a wall. "Well, now we know that we are very late. At least Mr. Crepsley must be awake! Maybe he would be out on a vampaneze hunt today, and see us from a roof?" Steve looked a little happier. Then he shook his head. "No, I don't think so. We better find a map over this town." I nodded and we went around to find a shop for tourists. Not that we found a open one! Ten o'clock.. we better get home fast. After another hour of going around, it started raining. A lot. We were soaked from heads to toes. A shadow jumped down from a tree. It looked like a gigantic bat, and I cached the smell of blood. A vampaneze! I tried to warn Steve, but noticed that he was watching up too. We reached for our knifes, but the creature of the night was way too fast for us. It was a tall, slim man.. with orange hair and red clothes. "Boo!" Mr. Crepsley joked. And I started laughing. Steve blinked some times and the realized that it wasn't someone bad.

"You didn't come home, so I decided to come and look after you." He helped Steve up. "It was a little hard to find your scent in the rain, but as bad as Darren smells..!"

"Okay, okay enough joking. Mr. Crepsley could you take us home? I'm tires and my legs hurt."

The gentle vampire became serious, and took us both on his back.

Elleven o'clock. Evra was sleeping peacefully on the couch. We sat around the table and had a quiet discussion.

"We saw Murlough. He is the one you are after, right?"

Mr. Crepsley nodded at Steve. "I've been looking for him, but still I haven't seen him around. He may know that I'm after him. He probably wants to capture you. Still, you are safe here. Vampaneze would not come into a home without being invited. And he is far from invited in here. And even if he should come, this is a hotel. It is full of humans. Many people are going around at night, and the ones who had been in contact with us will have our scent on them. It would take long time for him to find you, and I am here too." Mr. Crepsley smiled at us.

"And I will protect you at all costs!" We looked at my mentor with a small smile on our face.

"Thanks, Mr. Crepsley.." I gave him a hug. Steve wasn't that sure about it. After all, Mr. Crepsley was my mentor. He hadn't made him a vampire that night long time ago. Steve didn't hate Mr. Crepsley. He was just unsure of what to do. Then he smiled and gave him a hug too.

"Yes.. thanks.." Mr. Crepsley coughed. "Now, it is time to sleep. You would be so tired tomorrow that you would fall down the stairs on your way down!"

We nodded and got our pajamas on. After brushing our teeth, taking a fast shower and getting a blanket for Evra (we didn't dare to move him into a bed, in case he woke up), we finally went to sleep.


It was in the middle of the night. The room wasn't so dark, because the stars shined brightly tonight. I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. I've always got what I wanted in the end. I've always fought until there was no hope left. It was just the way I were. A killer's instincts ..

- like Mr. Crepsley had said. I shut my eyes hardly, while turning around in the bed.

I stared at Darren, who was sleeping peacefully in the other bed, facing mine. I knew he was sleeping, but still I didn't want to cry in front of my best-friend. Mr. Crepsley had said that I was evil. And from the diaries I knew that he had said that the ones with evil blood never change.

These words hurt deep in my soul. I didn't want to be a evil monster like the future me. I didn't want to kill Darren and Mr. Crepsley, nor Shancus - Evra's son. I didn't want them to feel the pain of losing someone. This pain that eated you from the inside. You could never forget it. Once you felt it, you would never be the same again. You would hear the persons screams in your nightmares every night. Your soul would be black, and all you'll wand would be revenge. I didn't want to make others feel this pain. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't control myself fully.

A tear fell down my chin and into the pillow. I've become a much better person since I joined Darren. But still I knew we could never succeed at this rate.

The Lord of the vampaneze would appear soon. The war of scars would start too. Vampires and vampaneze would die for nothing. And nobody else than myself knew who the Lord of the vampanze would be. Because only one person could become that lord. Only one person was born to be him, destined to be him. And that person was me. My face was wet of tears, and I didn't wipe them away. There wouldn't be any point in that, more tears would come anyway.

I knew I had to abandon Darren. Abandon the vampires. The same vampires that I've always respected. I've wished to be one of them ever since I were little. I knew I never would.

All I ever would be is this monster. I was destined to live a life in hatred and pain, and hurting others to show it. I would want others to feel the pain I felt, cry the tears I cried when nobody was watching. Silent sobs could be heard in the room as I closed my eyes and cried inside the pillow.

I would never be a vampire. I was destined to be a blood-thirsty monster. I was destined to murder innocent people. Destined by the monster himself - Desmond Tiny. I hated him for forcing me to be a monster of the night. Still, I couldn't blame anyone else but myself for the things I knew I would do. I sniffed. The pillow was soaked of tears now.

Nobody knew this tide of me. I knew Darren had seen small peaces of the real Steve. The good Steve. The one that was crying after he got mad at his friends. The one that was sorry for everything when it was too late. Nobody knew this side. He was hided deep in the hatred and darkness. The good Steve loved his mother and his friends. He promised himself that he should be a better person. The monster was like a big, dark shadow that followed me wherever I went. I was in me in the darkness. It followed me in the light, as to say that it would never disappear, never leave me alone. If the lord of the shadows would come, then it would be this evil shadow. It could never be Darren. If it was him, then it would be my evil shadow following after him, making him the way I will become. I don't want it to take control of me. I don't want it to kill Mr. Crepsley and Darren in the future. But I can't control it. I never could.

I want him, the evil Steve to die, even if I have to die with him.

I felt a warm, gentle hand pet my head. "Hey.. are you all right?" I froze, and looked up fastly.

Darren. "Did you have a nightmare?" I stared in his friendly brown eyes, "My whole life is a nightmare!" - I wanted to say, but I didn't. But Darren had already guessed it.

I wiped away my tears, and forced the good Steve back as usual. But he refused to go. He wanted someone to know about him, wanted someone to know that he wasn't the monster he appeared to be. But nobody would ever know that. Except Darren, of course.

Next day...

Mr. Crepsley walked inside the room. He looked tired, he had just woken up. He went to the refrigerator, looking for some food. No real food, not blood. But it was empty. All empty! The checked the drawers. Almost no food, and at least nothing that could be ate.

"No food again?" He turned around just to see the face of three hungry young boys.

"Yes.. unfortunately. Anyone who wants to go and buy some food for the next week?"

Three hungry young boys looked at each other. "I can go, Mr. Crepsley!" All three said at the same time. How silly. He didn't really mind it, he was very hungry too, early at morning.

His morning. It was late at night for them. But didn't fifteen year old boys just love to go around at night?

"Evra, you have cached a cold from last night, you should stay home. Darren, didn't you say anything about meeting Debbie today? She is coming to watch that movie you got tomorrow, remember?" I said. "What? Darren, you already have met Debbie? Why is no one telling me such things any more?" - Sighted Mr. Crepsley. "Uhh.. I almost forgot that. And I have to keep an eye on her now that Murlough is here..thanks, Steve!" The words cut deep into my hearth. I guess this might be one of the last times I heard him thank me for many years, or maybe for ever. "Okay.. then I guess that I will go and do some shopping!" I got up and and went to find my new black coat. "Yay! Maybe you could make another delicious cake for us later, Steve? You are a master at cooking!" Evra smiled at the though of cake. I would miss Evra terribly too.. "Hn.. se ya later!"

So after I saw Darren make his way to Debbie, I went to the shop. I took my time. Bread, eggs, fruits, vegetables, milk and meat. After I got everything I needed, and it was closing time. The clock on the wall showed 21.00. I better hurry, but I didn't. I could allredy sence danger. That meant only one thing..

On the way home. Home to Darren, Evra and Mr. Crepsley. I looked around. It was dark as usual. It was always dark at winter. i wasn't afraid of the dark any longer. I actually liked it. Murders instincts.. "Hello, young man. What are you doing here late at night?" I faced a young man. Not older than 20-25. "Buying some food." I didn't have a reson to be afraid when I felt my knife against my skin. " Aren't you afraid of evil people? Someone could kidnap you, or steal your money." He said friendly. "That would never happen to me."

"What if someone is hiding in the shadows then? Wouldn't this night be perfect for a .. vampire?" I froze as I heard this. I knew it already, but I didn't expect it to have happened that soon. His aura speaked for himself. Not to get started on the finger marks.

"Steve Leonard. The one who'se called Leopard" He nodded at me. I looked carefully at the young man's appearance. He had half-long raven black hair, pale skin. His skin wasn't purple, and his nails were still normal. He met my eyes. Blood red eyes. Just as I expected. His aura was deadly. He was a cold hearted murder, I could tell just by looking at him. Another shadow jumped down beside him. Purple skin, ugly face and red eyes. Murlough. "Now, now, Isn't it Steve who travels around with Crepsley, hmm?" He smelled blood. I wondered just how long they had spied on us. "Now, don't scare the poor boy." He faced me. " I can feel great power with you, Steve. What will happen with you when you are on the old vampire's team? You seek power. You seek respect. You're not meant to be a vampire. You are meant to be a vampaneze. We are the ones who will rule the night. The vampires will fall. You don't deserve to die with them, do you, Steve?" He reached out a hand. I smiled at the young man. I bet that I looked at least half as evil as he did. There could have been something true in what he said.

I knew what I had to do. I was destined to it. "So, Steve.. do you want to join me in stead of the foolish vampire? I will teach you to be what you were destined to be."

Hell yeah, if you are. You are going to teach me how to be a monster and a lord of the vampaneze! - The inner me yelled, but the real me smiled brighter. The good side of me hated them both, these red-eyed beasts. But the good side of me would soon be dead. It would disappear in the great evil shadow. The Steve I was now. "I will train you to earn the power you were destined to have." If he dosn't shut up soon, then I will seriously kill him. And he dosn't even know what he is saying.

"Do you want to be a half-vampaneze, Steve?" NO! - Inner me cried, trying to stop me before it was too late. "Yes. Make me one of you." I grinned at him, and he was like a mirror. Repeating exactly what I did. Murlough looked from the blond to the black-haired young man. The murderous young man cut five deep cuts in his first hand, then the other. I could see the dark-red blood coming from his fingertips. He lifted my hands with force, I didn't have the power to lift them. The good Steve was silent. Just like me. I just stood and stared as I felt the man's blood enter my body. It made my heart hurt, just like every other part of the body. I bit my lip hard, and it started bleeding. I ignored the pain. I felt like a zombie.

"Enough, Nathaniel. You don't want him to be a full-blooded. Murlough would not do that, no!"

Nathaniel. It sounded like a vampire, or should I say vampaneze from London in the 1890's.

Nathaniel pulled back his hands, and put the fingertips in his mouth. I didn't feel like letting him put mine in the place where he had sucked blood from humans, but I didn't have any choice.

It looked like Nathaniel had these "murders instincts" too, because he made the marks extremely small, so no one would notice, if they didn't look at my hands very closely.

I felt Nathaniel's blood in my veins. It felt strange, like it should be there. And I guess it shouldn't anyway. We talked for half-a-hour. Nathaniel was my new teacher, and I his apprentice. He would teach me how to survive, and hide the bodies of my pray, and so on.

The same old stuff. But I had to help him in his business. And right now, his business was to get rid of Crepsley.

Home. Light. I was almost scared that it would burn me. Scared that it might show what I was now. "Steve, finally! We are starving in here!" Darren gave me a hug, and Evra helped me with the food. "Now, I am going to make some food today. We made a deal!" Mr. Crepsley smiled and tried to turn on the kitchen range. Without any success. I helped him, while Evra was asking Darren about how the meeting with Debbie went. I listened to what he said carefully.

After all.. Debbie would be the vampaneze's next pray..


Creeepy! o_O And sad.. I felt like crying when I wrote Steve's part... TT~TT

It would be much action in next chapter, if I don't mess it up. :D

Remember to vote about the ending of this story on my polls!!! :)