Still don't own Hellsing

The first part of this chapter will somewhat be an explanation concerning what had happened. More details to come soon.

When the German had begun their attack, three years prior to the actual moment, their aim had been to crush the Hellsing Organization, as well as their Catholic version: the Vatican's Iscariot section. And their plans had succeeded. Within weeks from their first attack, England and the rest of Europe stood defenceless in the way of an imminent war, as there was no one left to protect them against the terrors of night. In less than two months, Major Max Montana considered himself almost the ruler of the world, with no real threats to stay in his way to gain unlimited power… or torment the humanity with war after war… Blood flew continuously and people everywhere cried for help, but there was no one left to hear them. The Hellsing heiress had disappeared in the ruins of her own home, as the German gourmand had made sure of her ultimate defeat himself. All of her soldiers were gone, either dead or with their minds brainwashed by the Doc's device, and even her greatest weapon, the Hell's hound himself appeared to have vanished as well.

But then, fate struck even the faithless ones. The artificial vampires rebelled against their own creators. In a matter of months, the world was thrown in yet another crisis, as the abnormal creatures destroyed entire cities, taking whatever they wanted, whenever they desired it, as the sun was still covered by the German-made shield.

"I love war!" the mad German leader proclaimed in front of Berlin's entire population, who could now only see him and his group as sole defenders of humanity, ironically enough. The moment he finished his last word, the Major's head was flown towards the terrified audience, as his mechanical body was turned into ash by the rogue vampires… vampires which had been created from his very own order. The proud Millennium Organization, having passed from "public enemy" to "world saviour", was now gone, turning millions of humans into potential preys and ghouls.

Now they were unstoppable, with the world stuck in a never-ending night.

"There you are!" the Mother Superior of the Canterbury Cathedral, now one of the last Protestant Sanctuaries still standing, nearly shouted at one of her nuns. Startled, the young woman clad in the traditional black and white outfit, turned towards her mentor and stood up from the stone bench she had been sitting on, bowing respectfully.

"Please forgive me, Mother Superior. I have lost track of time. I'm sorry. I shall return to my duties immediately." The young woman spoke hurriedly, her violet-blue eyes wide opened.

"Angelica, do not worry. I'm not here to scold you, although you keep breaking items while completing your chorus and you still are late for the prayers every morning. I only came here to ask you about your patient. Still no changes?" the old woman asked, although she knew what her answer would be. It was the same answer as ever: the strange, unknown woman under Angelica's care was still in a coma, as she had been for the past three years.

"No." Angelica saddened at once, lowering here eyes and staring at the cold marble below her feet. "At times, I think she'll never wake up again." Although she could not explain it, as she held no memories of her life prior to the "Incident", as some people named Millennium's devastating attack, she was obviously drawn to the unknown woman for some reason.

Three years earlier, the two had been found together somewhere near Kent. The younger one, now known as Sister Angelica, seemed to be in a state of shock, as well as partly catatonic; the other woman, whose name was yet to be discovered, was badly wounded and had already slipped into a deep coma. Although she had no proof, the Mother Superior was almost convinced that the two were connected somehow to the Hellsing Organization. Her only leads were an old newspaper photo showing a proud woman apparently named Integra Hellsing who somewhat resembled the sleeping woman, and Angelica's bizarre eyes, which seemed to turn almost reddish in full-moon nights. Still, none of her fears or hopes had ever come true, as the unknown patient in coma never awakened and the up-and-running youth did not use any of the wounded or even unharmed people as a food resource. Staring at the young nun, the Mother Superior sighed.

"I'm sure that she will return to us when the Lord will consider it appropriate." The older woman tried to calm the youth down, but the soothing words seemed to have little effect on her. "I'm sure that Evangeline will awaken." Mother Superior spoke the name all of the Cathedral's inhibitors now used when referring to the comatose woman, and noticed Angelica's almost instinctual flinch at the hearing of that name. Still, the woman needed one and, as she was not certain of her identity, she had come up with a name that could fit her quite angelic features. No one in that entire church, not even Angelica's more than unusual body features, could match the sleeping woman's slightly tanned skin, fair hair and bright blue eyes. Still, even in her continuous sleep, she looked troubled and tired… it was almost as if her body slept the time she had somehow missed before. "You may go back to your chorus, Sister Angelica."

The young nun bowed once more and walked away, towards the part of the compound where her patient was still trapped in a deep slumber. She had not managed to reach the inner courtyard's half, for a desperate scream echoed throughout the entire area: "Vampire!"

Angelica remained unmoved, eyeing the gates. There, in the middle of the opening stood a red-eyed monster that reeked of blood and meat, his face smudged with the red liquid and his eyes as wide as possible, from the mad rush of adrenaline in his brain. She knew how that felt… she knew and she hated it. Staring at the artificial vampire walking towards her, she instinctively began exposing her own teeth, as her canines began growing in a most bizarre manner. Only a tinge of red changed her normally blue eye colour, as her muscles were ready to have her run towards the intruder.

Still, before the nun could do anything, a single gunshot noise filled the tense air. A second later, the monster vanished, its body disintegrating before it could hit the sacred ground. Angelica came out of her trance and saw through the open gates a single soldier fighting off an entire group of monsters in the darkness, with unusually great success.

"Quickly, help that man! Make sure he manages to enter the church safely!" Mother Superior's voice rose above the rumour and several women, including Angelica, rushed to the gates.

"Angie! Get him in here and we'll shut the doors." One of her "sisters" shouted and she only nodded. Leaving the sacred ground for several seconds only, Angelica pulled out the sole weapon she was allowed to carry: an old revolver filled with very small sphere-shaped silver bullets, made from old rosaries and candle sticks within the Cathedral, in lack of any other resources. By now, the brave soldier had remained stuck in a puddle of mud and fell on the ground, almost immobilized by the heavy dirt clinging onto his clothes. The remaining vampires flew towards him, but were stopped in mid-air by the nun's perfect aim: two shots for two vampires… but unfortunately still not fast enough to stop them from calling reinforcements.

"Give me your hand!" she shouted in the darkness, one hand filled with the ancient gun and the other one extended towards the muddy man. Turning his head towards her, the man remained completely still for several moments, while staring at her in the dim light created by the remaining nightlights around the Cathedral's building. "Hurry!" her tone turned commanding and she tried leaning towards him even further. As if he finally returned to Earth from whatever higher realm he had just visited, he caught her hand and allowed her to help him out of the puddle. Together, they ran towards the now barely opened gates like mad, for behind them hell was unleashed once more. "Close the gates!" the young nun screamed once they were finally inside. The heavy and tall doors shut with a heavy thunk, allowing everyone inside to draw a deep breath. "Are you insane? Don't you know how dangerous it is to fight vampires on your own?" she finally snapped at the stranger, failing to notice his tired boyish smirk at first and the fact that they were still holding hands.

"Oh, my beautiful mademoiselle! Are you sure we have not met in a previous life?" his French accent sounded oddly familiar. "If I hadn't been so dirty, I'd bow in front of your beauty and kiss your hand… after which I'd take you to the farthest room in this palace and let you show me how Heaven feels like." The man, despite his obvious wounds and exhaustion, flirted with the young nun shamelessly. A hard slap echoed throughout the entire compound, as she freed her hand from his grasp and made him shut up.

"I swear you're never going to learn your lesson!" her tone turned angry, as her face turned as red as a tomato.

"No when it comes to you, my dear!" he smirked evilly and winked at her, while she just turned away and stamped off to her previous activities. Despite the fact that they had just met each other, the two seemed to have quite a history together. Noticing their rather heated discussion, the Mother Superior approached the young man.

"Please accept our hospitality as payment for your brave actions. Had it not been for you, we would have probably been dead now."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Madame." The man seemed to turn into a perfect gentleman, completely different from his earlier behaviour.

"Please allow me to escort you to a free room." She smiled and pointed to one of the buildings. "In the mean time, I would like to ask you several questions. Will that be alright with you?"

"Of course, Madame." The man answered and took off his cap, allowing an incredibly long reddish-blonde plait to fall down his back, past his waist. The soldier in front of her was no ordinary human, but the Mother Superior did her best at hiding her shock and fear at the same time.

"First of all, is there any chance of clearing several areas of these terrorists?" she turned serious and the man let out a heavy sigh.

"No… at least not in these conditions. I tried to cross the English Channel, see what remained of France… but I couldn't even get a glimpse of my homeland as we were attacked even in the middle of the sea. It's almost as if for every vampire we kill, they turn two more humans and kill other four. They're insatiable and unstoppable. Madame, if this goes on, humans will become extinct faster than we've anticipated it."

"But you're still fighting." She stopped in front of an opened door and ushered him inside a small bedroom, more comfortable than any other place he had spent his nights in the past years. Dropping his heavy bag pack on the wooden floor, he sighed again.

"When I woke up after the incident, I had no more memories. At first I didn't even know what was going on and I hated not being able to tell friend from foe. Among the personal items I had on me, there was this picture of me and a pretty large group of men… my team I presume. I managed to find some of them: either dead or dying. Very few still alive and even fewer eager to join me in this stupid crusade." He spoke sadly. "I'm still fighting for all those people who can't remember… for all those who forgot everything."

"And we are thankful." The Mother Superior smiled and bowed slightly. "Do you remember anything before the Incident?"

"Nothing. Not even my own tastes in food." He let out a goofy smile, as if to release some tension.

"Really? You seemed familiar with one of my nuns." She sent him a questioning glare.

"Ah, forgive me for that, Madame. I guess today I've discovered one more thing about my previous self: I like large-breasted women." The man shrugged.

"Be careful around Sister Angelica. She's a sweet-natured girl, but if you don't behave, you will face her wrath." The older woman advised. "Oh forgive me, we've talked about so many things, yet I forgot to ask you your name."

"I must admit that I am not sure of that myself. I pass by Jean Durand these days, but I'm sure that this is not my name. Therefore, please accept my apologies once with this pseudonym."

"No worries. Nearly all of us are in your shoes, sir. Still, are you sure you don't recognize Sister Angelica?"

"Madam, I must admit that I wish I had known her for a longer time, but the truth is as I've previously stated. Unfortunately, I haven't met your apprentice until half an hour ago, when she saved my life." He smiled, but failed to convince the older woman. Even though he had forgotten it, he definitely had a connection of sorts with Angie…

"Well then, thank you for your answers. I'll let you wash and sleep for now. Our meal schedule is well-established, but I'm sure that we can make an exception for our saviour. Good night, sir." She bid him farewell and left him alone. The interminable night was going got bring even more dangers, so every moment of calm and silence had to be fairly welcomed and used.

Several minutes later, the Mother Superior silently entered one of the rooms in the building which served as a hospital and stood in front the bed holding Canterbury Cathedral's most important secret: the woman who could be Integra Hellsing herself… the only living human capable of summoning a force that could outmatch the rogue vampires: the No-Life King himself.

My mistake: that part of the summary didn't take place even in this chappie. Hopefully, I'll manage to integrate it soon enough. I'll just have to wait and see where my inspiration takes me. So far we have Pip and Seras - which is named Angelica for now, as you've noticed - next will probably be Walter, but I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, R&R please!