It was an epic showdown of gargantuan proportions. Lying tantalizingly on the coffee table was a box of cigs that contained only one cigarette. Two men glowered at each other from across the room. Their hands itched to grab the item, but they restrained themselves.

"Ready," began Spike, eyes narrowed. Jet bent his knees to spring forward.

"Set," he rumbled. Spike gripped the top of the couch.

"Go!" They cried in unison. Jet dove straight for the table, hands grasping for the cigarette, while Spike hurled himself over the couch. The older man glowed triumphantly when his fingers enclosed themselves around the abused box.

"Aaaaah!" Spike screamed, jamming his feet into Jet's back.

"Oof!" The impact caused Jet to lose his grip and the cigarette flew out of the box into the air, almost in slow motion, before Jet's eyes. Spike noticed the flying cig. He flipped into the air, watching the object of his desire hurtle below him.

He opened his mouth wide. He chomped his teeth together in a desperate attempt to catch the cigarette. He missed and lost sight of the cig when he landed on his feet.

Jet watched the cancer stick land at the tiny set of stairs. He scrambled to his feet and shoved Spike.

"Outta my way Spike-o!" He howled in glee.

"Aaah! Damn you Jet!" Spike and the couch flipped over with a loud 'BAM!'

Grinning at the scene behind him with devilish delight, Jet then turned to pick up the cigarette. There was an empty space where his precious prize had been just before.


"Looking for this?" A female voice purred.

Jet and Spike both silently stared at each other before turning their eyes to the woman before them. Faye froze at the sight of their deadly serious faces.

"Ready," Jet began as Spike rose from the floor. Faye backed away.

"Set," he growled. Jet cracked his neck. Faye's eyes widened and she took two more steps back.


"Aaaaiiiieee!" Faye screeched as she dashed from the kitchen and threw whatever she could find at the men chasing her. Her arsenal included a pile of her filthy laundry.

"Ah! Ew! Jet! She's playing dirty! She just threw her dirty panties at me!"

"What? Gross! Faye! Don't throw your underwear at me!"

"You know you're enjoying it!" She screeched over her shoulder.

"Like Hell! Give me the cigarette!" Spike exclaimed indignantly.

The chase overturned and demolished most of the Bebop's furniture and to Jet's great dismay, Spike managed to crash into one of his bonsai trees.

There is a lesson hereā€¦never tell anyone that there is only one cigarette left and take it for yourself.

The End