I started the day with my new ritual. Coffee, gossiping with Carla, saying hi to Turk, then semi-stalking Perry. So for, I had spent every night this week at his place, but we went back to the same way it used to be at work. Namely, him ignoring me, then insulting me every time I try to talk to him.

"So what is this new atrocity Dr Cox has committed?" Carla asked me. I had just spent the last fifteen minutes whining about our 'relationship.' I wordlessly showed her my forearm. "What is this?" she asked, reading it.

"His 'rules.'" This morning Perry had written a list of rules right across my arm in black sharpie.

1) Dr Cox is not to be referred to as anything other than Dr Cox, such as 'Perry' 'My Mentor' or 'My Boyfriend'

2) If you must tell people about how amazing Dr Cox is in bed, make sure they don't bother him about it later

3) Pestering Dr Cox at work will result in him yelling at you, no matter what the reason

"Wow… How's that working out for ya?" I glared at her. "You've been spending too much time with Dr Cox." I took my arm back and walked away.

"Hey JD!" Turk said when I met him in the break room.

"Hey Chocolate Bear." I sat next to him on the couch.

"Why so glum?" I showed him my arm. He read them and made a face. "He shouldn't treat you like that." Ever since the Dan thing, Turks been acting like a father.

(Dr Cox walked up to the door of a large suburban house, dressed like a teenager and carrying flowers. He cleared his throat, and knocked on the door. Turk answered, dressed like a middle aged man and sporting a bushy white mustache.

"I'm here for your son." he said, so nervous his voice cracked.)

"I should talk to him." No you shouldn't!

"Turk, don't!" He made a face. "I know he might act like this when we got together, if you say anything, he'll get mad." I went wide eyed and stuck out my lower lip a bit, and Turk fell for it hook, line and sinker. If only Perry was so easy to convince. I headed out for my first patients room, which 'coincidentally', was just two rooms away from one of Perry's patients.

How am I supposed to get him to act like he cares?

"Girl troubles?" asked my patient, a teenage girl with a broken leg.

"No…" I said. That's actually true.

"Oh… Guy troubles?" Mind reader!

"Is it that obvious?"

"What? That you're gay, or that you're having problems? 'Cause they're both pretty obvious." I frowned at her. She kept talking, "let me guess. You and your boyfriend aren't getting along, but you don't want to talk to him about it."

"You're good."

"I know. But I talk to all the nurses, so how no I not know about this already?"

"Well there were some rumors going around…" I went into flashback mode.

(Perry and I walked up to the nurses station, where they were all gossiping. He stopped and whistled. They all turned around to look at us. They went silent.

Perry glared at all of them. Then he put one arm around my waist and growled protectively. I think they got the message. Then he marched me away. I tried to peek at them over my shoulder.

"Don't look back." I snapped my head forward again.)

"…but he took care of them."

"Nice. Maybe that's how he shows that he cares. Or maybe he's just weird." That's helpful.

"Thanks… Well you seem okay. And I have like sixteen other patients to see to."

"See ya JD!" AHHHHHH! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I looked back over my shoulder at her, she was grinning like a maniac. I rushed out of there, and over to my next patient. On the way, I walked past Dr Kelso barking orders at Ted.

"… get the birds away from my parking spot, write up the notes for tomorrow's board meeting, finish the crunching the numbers for…" Wait, did he say board meeting?

"Dr Kelso! There's a board meeting tomorrow? A full board meeting?" Dr Kelso nodded, then they headed back down the hall.

"We have a problem."

I found Dr Cox one floor down.

"Martha, do I have to refer you back to rule number three?" He said, without looking up from his chart.

"There's a board meeting tomorrow."

"What? That's not possible. If there's a board meeting, then Jordan would be coming to town." I gulped and looked over his shoulder. He turned, and standing there was his terrifying ex-wife.