Soft grunts and moans filled my ears as I moved my fingers against her. My name escaped her lips over and over again, her eyes closed tightly in concentration as I pushed my fingers into her. "Edward. . ." She moaned as the pleasure began to build up. My pants were tight, holding back a monster. Just watching her was making me. . .I wasn't going to last long if I had to watch her any longer. The look on her face as she came. . .I almost pushed her up against the wall. . .Pushed her up against the wall and fucked the hell out of her. Her walls clenched around my fingers and I pulled them from her only as she came down from her high, a peaceful look on her face.

My eyes softened their intensity, like I was finished with her. I was peaceful, true, but the problem below had not been satisfied in the least bit. But this was just for her. We weren't doing this for me - I knew this would happen when I tried this. But. . .I guess I had thought I was stronger. Strong enough to hold it down. Hold it down long enough just to watch over her, then go back to my room and relieve myself of the painful desire that was coursing through my empty veins, that made my dead heart jump, that made my eyes fog up. I put my fingers to my lips to clean them of her juices, selfishly wanting at least some reward for such a. . .Painful. . .experience.

Her eyes moved to mine, and held them for a moment. The emotions in them were pretty intense, but I could not exactly read them.

She held my gaze for a moment longer before subtly letting her hand slide down to my problem. I groaned softly once before moving to place my hand over hers. For a split second, I thought of how nice release would be, how nice it would feel to have her hand there. . .

But, no, if I was going to be with her at all- If she were to do something like this right now, so early. . .It was not honorable. Not respectful. She deserved better than that. What I'd just done for her was just for her, just something to take everything off of her shoulders. I wanted her to feel better. But, as I looked into her hopeful eyes, I felt guilty. I was leading her on- making her expect so much for me so early. I mean, I had not even had time to fall in love with her before I'd touched her like that. Before I had touched her the day before. And. . .I was taking advantage of her attraction towards me. I had taken her from her home- from her one place of comfort- and pulled her into an unfamiliar conversation with a man she did not know, that offended her.

I pulled away from her instantly, letting her hand fall away from its spot, and looked into her rejection-filled eyes, remorse, anger, and guilt in mine. I wasn't angry with her. No, I was angry with myself for making her feel rejected. But I did not want to lead her on. I wanted to develop an emotional relationship with her before we went any farther physically, of even anywhere close to where we were. I shouldn't have done such a thing to her.

So, in an attempt to restrain myself from her, I turned and walked away, but not before I leaned down to press my lips against her forehead, trying to show her that while rejecting her, it was to protect her and myself. I wanted her to see that I wanted her. That I wanted to pursue a relationship with her. Or at least try.

I wanted her to know that I care for her.

Sorry if that was a crappy chappie. :( And I am very sorry that I just rhymed, making my apology seem joking.

I own nothing, but I do run two Twilight RPGs. x__X That's why I'm so busy, and school. . .But. . .At least I updated sooner than usual!

I would appreciate it if you guys told me what you wanted to see happen in this story. :) I'm writing this for you, not me. Well, I guess that it would go hand in hand. If you guys are happy, then I am too.

Updates will be coming sooner. I will try to update later today possibly, but it depends where motivation takes me. x__X