Checkups Are Never Easy

Chapter 1-Introduction (AKA the boring first chapter)

A/N: OK so this story is all about Sonic and the rest of the gang going in for their health checkups. I had this idea a while ago right before I was taken in for surgery on my foot. (It's a long, painful story) So each chapter is for a different person going in for their checkup. So read and review please! AND NO FLAMES! Oh and I didn't put cheese in here, I thought he would get in the way. Sorry Cheese fans!

Disclaimer: I do not own any Sonic characters happy now? Oh but I do own Sapphire the Bat and all hospital staff. (But you don't have to pay that much attention to them) And I do not own Slipknot either.

New A/N- Ok so this is the first story I am editing and revising. I plan to finish this whole story very soon. Now yes I did change the title from Sonic Checkups to Checkups Are Never Easy (it's just better that way) Enjoy!

Sitting in a very dull, very boring waiting room at Station Square Medical Center was the oddest-looking group of people you could ever imagine to find at a hospital. All of them sitting in 12 chairs around the room.

First, there was a blue hedgehog slumping in a hideously green colored chair with a smaller, more enthusiastic, pink hedgehog attached to his arm, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously at her captive.

Sitting next to them was a female (how could you not see that with what she's always wearing?) white bat who was busying herself with bothering a red, rather irritated looking echidna by playing with his long dread locks by twirling them in her gloved fingers, which in turn issued a low growl from the echidna's throat.

Next to them were a pair of female rabbits who looked similar to each other except for the fact that one was much bigger. (Age wise, not like she's fat)

Head banging next to the larger of the two rabbits was an even larger crocodile who had big black headphones on and was listening to Phsychosocial by Slipknot.

Sitting next to the smaller rabbit was an unusual fox with not one but two tails who was happily reading a magazine about various models of planes.

Across from him was a rather grumpy looking black hedgehog who was reading a newspaper with a disgusted look etched on to his peach colored muzzle, thinking about how screwed up the World was at the moment.

Next to Mr. Sunshine was a purple chameleon who was, at the moment, trying to break up a fight which had sparked between a young, male, hyper bee and a female light blue bat who looked a lot like the other bat but younger.

The chameleon finally seemed to gain control just as a nurse came out and looked at the rather large group with a blank face. He took a quick look at the clipboard he had in his hands gloved hands and called out, "Sonic the Hedgehog?"

"Right over here!" the cocky blue hedgehog said as he stood up, ripping away from the pink hedgehog's death grip who in turn gave a disappointed sigh. Sonic confidently strode over to the waiting hospital personnel.

"Right this way sir." the nurse dryly instructed as he started to lead Sonic away from the large group and down the hall to an examination room.

"Good luck Sonic!" the young fox yelled after him.

"He's gonna need it." The black hedgehog grumbled as he turned the page of the newspaper he held in his gloved hands.

Ok so I know this chapter was sorta boring (see above) but hopefully the next chapters will be better.

R&R please and NO FLAMES!!!