Checkups Are Never Easy

Chapter 13-Shadow

A/N: Well my friends, I'm afraid that this is the last chapter. I know that there will be tears, (well, I don't know about you guys) But you guys have been great reviewers. And maybe when I've finished a couple stories I might consider making the S word... No not THAT word you dirty people. I meant...sequel. Now please, enjoy the finale!

Shadow reluctantly stood and followed the nurse down the hallway of doom muttering something like, "I better not have the Swine Flu..."

Once he reached the dreaded room he didn't want to sit on the hospital bed (considering all the freaks that go to hospitals-including the people he came with) so he Seated himself on a chair that was pushed up against the wall.

30 minutes passed and Shadow was just about to get up and leave when a white hedgehog entered the room.

"I'm so sorry for the wait Mr...Shadow." the female doctor raised her clipboard to her face and read off the name. Shadow didn't say anything.

"Now my name is Dr. Brooke and we'll start off by doing some simple tests ok?" still no answer from the dark hedgehog.


The majority of Shadow's checkup was un-eventful. The next and last thing Shadow needed to do to finally finish his checkup and leave this god-awful place was to get an x-ray. But when the developed x-rays came back the doctor covered her mouth with a gasp. Shadow just raised a questioning eyebrow from across the room, waiting for the doctor to explain the gasp.

"Shadow... did you know that you had seven bullets in your chest?!" the doctor exclaimed as she turned to face the hedgehog.

"Hm..." Shadow lowered his eyebrow and the flabbergasted Dr. Brooke's mouth hung open.

"Shadow, haven't you felt any pain at all?!" she questioned, staring at the x-rays.

"I am the Ultimate Life Form, I feel no pain."

Dr. Brooke blinked, "Excuse me?"

"I, the Ultimate Life Form was created fifty years ago on the space colony ARK by one of the World's top scientists. I lived there for a while until the government thought I was a danger to society and tried to destroy me. But my best friend Maria tricked me into going into an escape pod, which she then ejected to Earth. There I was captured by GUN forces and put into suspended animation for 50 years." Dr. Brooke gave Shadow a look.

"Okaaaaay..." Dr. Brooke flung open the door.


Waiting room

The others were anxiously waiting for Shadow to get back when all of a sudden they saw two large security guards dragging a struggling Shadow out from the hallway by his ankles. The group didn't know what to do. Suddenly Shadow broke free, jumped to his feet, and ran to the center of the group.

"Let's get the hell out of here!" He then pulled out a chaos emerald and chaos controlled everyone out of the hospital."


Aw... it's all over? Yes, my friends sadly, it is. But now I want you guys to give the story an over-all grade. 1-10 please! Thank you guys! You've been great!