Treaty of Treason


Being and living are two terms that differ too much, but in the end they are brothers. In order for something to Be, it must Live. In order for something to Live it must assert itself as a Being. However, in this world of illusions, there are Dead Beings living and Living creatures that are never to be. Monsieur belonged to the former, and he knew it. He waited and waited, dead to life, hoping that one day, someone or something would make him alive. The late Emperor used to say so often, and even as cruel and totalitarian as he was, he had a point.

Monsieur was dead to the world from the day he was born; he was dead to his brothers and dead to his family. But Monsieur was meant to Be someone, and that was something even I took for granted. He wished to Be, wished to live, and by the grace of the Gods, he became as grand as the Emperor himself.

History may mark Monsieur as a traitor, impostor, and the most treacherous man the Royal Family of Britannia has seen. But treacherous and despot, Monsieur still managed to become the greatest man of the Empire, nay the World at one time. Remember all, you called him 'The Grand', not I.

Truth is what we want it to be. Truth may also be an illusion, but that is for you to decide. I judge not what the world deems fit, but what man sees unfit. As so, Monsieur deserves nothing but esteem. For my brother he was, but oh, what a great man he turned out to be. It is my wish that he may be remembered as he was, and not just the sins he committed. For he deserved nothing more, that misread prince, than to be loved.

…It is a saying among Divines, that Hell is full of good Intentions…

Excerpt from: 'Monsieur, The Grand'

Part of 'Tribute to the Imperial Family: Memoirs'