Hi, there! This would be my first Camp Rock fanfic. Though, not technically because I have about a dozen in my notebook at this point. But I liked this one the best, so here ya go. This will be sort of based off the JoBro song 'Got Me Goin Crazy' hence the the title. I'm sure you'll start noticing more though, the more you read the story.

I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Ha. Yeah right. I don't even have to say it. I don't own. I promise.

"Shane, what the hell were you thinking?!" Seethed a very pissed off Nate Addison, whom had just come back from a meeting with some very angry and threating record executives.

Shane carelessly looked up from the magazine he was reading, which of course had articles about himself, and glared at Nate. Nate always knew how to push Shane's buttons, but when he started shouting at him when he was trying to have some quiet time. But before he could say anything in retort, Nate started shouting again, pissing Shane off even more.

"You have no idea how close were are to being dropped! Nigel nearly chopped my head off because of what you did! One more bad tabloid, Shane, one more, and Connect 3 is done!" Nate ranted angrily, starting to pace the small living space of the tour bus. Shane glowered at Nate, before tossing the magazine and pushing himself off the couch he was occupying and to his feet. Shane Gray didn't take crap like that from anyone. Especially someone who was supposedly his best friend.

"So I walked off stage, big whoop." Shane growled, crossing his arms defensively across his chest. Nate stopped pacing and glared coldly at Shane.

"You stormed off stage in front of twelve-thousand people, Shane, not even half way through the concert!" Nate retorted seethingly. But it didn't effect Shane in the least bit. In fact, Shane just laughed.

"Fine, then let them drop us, they'll be losing the best band they ever had."

Nate rolled his eyes and shook his head. "The only thing that's being lost here, is our fans, because of your attitude. And we'll never get another record deal, once again, because of your attitude. So get it together, Shane. And if we do get dropped, don't expect me or Jason to hang around you anymore. We're sick of it." Now there was pity laced in Nate's voice, and that's what pushed Shane nearly over the edge. If Nate hadn't have walked back to his room, he would've been punched.

Instead, Shane was stuck in the living room, filled with anger, and some regret. He scowled in the direction Nate just went in, deciding against sitting back down. He grabbed a hat and shoved it over his head as a disguise and stormed off the bus. Walking off his anger was better than sitting and letting it build. It was night time, and there was hardly anyone out to recognize him, so he figured it was a good time to get off the damned bus away from his two 'best friends'. Ever since the band hit it big, the guys had drifted away from Shane. They didn't seem to want what Shane wanted. They all started out loving just the music, and wanted to make it big so they could share it with everyone. But then Shane loved the fame. It started out simple and normal, but the bigger the got, the more Shane loved being the center of attention. They guys stayed the same, but Shane was the one that alway wanted more. And when he didn't get what he want, well let's just say he developed a terrible temper that often made an appearance.

But now it seemed Shane was always mad. The once soft hazel color of his eyes were now nearly black. He hadn't seen his natural eye color in a long time. He sighed heatedly and picked up his pace, trying to cool himself a little. But his temper once again flared when he felt someone collide with him. He saw red and whipped around to glare at the girl who had just run into him.

"Why don't you watch where you're going once in awhile?" He snarled.

The girl who had an apologetic look on her face, quickly disappeared when she heard him.

"Why don't you stop being an ass once in awhile?" She retorted smartly. Shane was taken aback by it, no one ever talked to him like that. Especially strangers.

"Excuse me? You can't talk to me like that, do you know who I am?" His ego was now making its own appearence. But it seemed to take no toll on the girl who stood defensively in front of him.

"Unfortunately, I do know who you are, Shane Gray. And what gives you the right to talk to people like you're talking to me? You're not the king of the world, even though you think you are." Confidence and annoyance shone through her voice. Shane just glared.

"What's your problem?" He demanded after not being able to come up with any kind of cheeky remark to what she said.

"I don't think I'm the one with problems around here, pop star. Your the one with the head stuck up your ass." She remarked with a glare. "Now if you'll excuse me I have better things to do then talk to a jerk with an ego."

She stalked away before Shane could get another word in. Not that he'd be able to anyway. He was stuck in his place, shocked that someone would say stuff like that to Shane Gray. No one talked to him like that and got away with it. Of course he'd never have to deal with it before, everyone was smart enough to stay away. Of course, there was one person who had enough guts to put him in his place. And he was currently glaring at her retreating back.

He scoffed and stuffed his hands into his pockets before turning around and going the opposite direction. Trying to ignore the strange feeling that the girl seemed to give him as she yelled at him. He glanced back over his shoulder, to find her already long gone. He just shook his head and kept walking.

Shane ended up doing absolutely nothing except walking around and cursing to himself, not being able to get the girl with an attitude out of his head. So finally he made his way back to the tour bus where he'll more than likely be bombarded with questions from Nate, probably along the lines of, 'Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what would happen if paparazzi caught you randomly walking down the street?!' Shane just rolled his eyes, not really caring what Nate had to say anymore.

He stalked onto the bus and was instantly greeted by Nate and the question Shane knew would come from his mouth. Shane just ignored him and easily pushed by him.

"Hey, Shane!" Jason said happily from his spot on the couch where he was holding his guitar on his lap. Shane once again ignored him and walked by him. Shane always thought Jason was way too happy.

"It's probably best if we go to bed now, you guys. We have a busy day tomorrow, and a concert that's pretty late. We need as much sleep as we can get. That is unless someone decides to blow everyone off again." Nate grumbled, directing his glare towards Shane.

Shane just rolled his and bluntly replied, "Go to hell, Nate." He snarled, stomping back into the main bedroom, which he always slept in. He was the front man, he needed the best bed on the bus. He didn't really want to listen to Nate, most of the time was built on downright ignoring him. But he was right, not that Shane would ever admit it to his face. But they did have a couple of interviews and photoshoots and not to mention a signing. Followed of course by a concert that night.

So with that thought, Shane got ready for bed, turned out the lights, and climbed under the covers. He figured he would be asleep the second he hit the pillow. He usually was. But this time, everytime he closed his eyes, the girl who told him off popped into his view. And it was then he remembered how gorgeous she was. He was too angry to notice it then. But now he could remember the soft brown of the girls eyes, though he didn't see much of them, seeing as they hardened the second he spoke. She had long, straight light brown hair, and she was extremely hot when she was angry, Shane thought with a smirk. He could only imagine what she was like when she wasn't mad. He sighed and closed his eyes, trying desperately to put thoughts of the girl to the back of his mind and get at least a decent sleep.

The morning had basically sucked for Shane. He hated interview where stupid people asked him stupid questions that he usually didn't answer. Photshoots sucked as well. They always wanted him to be happy, and Shane didn't do happy. Especially in photoshoots. Now he was stuck in the CD signing. Those were the worst of all. He was surrounded by annoying girls who screeched when they saw him. Of course it was a great ego booster, but it still annoyed the crap out of him. They always looked like they were about to faint when they walked up to the table. Those were the girls he liked. The girls he absolutely despised were the ones who tried their hardest to seduce him, by wearing the trampiest clothes possible and tried to act all flirty around him. It did nothing but piss him off.

There were still a couple hundred girls waiting to meet them, and Shane couldn't be more annoyed at this point. He had been through every type of girl possible, and he just stopped trying to be polite. He was positive he had been scowling at every autograph he signed. But his eyes nearly widened when he heard the same voice that had been yelling at him the night before. He snapped his head up only to be met by the same girl, who was now smiling politely at Nate, whom had just asked her name.

"Mitchie. Mitchie Torres."

Shane nearly smiled. It was a unique name. It fit the girl perfectly.

"Mitchie, huh?" Shane smirked, but it faded when her polite expression turned to a glare as she gazed at him. But he didn't let it effect him.

"You didn't come off to me as a Connect 3 fan." She glared at him.

"I never came off as a Connect 3 hater. But I was pretty sure I came off as someone who despised Shane Gray." She remarked lowly but with a raised eyebrow.

"So why are you here?"

"So I could get Nate and Jason's autographs. I'm not here for your autograph." She said with a fake sweet smile. "Thanks, guys." She said towards Nate and Jason's direction before walking off, not even bothering to give Shane a second glance. Shane's eyes widened as he looked over at Nate and Jason, who seemed just as shocked as to what just happened.

Ok, so I noticed as I wrote this that Mitchie's a little OOC. But it was fun writing her arguments with Shane.

So I hoped you like this. I'll probably update in a couple of a days, depending on how many reviews I get -hinthint-