The characters in this story belong to Stephenie Meyer's brilliant mind!

Please read and review, but no flames please!

Edward could hear his thoughts. He knew Edward could hear his thoughts. Maybe he forgot or maybe he didn't care. Either way Jasper's thoughts were not something Edward had ever expected to hear, or see, from him. And yet, it intrigued him. They were very interesting, these thoughts. He hadn't approached Jasper about them because he didn't want them to stop. The first one was about a week ago.

It was night, but of course no one was sleeping, they didn't sleep. Carlisle was in his study; Esme was cleaning. Alice was in Seattle shopping and Emmett and Rosalie were out hunting. Jasper was in his room upstairs, reading; Edward was playing the piano. He suddenly stopped when an odd vision flashed through his head. It was Jasper and him in the forest. Edward had Jasper pinned against a tree and he kissing him fiercely. The vision was fleeting though; as soon as it was there it was gone. He frowned. He got up and made his way to the stairs. He wanted to find out what that was about. Then he heard "Oh Edward," moaned in his head. He froze, thinking. Then he smirked. He could have fun with this.

It had been a week and Edward had heard about a dozen thoughts like this. Each one more and more erotic. He was getting antsy. He had to admit they were turning him on. So he decided it was time for Jasper and him to go hunting. He walked into the kitchen where Jasper was.

"Would you like to go hunting with me?" He asked innocently.

Jasper looked at him then answered, "Sure."

They told Carlisle they were leaving and ran into the forest.

After a few miles of running, Edward stopped. He and Jasper stared at each other for a second.

"You didn't want to hunt, did you?" Jasper asked.

Edward flashed him his famous crooked smile.

"I've been hearing strange thoughts lately and I was wondering if you could help me figure them out."

"Strange thoughts huh? I suppose I could help. What are they about?" Jasper was smirking.

"Me... and you," Edward told him casually. "They are very intimate, really. I guess the person thinking them forgot I would be able to hear."

"Maybe the person wanted didn't forget and thought them because he knew you could hear them." Jasper replied in the same casual tone.

"Him? You think its a man?" Edward raised an eyebrow.

Jasper rolled his eyes. "We both know its a man."

Suddenly, Edward pushed Jasper against a tree. He brushed his lips against Jasper, but didn't kiss him.

"Does this look familiar?" He whispered against the older vampires lips.

For the first time, Jasper took his eyes off Edward and looked around. It was the same spot where he had had his first fantasy about the man in front of him. He turned his head and looked back into Edward's eyes. There was a smile in them.

"You planned this." Jasper whispered.

"You don't have to be able to read minds to know that." Edward answered.

He pushed Jasper into the tree and kissed him fiercely, letting him experience his fantasy. The kissed lasted a long time since neither of them needed to breathe. They finally pulled away from each other. Neither of them knew what to say. Edward knew what Jasper was thinking, though. He complied with his thoughts and kissed him again.