Inuyasha POV She was dead , I watched her die. Squirm and struggle for air , my lover ... I wanted to help her , aid her . But I could only watch , call her name , shout it until my lung were dry . Her eyes locked on to mine , pleading . She cried , breathless short , thick sobs . Her chest heaved up , as her last breathes approached . I saw them, too. I touched the glass that separated us . This unbreakable shield. She sank to her knees , slowly . No ..God , please , no .. I wanted to kill someone . The rage consumed me like the ocean , there was no fight . Zero resistance . I could feel my body shaking as the result . They were there , those two . Up there , laughing , smiling at me as if we were friends . I could just make out their shadows . My abilities were limited , I could no longer jump high without severely injuring myself . My legs were still buckling from the last 100 tries of jumping .

My body slowly started sinking as the invisible gas filled my chamber .

I began to cough blood .