A/N: I am so sorry I haven't updated this in months but the truth is, I'm growing tired of this story and I've been putting it off. But I'll try to be better about it. Ok, enough of that, here's the chapter.

Chapter 6: Serious Bidness

"What?" Sam was speechless. There was no way Angela was interested in Freddie. She didn't even know him. Whore.

"He just seems cute and I was thinking..." Sam cut her off.

"Whoa there Angela. I know you don't like Freddie. You're just up to something. What is it?"

"Ok fine I might as well tell you. You can't do anything to me, not while I hold your Harry Potter love over you. I want to date him because I know it'll drive you crazy.''

"What?! I don't even care if you date Freddie or not! He doesn't mean anything to me," Sam said this more to herself than to Angela.

"Oh I think he does," Angela said, stepping a bit closer toward the blonde. People around them were starting to stare.

"No, I don't. And you know what?"


"Tomorrow at school I'm going to tell Freddie that I've met a girl he really should start dating. She's perfect for him!" Sam was pissed beyond belief and she didn't know why. Why did only evil girls ever want to date Freddie? First Valerie now Angela? Crap.

"Really?" Angela shot back, "See you at school then."

"Wait you're going to my school now too?!" No, no, no! thought Sam, Stupid nub.

"Yup, aren't you glad?" Angela smiled one of those phony hollywood actress smiles.

"Overjoyed," Sam deadpanned. What was the point any more? Angela had the dirt on her.

"Bye then!" And with that, the two-faced bitch that was Angela Brown skipped back down the street, leaving Sam on the sidewalk being bumped into by multiple hobos.

When she finally collected herself, the noon sun was beating down on her. She shook herself out a bit, and decided to take the long way home, so she could think of a way to tell Freddie he should date Angela. What did they have in common? Absolutely nothing. Freddie was a dweeb, in love with Carly, and didn't like violence. Angela was a tough but somehow pretty girl, in love with herself, and loved to pick a fight just for the heck of it. How would she ever be able to convince Freddie that they would be good together? Freddie may be a bit blind-sighted some times, but he certainly wasn't stupid.

At this point Sam had reached her apartment building, and entered into the front lobby. It wasn't nearly as nice as Carly's, and it always smelled a little like cat pee. Sam had always thought this to be strange, as their doorman, Ted, HATED cats but was pretty much alright with everything else. He was a MUCH better doorman than the one over at Carly's, Lewburt. Ew.

Sam climbed into the elevator and hummed along to the music as she made her way up to the seventh floor. When the doors opened, she walked down the narrow hallway toward her and her mother's place. She opened the door, because her mother never locked it, and yelled:

"Mom! I'm home!" Her mother came out of the kitchen in a puke-colored jogging suit, her sandy-blonde hair pulled back into two wild pigtails.

"Hey cupcake, I was just making some casserole, mind being my taste-tester?" Sam almost went into shock.

"You're actually cooking? What did someone die?!"

"No, crazy. We've just got a visitor."

"Not another sleezeball boyfriend of yours Mom! I refuse to sit through one more meal with some jerk you've picked up at that sketchy bar where-"

"Oh gee, thanks a lot." The bathroom door had just opened to reveal a teenage boy with dark hair, and a green striped shirt on.

"Oh, Freddie, er, I didn't-"

"Naw, it's ok. You didn't mean me, I get it." The three of them stood there for a moment, in an awkward silence. Then Sam's mom said she had to get back to lunch, which would be ready in about five minutes. Sam and Freddie headed back to Sam's room.

"So, what's up, Fredwina?" Sam asked as she sat down on her bed, which sagged a bit under her weight. Freddie looked around a bit, and finally decided it was alright to sit next to her.

"Well, I was just wondering if I could ask a favor." Sam rolled her eyes.

"For the last time, I will not tell Carly you lift weights every day before school starts! First of all, I don't lie to Carly, and second, she would never believe me!"

"No, no, no, that's not what I was gonna ask."


"Yes, really. But it is about Carly..."

"Lord, here we go."

"Sam, would you stop jumping to conclusions?"

"Would you stop making the conclusions so easy to jump on?"

"Sam! I really wanted your help!" Freddie stood up as though he was going leave, "I guess I should have known."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Sam stood up too, so that she was almost eye-level with him. When had he gotten so tall?

"I mean, I have to help you whenever you get into a pickle, but whenever I ask something of you, you just shoot me down or make fun of me." Sam giggled. "What?" Freddie didn't see what was so funny.

"You said 'pickle'." She laughed some more.

"Sam!" She tried to control herself, but it didn't really work. "Fine, I'll just go then. Thanks a lot." He seemed truly upset. He headed toward the door. Finally Sam rolled her eyes for the thousandth time and grabbed his sleeve.

"Fine, I guess I owe you a bit for helping me get out of detention when I put wild lobsters in Ms. Briggs' desk. What do you need help with?"

"Thank you." They both sat down on Sam's beat up bed. Their knees barely brushed.

"Ok, it's about Carly, but I don't need you to put in a good word for me or anything, that's not what this is about. Truth is, I'm done crushing on Carly. And I was wondering if you knew a good way to get over someone."

Sam burst out laughing again. "What?!" Freddie never had a clue what was going on in Sam's brain.

"Sorry, but for a second there I thought you were serious." Then they heard the screech of Sam's mom telling them that whatever monstrosity of non-edible toxic waste she had created was on the table. Sam stood up and said, "Come on dweeb, soup's on."

"Sam, I AM serious."

A/N: Whew, all done. I know it's short, but I like the way it came out. Oh and sorry about all of the grammatical mistakes I'm sure I made. I wrote in a bit of a rush. Thanks for reading and being patient with me not updating.

Much love,
