Little miss muse has struck again, so here I am, loves! I've missed this little gem. Have you? Let's see what drama unfolds!

x Sweetie x

Chapter Nineteen : Anticipation

"Our room?" Fred asked, incredulously.

"It's where I feel the safest, Fred, and I'm going to need that to face him again," was Ron's response.

Fred sighed, sweeping a lock of hair from Ron's eyes, and kissing him softly.

"If that's what you need, love, then that's what you'll get."

Ron curled up into Fred's arms, drawing a shaky breath as he tried to mentally prepare himself for the confrontation.

"Really, Draco, it's fine. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs spend more time in our commons than their own it seems like, most of the time," Harry stated, tugging on Draco's hand.

"If you haven't noticed, Potter, I am neither," Draco hissed, reverting to Harry's surname due to the tension of the situation, and pulling Harry to a stop.

Harry rolled his eyes, pausing on the stair to look at the blonde. He took both of Draco's hands in his own.

"I know you don't like new situations, but if we are going to be spending time together, don't you think we should get used to each other's commons? We can't spend all of our time in empty classrooms," Harry stated, indulgently.

Draco peered around Harry, just able to make out the Fat Lady at the top of the stair. In the short amount of time they had spent together, Harry had learned that Draco's eyes were his most expressive feature. He could read the nervousness and tension in his expression, even though anyone else who passed would only see that icy Malfoy mask. He kissed the blonde softly, steeling his resolve. Draco took a deep breath and began walking the steps of his own accord. If his hand grasped Harry's a little tighter, neither of them mentioned it.

"They're staring, Potter," Draco whispered, nearly inaudible in the silence of the room.

Harry grinned and cuddled a little closer. "They'll get used to it," he whispered back.

"Oi! You lot. Bugger off," Harry called out with a grin.

The handful of people that had been gaping at the couple openly, started, blushing and looking away. Draco dug his elbow into Harry's side.

"What the blazes do you think you're doing?" he demanded.

Harry just chuckled and laid his head on the blonde's shoulder. "Well, they're not staring anymore, are they?"

Draco stared at him, dumbfounded, until the flash of frizzy brown hair in his periphery drew his attention away.

"Granger," Draco greeted, coolly, as he saw the witch approach.

Harry's head snapped up at the sound of her name, his eyes searching Hermione's face for her reaction. She stared down at the two, noting their entwined fingers and their close proximity. She nodded in return, settling herself on the chair across from them.

"Hello, Malfoy," Hermione responded, politely, before turning her attention to Harry. "Hey, Harry, how are you?" She ventured.

"I'm doing a lot better, 'Mione. I just wish I could get Ron to talk to me," Harry said, seemingly pleased that they were on speaking terms again.

He watched as her eyes flitted to Draco, nervously, before she spoke again.

"About that," she paused briefly. "Can we talk for a second?"

Draco's hand tightened almost painfully around Harry's fingers. He clearly wasn't comfortable already, but being left alone was not an option.

"You can say whatever you need to in front of Draco. He's my... Well..." Harry trailed off awkwardly.

"I'm his boyfriend," Draco cut in.

Harry glanced over at him shyly, a smile on his face.

"Right, well, yeah..." he stammered, "He knows everything anyway."

If Hermione was surprised by it, she didn't show it, but she continued regardless.

"Ron wants to talk to you. Preferably in his room. Tonight, if you can. Both of the twins want to be there, if you're okay with it. Though, Fred is demanding to be present, at least."

Harry's eyes widened. Draco ran his thumb over the back of his hand, reassuringly.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever he wants," he managed to choke out.

He had been working so hard to get Ron to agree to speak to him, but now that it was a reality, he felt sick.

"How long until he gets here again," ask Ron, nervously.

Fred slid his hand over his brother's back, hoping to comfort him.

"It'll be about a half hour, little brother. Unless you want me to call it off. You know I will tell the bastard to sod off, if that's what you want."

Ron spared a glance at his brother, smiling briefly, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"No, Fred. I told you. I need to do this. But..." Ron glanced around nervously.

"What, Ronnie? Tell me. I'll do anything."

"Can we transfigure the beds into chairs? I don't think I can be in the same room as both Harry and a bed quite yet..."

Fred's fists clenched, his blunt fingernails digging into his palms. He did not like this idea. He didn't like it at all. It was too soon. Ron was strong, but was he ready for this? He took a few deep, steadying breaths.

"Of course," he said quietly. "I'll take care of it, Ronnie."

He stood, lifting his wand, shaking the tension out of his shoulders, as he felt two slim arms wrapping around his waist. Ron tucked his chin on Fred's shoulder, brushing his lips against the sensitive skin of his neck just below his ear.

"It'll be okay, Fred. I promise. I'm going to be fine, and you are going to be right here with me."

Fred closed his eyes, relishing in the closeness and the much-needed comfort as he swept his wand across the room, the beds now harmless chintz armchairs.

"I hope so, love."

He opened his eyes, turning in Ron's arms and kissing him briefly. He pulled Ron close to his chest, holding him there as they both drew strength from the embrace.

"I really hope so."

So there you have it! The much anticipated confrontation! Coming up soon... Any guesses as to what will happen? With Harry bring his new boyfriend? Will he let both twins in the room? Read and review!