A/N: Now that I've discovered this category, I can finally write this! I've been dreaming of this moment for so long!

Disclaimer: I only own myself.

Kill the Witch

It Begins

No one knew who planned it, but they all sure loved it. This was a great day; all 22 campers had come back together for a big reunion party. Even Chris and Chef had attended, and Chef had actually prepared decent food this time. Everyone was currently doing what they felt like doing at the party of Camp Wawanakwa.

Tyler was currently making out with his girlfriend Lindsay, Geoff and his girlfriend Bridget were out for a swim in the lake, DJ was spending some quality time with Bunny, his pet rabbit, Duncan and his girlfriend Courtney were nowhere to be seen, Trent was playing a song for his girlfriend Gwen, Harold was reading poetry to his girlfriend Leshawna, Beth was looking for Cody, Cody was hiding from Beth, Katie and Sadie were gazing at Justin, who was busy looking good, Ezekiel was sleeping under a tree, Noah was reading a book, Heather was taking a shower, Eva was lifting weights, and Izzy was listening to Owen's fart rendition of Beethoven's Fifth, and had almost forgiven him for leaving her with the psycho killer (aka. Chef). Everything was great, but they were still confused about one thing.

"So if Chris didn't plan this, and Chef didn't plan this, and none of us planned this, who did?" Gwen asked.

"I did," someone said. A girl with long brown hair, black sunglasses, a green T-shirt with angel-wing sleeves, bell-bottoms, and a green cats-eye pendant around her neck.

"So who are you?" Beth asked, taking a break from her search.

"My name's Sentai Yamaneko and I'm a major TDI fan. I watched the whole series and noticed that Heather had been nothing but mean to almost everyone on the island. I never liked her, and I can tell that some of you still don't like her either," she told them.

"Where are you going with this, Sally?" Lindsay asked.

"It's Sentai. I've been planning a little surprise for Heather, and that's why I invited everyone here. By the way, where did Duncan and Courtney go?" she asked.

"We're right here," Duncan explained as he and Courtney left the forest and re-entered the camp.

"Why is there lipstick on your cheek?" Cody asked.

"Let me guess; you were making out with Courtney in the woods, weren't you?" I accused.

"So what if we were?" Courtney retorted. "Why do you care?"

"I just think that you guys make a very cute couple. Anyways, I brought you all here for one purpose; tormenting Heather. You see, I've always wanted to torment her, but I can't do it alone. Who's with me?" Everyone raised their hands.

"She won't be able to do anything to us even if she finds out, because I've taken many necessary precautions. All we need now are ideas for tormenting her. We can even kill her; I know how to bring her back if we do."

"Cool!" Izzy commented.

"I know! You've always been one of my favorites, Izzy. So if we really put an effort into it, we can come up with some of the best ways to torture her! Everyone think hard about this, and be sure to get creative!" I told them. This was going to be fun.


A/N: Short, I know. Please send in ideas on how to torture/kill Heather; the more the better! Send me these suggestions in reviews, because without them I can't update!