A/N- Hello everyone! So this isn't my first fanfic, but it is my first Bella/Edward. Anyway, I'm not going to say much so I hope you enjoy the story and it would be much appreciated if you reviewed!

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight and all it's characters. This disclaimer goes for the whole story, it will not be posted in every chapter, but it is acknowledged for all of them!

Ever since that first biology class, my mind has been stuck on Edward Cullen. I've been trying everything to keep my mind off him, including homework (Trig does the work until I'm done…) and anything else I could find. Unfortunately I haven't been very successful, mainly because he's invaded my dreams. Lately I've only had a few nights that I've been too tired to dream of him. To make my life and problem any better…

I've gotten myself sick.

I was supposed to go to La Push with Mike Newton and some other people from school, but apparently life hates me. Currently I'm stuck on the couch wrapped in a blanket. My box of Kleenex sits on the table next to me along with a glass of water. I flipped through the channels, completely bored, trying to find something to entertain my brain long enough for me to go back to sleep. Maybe something dull would be helpful… one of my teachers from Phoenix told me to watch the weather channel to put me to sleep. I might just have to try that out… The only good thing about this cold so far was that I had all of my homework done. All of my books were currently in my backpack which was pushed next to my desk. I just hoped I didn't trip over it as I stumbled into my room tonight in the sickly manner that I had adopted this weekend.

Charlie had staid home with me yesterday instead of going fishing with some of his friends. I had promised him I was fine, but he wouldn't let me move. He had attempted to make some soup, but just ended up going to the store for the canned ones. I was probably safer that way too. Today I was able to convince him to go to work like he had planned before I got sick. I promised I would call him every couple of hours to let him know I hadn't died and I had just made the first of what I think will be many calls to the station.

By now I had found the weather station and as I watched it my eyes slowly shut and most of my brain was shutting down. The part that wasn't decided to go into overdrive and bring the images of Edward Cullen back up from where I had buried them. I quietly groaned, but couldn't find the will power to make them disappear. I saw his white hands clenched and his face looking straight or his full face from when he started talking to me. Once my memories pulled up our lunch conversation before switching to him talking to me in biology.

Thankfully the phone rang and woke me up from my trance. I groaned as I got up and found the phone in the kitchen. "Hello?" My voice cracked and I coughed until I found my way back to the couch and my water.

"Bella, how are you feeling? Charlie called me." It was Renee, figures. I should have known Charlie was going to call her.

"I'm fine mom."

"You don't sound like it. I should have asked Charlie to stay home with you. Is he taking good care of you when he is home?"

"Yes mom, he tried to make soup last night, but ended up going to the store. He bought a lot of soup so I can easily get some if I need to."

"I still think he should be home. What happens if you get a fever?"

"Mom, I'll be fine. I know how to handle these things. I'm already starting to feel better. Just a bit more of sleep and some more soup and I'll be better."

"He still should have staid home with you."

"I told him to go. He already missed a fishing trip for me."

"But Bella…"

"Mom, I've been sick before, I'll be fine."

"I want you to call me tonight, when you wake back up."

"I will."

"Alright, now go get some sleep."

"Mk." I yawned. Sleep sounded really good right now. Plus if it was anything like last night I would be too sick to dream of a certain Cullen.

"I'll talk to you tonight then."

"Mk, bye mom." I said.

"Bye, remember to call me." She was desperately clinging onto the conversation.

I rolled my eyes before telling her I wouldn't forget and then hanging up. I should have expected her to call. I really should have been better prepared. I got up from the couch for hopefully the last time to go find my Nyquil. I hated the stuff, but I'll take it when I have to. Hopefully I'll find some peace in a dreamless sleep, emphasis on dreamless.


I had spent all Sunday on that stupid couch and I wasn't happy about it. I did start to feel better by the time Charlie got home and I had to call Renee again. The next morning I was feeling even better and was able to convince Charlie to let me go to school. I told him the fresh air would be good for me. It was bright that morning, no rain in site, but Charlie still told me to take my jacket so I wouldn't get sicker again. I parked my truck and let my eyes scan over the parking lot. There was no visible silver Volvo so I slid out of my truck and started heading towards the school.

"Hey Bella! How are you feeling?" Mike asked as he caught up to me. I just wanted to make it to English so I could lay my head down and fall asleep.

"Good enough to come to school. Sorry I couldn't make it to La Push this weekend." I said with a smile.

"It's alright. It just sucks that you had to spend such a nice weekend inside." Mike shrugged.

"Ya, no kidding. It was like something didn't want me to go down to La Push with you guys." Ok, I was kind of grateful I didn't have to go. I wouldn't have to deal with Lauren's temper nor would I have to deal with Eric or Mike. Maybe there was a positive aspect to this weekend after all.

Most of the morning went by pretty fast. Yet again I surprised myself by being excited to go to lunch because I might get to see Edward, but my hopes were dashed when his table was completely empty. I was starting to think fate was real and it just didn't want me to get to know Edward Cullen. I was a bit disappointed, but turned my attention to Jessica. She had asked me to go Port Angeles with her tomorrow after school and for some reason I agreed. I wasn't going to the dance so I had no reason to go shopping, but hanging out with some of the girls would make Charlie happy I guess.

"So Bella, you're going to ask your dad about tomorrow right?" Jessica asked.

"Ya, I'll call you tonight after I've asked him." I said.

"Ok, cool." Jessica was far too easy to please. So was Mike. It seemed that most people were easy to make happy here in Forks.

Biology was biology. It went smoother than usual, but was also so boring without Edward there to distract me. I still found that thinking about him had the same affect. Damn him. I wish I could actually pay attention. At least I'd already gone over everything in my old school.


Needless to say, Charlie was pretty much thrilled that I wanted to go to Port Angeles. He was a bit hesitant still I still had a slight cough and a slight runny nose, but I promised him I'd take Nyquil again tonight and if I wasn't feeling up to it tomorrow I'd come home instead. With that answer he easily agreed. I'm pretty sure he was trying to limit his reaction… I know he was thrilled. I think the fact that I was making friends made his day… or at least night.

"Hi Bella!" Jess answered. The phone had only rung once and her loud greeting surprised me.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I can come tomorrow as long as I'm feeling better."

"That's great! Alright, well we'll leave right after school."

"Ok, I'll need to drop my truck off then."

"That's fine, I can follow you and we can leave from your house then." Jessica answered. Again, far too easy to please.

"Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Ok! Bye!" Jessica hung up and I looked in my closet for something to wear. I knew I wasn't trying to impress anyone, but I didn't want to look completely sick while I was with the girls.