Here is the last chapter! Thanks for all the reviews and support while I was writing this :D

Standard disclaimers


Chapter 21--- Life As I Know It

Ranger's POV

It was wrong to laugh in the situation, but I couldn't help it. The sight of Steph with a beer in her hand sitting on Morelli's counter while pointed a gun at him was priceless. One of those rare moments I wished I had a camera.

My men entered through the interior kitchen door along with the cops. The sight must have greatly amused them too because all I could hear around me was laughter.

Steph gave me a wide smile before setting the gun and her beer down and walking quickly over to me. I wrapped my arms around her as she tucked her head under my chin.

The men stopped laughing and went around to secure Morelli. I never would have thought that I was okay with it being him who was targeting her. He would have never hurt her badly, not like some of the others who I had imagined could have. This was a tame stalker, which sounded like an oxymoron when I thought it.

I took Steph outside, in case Morelli was to wake up I didn't want her in there. Once we were in the backyard I titled her head upwards and give her a thorough kiss. Afterwards, I checked her over to make sure she wasn't hurt. Besides a little markings on her wrists, where I'm assuming her was handcuffed, she looked fine.

I smiled down at her, "Proud of you, Babe."

"Thanks, Batman," she said with a wide smile back, "I knew you were close, and I could have waited for you, but then you would have gotten to have all the fun."

I laughed out loud for the second time, "Will you tell me what happened?" I asked gently.

"Well, I went to the bathroom at the police station, which by the way you CAN NOT yell at Lester for…" She began pulling away slightly afraid that I had hurt Lester.

"I figured as much, Babe, and no I haven't hurt him…yet," I said, muttering the last part under by breath. Steph heard and lightly punched me in the arm.

"No you won't, anyways, I went to the bathroom and I was washing my hands when I saw him in the mirror. I tried to get away but he got to me too fast. I did manage to leave my watch for you so you would know I hadn't just wandered off."

"We found it Babe. Good job," I said and I meant it. Leaving something personal behind would always alert us to the fact that she hadn't gone willingly.

"When I woke up I was here, with my hands cuffed behind my back. Joe started talking about how I was where I belonged now and I needed to grow up and realize that this is where I belonged. I knew the only way to get away was to go only with it," she hesitated as though her pretending she loved Morelli would upset me.

"Babe, I know you love me. If it got you out of the situation you could have bashed me all you want," I said, reassuring her that it was fine.

She let out a big breath of air before continuing, "I told him that I had to go to the bathroom so he uncuffed me and let me go. He said that he had bought me a cookbook and so I played along that I wanted to start tonight. When I was in the pantry I had him come over to help me get something down and that is when I hit him over the head, and kicked him so that he was unconscious."

I smiled. She had done very well to get herself out of it. It must have taken a lot of self control to tell him that she wanted to be his little housewife.

The cops came out and I released her to go see them. They all gave her high fives and congratulated her on taking Morelli down.

"Sorry, Steph, Ranger, if you want to press charges you are going to have to give statements and all that jazz," Eddie said sending me an apologetic glance.

"It will be well worth it. Steph and I will meet you at the police station."

After all of it was done I decided to take Steph back home and let her get some sleep. I could tell that she was exhausted. I had already had all of her purchases put back and away in the apartment.

Steph fell asleep in the car, and I carried up to the apartment and laid her in bed, glad that all of this mess was finally behind us.

Two weeks later

Ranger's POV

I was nervous as all hell. This emotion was new to me, I had never been nervous like this before.

Tonight, I was going to ask Steph to marry me. I thought she would say yes, but her marriage issues had me doubting.

After she had been kidnapped two weeks ago I knew this was something I wanted to do. Surprisingly it wasn't the kidnapping that made my mind up; it was how Steph had began to change the apartment into a homey place. When I saw what she had bought that day, I knew that I wanted her to be my wife.

So, I'd bought a ring a few days later. If I say so myself I had done a pretty good job. The ring had a princess cut center stone and pave-set diamonds all along the platinum band, which was criss-cross.

I was hoping so badly that she would say yes. I would never trap her, and although I would be sad if she said no, I would still accept whatever she wanted. As long as she was happy, so was I.

I decided against taking her out somewhere and proposing. I figured that the perfect place would be in our apartment, instead of a big lavish event.

I slowly made my way up the apartment, my nerves growing.

Steph's POV

I was curled up on the couch watching TV in my sweatpants. Ranger should be home soon, and I was hoping that I would have the courage to tell him what I had wanted to tell him ever since my last run in with Joe.

That maybe all the things I had recoiled from in my life, marriage and children were actually something I wanted.

I didn't think he would run for the hills, but I couldn't be absolutely sure.

Looking around our apartment, I smiled at how much a home it had become. There were photos on the wall, knick knacks around that showed that this place was actually a home and not just a transition for Ranger.

I heard the door open and I smiled as Ranger stepped into view. As usual, my mouth started salivating, only double time today. He had had meetings all day, and his all black Armani business suit always made me want to jump him.

"Babe," was all he said as though he was reading my mind, "Not reading your mind, just knowing what you are thinking since the last time something like this occurred you actually did jump me."

I smiled. That I did. I couldn't walk in that doorway now without smiling like a fool.

Ranger sat down next to me and gave me a quick kiss. He seemed nervous, why was this?

"How was your day, Babe?" He asked.

"Not bad, caught two of my skips today, and didn't get covered in anything," I replied. Those two skips I had today couldn't resist taking a trip to the cops in a Porsche. I refused to take my precious car when I was hunting skips, so I took the Cayenne when I was getting them.

Ranger cleared his throat and grabbed both my hands, pulling them into his lap. Wow, he really did look nervous.

"Babe, I love you. Two weeks ago, I know Morelli wasn't that dangerous, but it could have been worse and I had to face that fact that this could happen again and I might lose you," Ranger began clearing his throat as though he didn't know what to say or how to say it. I let him keep talking, it seemed as though he really wanted and needed to get this out.

"I want to be with you forever Steph, and I want everyone to know that you are mine," he said, and my heart stopped as he got off the couch and got down on one knee, "Babe, will you be mine forever? Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Tears filled my eyes and his words and the ring in his hand.

"Yes, Carlos, oh yes I will!" I leaped into his arms, kissing him as he slipped the ring on my finger. Damn, it was gorgeous!

"Carlos, it's beautiful," I said gazing down at the ring.

"I know your stance on marriage and children, Babe..." he began, but I cut him off.

"That has change Carlos," I cleared my throat knowing now was the time, "When I was with Joe he made me picture my life to try to convince me marriage and children with him was the way to go. But all I pictured were our children and our life. I want that with you Carlos!" I flung my arms around his neck as he picked me up and spun me around.

"Babe," he said as he kissed me, both of us filled with joy. It was with that kiss, and the ring on my finger, that life as I know it changed forever, and in a completely amazing way.


To see pictures of Steph's ring check out my profile for the links, and remember to read and review :D

Keep looking for Steph's experience at the school of Pleasure Treasurers! It's coming soon.