Not mine. Not making a dime.

This is in response to Dee's "Back to School" challenge. It's a one shot that takes place about four years after the epilogue in my first fanfic, "the distraction".

Julian's First Day of Kindergarten

Stephanie couldn't stop the tears from filling her eyes at the sight of her firstborn exuberantly packing his markers and Sponge Bob notebooks into his matching yellow backpack. She couldn't believe that it had been a little over five years since she'd given birth to the amazing little boy in front of her.

Julian chose that moment to look up at her, his wide blue eyes an exact match of her own. God, he was such a beautiful child. Soft black curls framed a face full of innocent mischief. His skin was an exotic shade of mocha latte- heavy on the milk- showing off his Cuban/Italian heritage. He was a perfect combination of his parent's best qualities and Stephanie had never loved anybody as much as she loved her son in that instant.

Granted, she loved her husband with every fiber of her being. And she adored her daughter, three-year-old Sophie, with a ferocity that sometimes scared her. But looking at her son, she was struck with the urge to grab him up in her arms and never let go. To somehow stop this whole growing up process and to keep him her little boy forever.

Julian walked up to her, dressed like his daddy in black cargo pants and a black tee shirt. Dressing like his father and uncles was one of his favorite things to do, the little boy desperate to show everybody that he was just as tough as the men in his life. Even though Stephanie had tried to convince him to wear a little color, at least on the first day of school, Julian's genetic stubbornness had kicked in. The sight of her five year old son standing in front of her with his arms crossed over his little chest and a perfectly maintained blank expression on his face was enough to make her give in to anything he demanded. And he demanded that on his first day of school, he would be dressing like his daddy.

Who was she to argue?

Stephanie stared at him, forcing a smile as he stopped directly in front of her. His blue eyes showed concern as he reached out a pudgy little hand to wipe away her tears. His actions struck her hard. It was something Ranger would do.

"Why you cryin', Mommy?" Julian asked, his voice soft.

Stephanie sniffled. "I'm just so proud of you, baby. I can't believe you're about to start school."

His worried face brightened up instantly and he smiled. "I can't wait. Lisa says Miss Polk is really nice. And she gives out cookies sometimes."

Smiling at her son, Stephanie reached out and straightened the collar on his shirt. "That's what she told me, too. Sounds like Miss Polk will be a very good teacher."

His smile dimmed slightly, revealing a rare moment of uncertainty. "I hope so." He bit his full lower lip as he looked down at the new black World Industries shoes on his feet.

Stephanie's heart clenched at the nervousness in her child's voice. She was more determined than ever to forget this whole kindergarten foolishness. They could afford a tutor to teach him everything at home. He could be home schooled for the next thirteen years and she would never have to know the fear of sending him away to a school full of strangers.

Even as she was plotting this all in her head, Stephanie sighed, knowing that she needed to be strong. She needed to assure her son that everything would be okay. She needed to let go and let him fly.

Reaching out, Stephanie grasped Julian's shoulders lightly, pulling him into her arms. "Miss Polk will love you just like Daddy and Sophie and I do. Just like Uncle Tank and Uncle Lester and Uncle Bobby do. People can't help but fall in love with you."

His little arms wrapped around her neck and she held onto him for dear life. "You promise?"

"Cross my heart." She took a deep breath, inhaling his sweet baby scent before pulling back. "Are you ready to join Daddy and Sophie for breakfast?"

Julian nodded emphatically. "Doughnuts, Mommy?"

Stephanie chuckled. He was so much like her. "I think I might be able to sneak you one."


Breakfast in the Manoso household was like feeding time at the zoo. While Stephanie and Julian ate Boston Creams, Ranger and Sophie ate oatmeal muffins and fruit. Or at least Ranger ate the muffins and fruit. Sophie seemed happy enough to just fling everything around in joyful glee.

Ranger tried to look stern as he scolded his daughter. "Sophia Rose Manoso. What did I tell you about throwing your food?"

Three-year-old Sophie stared up at her father with wide, innocent brown eyes. "Wait 'till you go to work?"

Stephanie raised an eyebrow and Ranger grinned. Leaning closer to his daughter, he whispered conspiratorially, "You're gonna get me in trouble with Mommy, querida."

Sophie glanced over at Stephanie, puckering her bottom lip out pitifully. "You not mad at Daddy? He'll be sad if you're mad at him."

Stephanie groaned. That pouty lip would no doubt get her little girl out of plenty of scrapes throughout the years. Especially with her parents and uncles. "I'm not mad at Daddy, sweetie. I do think he's giving you bad advice, though."

Ranger laughed, spearing an orange section with his fork. He turned his attention to Julian, who was intently devouring his doughnut. "You ready for your big day, son?"

Julian nodded, his mouth full of pastry and his lips and nose covered with vanilla cream and powdered sugar. "Do you think I'll know anybody?"

Stephanie reached over and swiped his face clean with a napkin. "You know Maddie. She'll be in your class."

Julian's eyes lit up immediately and Stephanie smiled to herself, recognizing puppy love when she saw it. Maddie Elliot was the daughter of Ranger and Stephanie's friends, Clare and Keith. They had all met during Lamaze class and stayed in contact ever since. Julian and Maddie had been playmates since they were infants and everybody joked that one day, they would get married.

The first day of kindergarten was traumatizing enough for Stephanie to deal with. The idea of her little boy getting married was more than she could handle.

"Do you want me to stay with you at school today?" Stephanie asked, forcing herself to eat the last bite of her doughnut. It was one of those rare occasions where she just wasn't in the mood to eat.

Julian looked between his mother and father, his little bottom lip once again caught between his teeth. He seemed to be torn between wanting to be tough like his Daddy and uncles and wanting the comfort of having his mother around. Ranger's expression softened at his son's conundrum.

"Whatever you want, buddy. If you'll feel better having Mommy around, then it's okay. A lot of other mommies will be in the room as well."

"Really?" Julian sounded uncertain.


Julian looked back up at Stephanie, his blue eyes wide. "Can I tell you when we get to school?"

Stephanie nodded. "Whatever you want."

Apparently feeling a little better, Julian reached for his milk and took a big swallow.

Ranger gave Stephanie a reassuring smile, reaching out to cover his wife's hand with his own. "How about you, Babe? Are you okay?"

Stephanie swallowed hard, keeping her tears in check. "I'm working on it."

"I don't have any meetings after three today, so I should be home around five or so. How about we go out to celebrate Julian's first day of school when I get home?"

Stephanie nodded silently and Julian immediately perked up. "Pino's, Daddy?"

Ranger chuckled. His son was so much like Stephanie. "If that's what you want."

Julian nodded enthusiastically. "Can I get my own meatball sub?"

Ranger held back a groan. Would it be too much to ask for his son to request a salad? "Can you eat one by yourself?"

"I can do it." Julian's tone was serious. "I'm a big boy."

Stephanie grinned, holding back a laugh at her husband's exasperated expression. "Of course you can do it, Julian."

"Then it's settled." Ranger sat back in his chair, popping the last piece of muffin into his mouth. "Family celebration tonight at Pino's."


Stephanie took deep, cleansing breaths as she walked beside her son through the crowded hallway. His little hand gripped hers just as tightly as she was gripping his and she fought back the recurring urge to snatch him up into her arms and run.

Julian stared at all the people silently, his wide eyes betraying the blank mask on his face. Fear was apparent in those wondrous blue orbs, but he was trying so hard to be tough.

"Here we are, buddy," Stephanie said, stopping outside the door to Miss Polk's kindergarten class. "You ready to go in?"

Julian stared up at the door, gripping Stephanie's hand a little tighter. "I'm ready, Mommy."

Stephanie smiled down at her son. "You're my brave boy, you know that?"

Julian smiled. "I know."

Reaching out, she opened the door and followed Julian inside. The room was crowded with children and anxious mothers.

Big, colorful pictures and maps were hanging from the white walls. Tables and chairs were set up near the teacher's desk and shelves of toys and books lined the back wall. There was a huge, blue carpeted space near the back for story time and show and tell and brightly colored beanbags were stacked in a corner, waiting to be sat in.

Julian looked around wide eyed. The fear dissipated from his face a moment later.

"Maddie! Auntie Clare!"

Stephanie looked over to see her friend sitting at a table with her daughter. She smiled, relieved for the first time that day.

"Julian!" Blonde haired, blue eyed Maddie shrieked, waving her little hand happily.

On a mission now, Julian pulled Stephanie across the room, stopping beside his little friend.

"Hi Maddie." Julian blushed slightly, but his smile remained bright and trained on the pretty little girl.

Maddie giggled. "Hi Julian."

Stephanie looked at Clare and grinned. "Do you think they'll learn anything staring at each other all day?"

Clare laughed, standing up to hug her friend in greeting. "Probably not, but at least they'll have fun while they're here."

Stephanie sat down on the other side of Clare, watching the two children comparing backpacks. "This has to be the hardest day of my life so far."

Clare gave her a knowing smile. "I know that feeling. I actually offered to home school Maddie this morning. Keith told me I was crazy."

A short, slender woman walked to their table, a welcoming smile on her face. She was pretty in the Burg-girl-next-door sort of way, with long brown hair in a braid and brown eyes. "Hello. I'm Miss Polk."

"Stephanie Manoso."

"Clare Elliot."

They all shook hands and Miss Polk looked down at the children. "And this must be Julian and Maddie."

Julian smiled and held his hand out, shaking his teacher's hand. "I'm Julian Carlos Manoso, ma'am."

Miss Polk smiled. "It's nice to meet you. I'll be your teacher this year."

"I can write my name and I know the alphabet," Maddie said proudly.

The teacher's smile widened. "That's terrific! Maybe you can help me show the other students how to do it."

Maddie nodded in excitement. "I can do that!"

"Wonderful." Miss Polk turned to Stephanie and Clare. "I'm setting some folding chairs up in the back if you'd like to stick around today. Some of the other mother's will be here as well."

Stephanie turned to Julian. "What do you think, buddy? Do you need me to stay?"

Julian looked from Maddie to his teacher and back. "I'll be okay, Mommy."

Stephanie's stomach turned slightly. Although she was proud of her son for being so brave, a huge part of her wasn't quite ready to leave yet. But it was up to him. Always.

"If you're sure."

He nodded. "I'm sure."

Maddie turned to her mother. "I'll be okay, too, Mommy. Julian won't let anything scary happen to me."

Julian puffed out his chest proudly at his friend's vote of confidence. Clare grinned. "Okay, sweetie. We'll be back at three to pick you up."

Both children nodded. After hugs and assurances, Stephanie and Clare walked out the door, leaving their babies in the care of a stranger.

Out in the hallway, Stephanie leaned against a wall. "God, I hope it gets easier."

Clare wore the same expression of sadness on her face. "Everybody says it does. I think they're all full of shit."

Stephanie grinned. "I'm a mess. Join me for coffee?"

Clare peeked through the window one last time at her daughter. "Will mass quantities of doughnuts be involved?"

"At a time like this?" Stephanie raised her eyebrows. "Definitely."