Hey everyone, okay so this is my very first Loefic EVER! And I'm so excited to write this because the inspiration came from an actual thing that happened to me. We got this crazy email from a guy we didn't know and I kinda just worked my way from that. So this chapter is pretty long, so don't expect all of them to be like this. I do have school and stuff so I won't be able to update like crazy, but I'll try my best! So without further ado, "Love Submiton!"

Disclaimer: I don't own Joseph Adam Jonas, Greg Garbowsky, Lilly Truscott, Oliver Oken, or Miley Stewart, but man I wish I owned Joe and Garbo...

Okay. Life sucked. It was September 13th and just days before the dance at school and we broke up. 3 years. 3 fucking years. You do one thing wrong and it all goes down the drain. Okay, so maybe it wasn't just one thing. Maybe it was three or four or ten things...Does it really matter? The point is, I can't take what I did back and honestly, I don't regret anything. Yet.

Yeah, so I guess I should backtrack a little. The name is Lilly Truscott. I go to school, I do homework, I eat, I sleep, I skateboard, I draw, and I talk. That's pretty much it. Or at least that's what I used to do...I don't know how my body is really gonna handle the whole not seeing the love of my life situation.

Oliver Oken. Ouch. It even hurt thinking his name. He was gorgeous, popular, but down to earth, a jock, and just all around perfect. I always thought it was crazy how such a normal person like me had ended up with such a flawless guy. I should have known it wouldn't have lasted, that at one point I was bound to screw it up. And boy did I, big time.

We were studying together for some stupid history test. It was raining outside. I was lying on the couch and Oliver was on the floor leaning against it, looking up at me. I loved it when he did that, yet he never did know. His eyes would get all soft and turn this hazel color and then when he saw me staring back he'd snap out of his little trance and grunt like nothing had happened. But we both knew that I saw every time he did it.

It was like he was scared to show me that he was in love. But he had no reason to be...we'd been saying, "I love you" since the one-year mark and we didn't exactly make our displays of affection private. But it bugged me how he tried to cover up how he stared at me.

But that day, I couldn't tell you why that day in particular, but that day, I decided to confront him about it.

"Hey, Ollie," He looked the other way. "Oliver." He slowly turned his head towards me.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Why do you always try to hide the fact that you stare at me?"

"I don't stare at you...I mean, I love you, but I don't stare at you...jeez Lils, don't get too into yourself!" He playfully chuckled, but I knew there was a hint of truth in there. Was I just imagining his stares? I mean they weren't ever more than a second long, but they were there weren't they? I just didn't get it...why hide it? Unless I was imagining it...

"Huh...I guess I'm going crazy" I said more to myself than to Oliver.

Maybe I was seeing Oliver do little things like stare at me or play with my hair differently than he was...was I more in love with him than he was with me? Shit.

"Sorry, Lilly, but I gotta go..." He said abruptly after a few moments of silence.

"Oh," I said disappointment filling my voice, "I thought you were gonna have dinner here."

"Yeh, well I'm really..." he searched for words. "...Tired. So I'm gonna go home and take a nap." He pecked my cheek quickly and started to head out the door.

"Wait, Oliver!" I called after him and he turned around.

"What?" he asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked, scared to know the answer...he'd never acted like this around me before and it was sorta weirding me out. Oliver was always talkative and now he was silent, and Oliver never turned down a free dinner.

"Yeah..." he was debating on whether to tell me or not. "It's just what you just said...Lils, I do stare at you...but I don't mean to! It's like so weird because just all of a sudden I'll get the urge to pick her up and kiss her."

"Her?" I asked, clearly confused. He did not just say 'her.'

"You...I meant you..." Oliver said...but anyone could tell he was lying. He sighed in defeat. "Ugh, no, this isn't fair to you. I do stare at you...but it's not really you."

I couldn't speak. What was he saying? Was he in love with someone else?

"Sometimes I just go off into a trance and forget where I am...and it's just so perfect there. There's this girl, with long blonde hair who runs up to me and we just...I don't know connect..." He wasn't paying attention anymore...he was off in that world now apparently. And then he shook his head quickly. "I'm sorry Lilly, I shouldn't be telling you this..."

"No, I'm kinda glad you did...I'd rather know than have you keep secrets from me." What was I saying? I didn't want to know this!! Oliver, my boyfriend, was in love with someone else, someone NOTHING like me...I was just average with straight dirty blonde hair...not some goddess with flowing blonde wavy locks! Who ever said looks didn't matter was seriously delusional.

"Oh well...I'm sorry...I just think that maybe we should take a break, you know, so I can sort out who I'm really in love with?" he asked hopefully.

Whoa. WHAT? I'm in a competition now? With a dream girl? Why did I have to bring the staring up? Why? And why did I say what I did next?

"Um, yeh Oliver, I think we do need a break." I swallowed. "But a forever break...I don't know if I can deal with the fact that you're in love with someone else...or something else, rather."

"Oh, okay," He looked hurt. But nowhere near as hurt as I felt. "See ya around, I guess" and then he ran out the door. And that was it. Me and my big mouth.

Shit. Double shit. I just ruined everything. I sighed and picked up my books off of the couch and dragged myself up the stairs to my messy room. What now? I was left with two options: Wallow in self pity and attempt to mend my broken heart, or study for history. Who was I kidding...I was NOT in the mood to study.

As you could probably guess, I didn't do much that night except cry in my room. My parents weren't too worried; they just assumed I was studying.

Friday was off feeling at school; I didn't talk to many people...just my best friend, Miley. She knew better than to talk about the incident. She was the observant type, and she could definitely see I didn't want to talk.

I saw Oliver sitting at our usual lunch table. He was laughing. Yes, laughing, while I was at some back table trying to hold back tears with Miley rubbing my shoulder. Life was beyond unfair. I was alone, and he had his dumbass dream girl.

Thank god for the weekend. On Saturday I got up and turned on my computer to check my email. I hadn't really been social since Thursday night, so I had a few new emails. Mostly spam. As you probably could have guessed, I'm not the most social person. However one email in particular caught my eye. It was just so...odd.

To: LiveLovee

From: DangerMan815

Subject: This is goodbye...

Hello All,

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm moving. I just can't handle this town anymore. I'm fed up with all the memories that constantly haunt me. Miranda hurt me...badly and I don't know how to deal with my emotions. I can't handle the questions or crazy stares I get from people these days, so I just need to get away. I hope you understand. Some would say I'm being immature by just running away from my problems, but I can't help it. So this is a farewell to my loved ones. I will miss some of you dearly, but you can contact me through email. In the words of Shakespeare..."Goodnight, Goodnight, Parting is such sweet sorrow."


I had to do read the letter through twice to make sure it was really there in my inbox. Who the hell was this guy and what did this chick do to him? It almost made me feel better about my own relationship problems, to know that I wasn't in as deep of shit as this guy. Almost.

I sat and thought for a minute and racked my brain to see if I even knew any Mirandas or Josephs. I didn't. So how did I end up with this crazy email? I thought about responding just to ask what happened. But then I second-guessed it, because if this guy was in so much pain to leave a town, he probably didn't want to spill his guts to a complete stranger. But he seemed like such an interesting character, someone I would be friends with in another life. I mean what guy quotes Shakespeare that isn't cool? It was just so random though. Why would I get this email? Did he confuse my email for someone else's?

Then I laughed. This was probably just some fake letter that was sent out from those websites that steal people's email addresses and send out spam. Yeah, that was it. I was worrying about something that was totally and completely bogus.

I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head. I turned off the computer and took a quick shower. After all I had had a long week. Going from perfectly in love to confused and broken-hearted drained almost all my energy.

Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe

Joseph Adam Jonas unloaded one last box and then sighed. He slumped over to where a couch should have been and pulled his knees up to his chest in a fetal position. His new house was cold and lonely. What had he done? He had moved away from all his friends, and family. All because of one girl, well she wasn't just some girl to him...she was the love of his life, but apparently he didn't mean as much to her as she had to him, on the count of she had had the nerve to cheat on him and then publicly embarrass him. Joe sighed again. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Miranda. Miranda Linda Mayz. God, he was so screwed. And of course he thought it would be okay to just run away from all his problems...how stupid. He thought of all his loved ones, were they sad or just confused? After all she was close to them too. Poor little Frankie would be so crushed when he found out that his sister-like figure had just left him. And he didn't even have the heart to tell them all he was leaving. He threw the news at them with an email...it didn't explain much, but he didn't want to go through the pain in thinking about the incident again, and most already knew what was going on with the breakup. He felt bad for just up and leaving like he did, but he had a phone, he had a computer, he could communicate with them for a while until he got up the guts to return home.

Just then his cell phone started ringing. Joe fumbled around looking for his iPhone, but then saw who was calling. The caller ID labeled the person as Greg Garbowsky aka Garbo. The Jonas Brothers' ex bass guitar player, Joe's ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, and worst of all, his ex-best friend. Joe chucked his phone across the room, he thought he heard the shattering of glass and electrical parts but he was too preoccupied with sobbing to care. The nerve he had for calling. His so-called best friend had cheated with the love of his life, and Joe had caught them in the act. And on top of all that, Miranda went to Perez Hilton and told the whole world that Joe was such a jerk and had cheated on her, because she felt that she had a reason to be mad at him for catching her and Garbo in the act. So at the moment, Miranda had instant sympathy from the public and more paparazzi following her now than from when she was seeing Joe, and he was looked at as the bad boyfriend. The only people that knew the truth were Joe's true friends and family. And Joe didn't have the heart or the strength to go on the record to set things straight with the press at the moment. He was too heartbroken. He hadn't even written a song about everything yet, that's how stressed he was. Joe was so used to writing about everything, but he just couldn't yet.

Joe slowly got up and wiped his tears away with the back of his sleeve. He walked into his bedroom and threw himself on his bed, just thinking. He slowly drifted off to sleep.


Joe awoke with a jolt. Where was he? Oh right. In his new house, he reached over to turn on the bedside light but there was nothing there. He wiped the crust out of his eyes and looked around. He was backwards on his bed with his feet against the headboard. It was dark outside. Definitely not the way he fell asleep. He looked down and saw his broken lamp. He must have kicked it off the bed.

He then received the memories from his dream that night and shuddered. It was awful. It was a flashback to their 5-year anniversary dinner, which was last fall. He had gotten Miranda this beautiful necklace from Tiffany's that said, "I love you." Which at the time she accepted and cried over. They were so in love, and she was so nice...but that was back then. But in the dream, or rather, nightmare, she had thrown it across the room and then Garbo came and picked Miranda up bridal style and took her off, both of them giggling. Joe shuddered and began crying again. He felt like such a wimp, but he honestly couldn't help it.

Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe Loe

So I survived another week of school. It was all pretty much the same as it was last week without him. But on Friday I had Miley over so my parents wouldn't think that I was depressed. They found out about the breakup on Tuesday and they were awkwardly trying to help me. When they saw Miley walk into the house they looked relieved. We grabbed a snack and then went up to my room.

"Hey, Miles, would you mind if I took a shower? I feel so gross and my head hurts..." I explained quietly after we finished our peanut butter and apples.

"Sure, go ahead Lils! Can I go on your computer though?" She asked hopefully. I nodded meekly.

In the shower I tried to empty out my brain and force everything in it down the drain, but it didn't work. I dried off and walked slowly back to my room, taking deep breaths and trying to forget everything for the night and just have fun like Miley and I used to do every weekend...with Oliver. Oh great. I did it then. I had gone a whole week without saying his name in my brain, and I just blew it. I started crying in the hall.

I heard Miley gasp and looked up. She was still in my room, but I just then realized I'd been outside for quite a while. I took another deep breath, wiped my tears away, and walked into my room. Miley was sitting at the computer staring at something on the Internet.

"Hey," I said, running my fingers through my wet hair.

"Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed. "Did you hear about this?" She said, referring to the computer screen, it was a screen cap of Perez Hilton's webpage.

"No, what is it?" Usually I was in the loop on celebrity gossip, but I had been out of touch all week.

"Apparently, Joe Jonas cheated on that girl he's been dating for like 5 ½ years! She is like crying in these pictures and everything! But it says she's with a new guy... Oh my gosh! That's Garbo!!" I ran over to my desk to peer over her shoulder. As many of you know, Miley is actually Hannah Montana. So she knew the Jonas Brothers personally and I had met them once, but only as Otis. I have to say I had the biggest crush on Joe Jonas, but I wasn't one of those creepy fans who like stalked them and screamed every time they heard "Jonas". (Author's note: I AM ONE OF THOSE FANS :D) And we knew the rest of the Jonas band as well. Garbo seemed nice when we met him quickly.

"Wow! That's so crazy! I can't believe Joe cheated on her!! I don't believe it...he wouldn't do something like that, would he?" I asked apprehensively.

"Eh...I don't know Lils," Miley said. "Oh well...let's go watch some TV or something."

Later that night I told Miley about that bizarre email I got, but we were both too lazy to get up and actually go read it. So I just summarized it for her. She told me that I should reply and find out what his deal was and ask why I got the email when I didn't even know him. She didn't go into much detail on how I should do so because she fell asleep. I, however, stayed up thinking and crying over Oliver. It was almost habit now.

The next day I was super bored. I decided to go online and check my email again. More spam. But then I saw that curious email again. I sat at my desk for a minute thinking. What if I did send this guy back an email? It couldn't hurt...well me at least, him I wasn't so sure about, and he seemed pretty vulnerable at the moment. But the worst he could do was send back a nasty email, he had no idea who I was or where I lived, so what was the harm?

To: DangerMan815

From: LiveLovee

Subject: Re: This is goodbye...

Dear Joseph,

Hi, my name is Lilly. I got your email the other day and it kinda confused me. I don't ever recall meeting a Joseph in my lifetime so I was wondering...Who are you?

Oh but what I really wanted to say was, sorry about whatever happened to you. It sounded harsh. I can definitely relate. I know this sounds weird because I'm a complete stranger to you (or maybe not, since you emailed me...) and I probably shouldn't be telling someone I don't know all this, but I felt like I could sympathize with you when I read your email last week. See, I was in love with this guy named Oliver. We were dating for a really long time and last week we broke up...for a stupid reason too. He's in love with someone else, a dream girl of sorts. Yes, that's right, she's not even real. But yeah, he needs time to sort out who he's really in love with, me or his dream girl. And I really don't feel like waiting around for him so I broke it off. I thought we were really in love. Oh well.

Wow, I'm so sorry for just laying this all on you. But I have to say that felt really good to say, well type, haha. I don't even know you and you're already making me laugh. Wow. I'm so insanely crazy.

Anyways, Joseph, I hope you have a good life, because after you read this you are probably going to shudder and think I'm a lunatic and then never write back. Which is okay with me. It'll save me the embarrassment of having to ever meet you. Not that I don't want to. Okay I'm rambling now.

Good luck with your relationship troubles!


I stared blankly at the computer screen for a couple of minutes just reading over what I had written and then started laughing hysterically. That was like the stupidest thing I had ever read in my entire life. But then I thought about it, that this could be one of those "what the hell?" moments where you just do it. So I did. I pressed "send" and laughed for another ten minutes and then turned off the computer.

Okay so I hope you liked it...it's so hard to write the beginning of a story lol. Oh by the way, I totally love Oliver and Garbo, I just wanted to use characters that everyone would know who they are, so no offence to them! I don't really know where I am going with this story yet, so suggestions are welcome and so are reviews!! (Reviews? I love reviews!!) But um yeah...I'll update soon!

Peace. Love. Jonas.
