Author's Note: Ok Ok! People demanded for a sequel! I guess they win….This will be a yaoi. You know boy on boy and Mpreg. This takes place after Chapter 20 of "Love Never Dies". They had returned from their honeymoon and Christmas holidays. The kids stayed with Ron and Hermione, so there were no accidental walk-ins. This takes place two weeks after the holidays and romantic interlude…

Chapter 1: A New Addition (Harry's POV)

I woke up to the sun hitting me in the face and my stomach kicking my ass. I was in the middle of a really nice dream...I thought. I looked over to my husband, who was still in his third or fifth dream. I dashed out of bed, feeling the contents of last night's dinner coming up quicker than the snitch I swallowed in my first year. With a moan, I dropped to my knees and paid my respect to the porcelain god. Of course, I felt someone holding back my hair as I retched. Damn….

"Love, what's wrong?" I heard the velvety baritone of my husband ask me. I pulled my head out of the bowl and looked at him. Even if he woke up out of bed the man looked bloody perfect! I was jealous as hell.

"Drake, I'll be fine." I whispered as my husband tended to me. "I probably ate something that didn't agree with me that's all."

"Well, come on love we have to get ready for classes."

"Yes Headmaster." I said with a purr. Draco looked at me and winked.

"Professor Malfoy, if you are late I swear you will serve detention with me."

"Headmaster….I never…" I gasped with a blush. I heard Draco laughing as I got dressed but I felt a bit dizzy. Maybe I'm hungry. I stepped out of the shower and saw the fierce some five sitting on my bed.

"Daddy are you all right?" Lily asked. I looked at her and smiled.

"Yes my little phoenix. I'll be fine." I said as I held the five kids. "Come on, let's get going or Papa will have our heads." The kids giggled and led me to the Great Hall. Of course, the smells from the Great Hall almost knocked me on my ass! I leaned against the doorframe and moaned. This was not my day…

"Daddy?" Lily asked as she tapped my shoulder. I felt my knees give and I held my stomach. "Daddy….are you…."

"Papa!" I heard Albus and James cry out. I passed out but I heard Draco telling the kids to step aside. I felt myself being lifted and although I couldn't see where my husband was taking me, I had an idea.

I woke up to find myself in a hospital bed and I groaned. I hated being right! I sat up and saw my husband sitting by the bed.

"Harry love," Draco said as he looked at me. "How do you feel?"

"I don't know what's going on." I said with a sigh. "I've been feeling like this for a while now."

"Harry…" My husband asked as he took my hand in his. "Did you feel this before our honeymoon or after?"

"After." I answered. I watched the amusement in my husband's eyes become brighter.

"Harry, I think you're pregnant."

"Drake, is that even possible?" I asked as I looked at him. Drake looked at me as if I had grown two heads and a tail. What did I say?

"Harry, I am disappointed that you didn't pay attention in class." My husband chided. "But I have to consider the fact that you haven't grown up in Wizarding World. Some males can become pregnant." At this, I passed out. I had no idea that males could…wouldn't it hurt like hell?

We waited for Poppy to come to us. The Quidditch matches were up and running again and this was the busiest time for her. Of course, no one had beaten my record when it came to injuries and visits to the Hospital Wing. On more than one occasion my husband joked that he would put a plaque on the bed I had always been placed onto reading 'Boy Who Lived was here.' I made him sleep on the couch for a week for that little crack.

"So my dears," Poppy said with a smile as she came to us finally, we were there for about ten to fifteen minutes. "What's the problem this time?"

"Poppy, Mr. Malfoy is not feeling well." My husband said. "He has been throwing up, moodier than usual, dizzy spells…"

"Yes Headmaster," Poppy said. "All right Harry dear, you know the drill." Boy did I ever. Without her saying so, I stripped out of my clothes and slipped the gown on. I noticed my husband grinning lecherously at the backless gown.

"Harry love," He said wistfully. "Can you keep that?" I blushed and mock glared at my husband. Yes I did love him but damn it all, he was hornier than the Devil himself! Poppy blushed a bit at his question but waved her wand over me. I relaxed and she gasped.

"Well," She said as she looked at us with a smile. "I believe congratulations are in order."

"Poppy?" I asked as I sat up. My husband pressed himself up to me.

"You're pregnant Harry." She said. "About two to three weeks along."

"Wow," We sighed. We were both happy and we couldn't wait to tell the kids. Poppy seemed to read our minds for she opened the door and the fierce some five tumbled in.

"Is everything ok?"

"Is Dad sick?"

"Will he be well enough for Quidditch?"

"Why was he throwing up?"

"I'm not leaving until we find out what's going on!"

"Kids! Calm down." My husband ordered firmly, shutting the five up as I rubbed my stomach. "One at a time, yes everything is alright, Quidditch not for nine months, he's throwing up because soon, you will have a new brother or sister."

"I smell a bet!!"

"James Sirius Potter-Malfoy you will not gamble at this school!" I said as I looked at him. James bowed his head but behind his back I knew that he was crossing his fingers. I made a note to remind Drake to speak to them later. As for now, I was on cloud nine. I was pregnant, had kids who loved me and a husband who worshipped the ground I walked on. Could it get any better?