Author's Note: This is early birthday gift for a friend of mine, draconharry4ever7581. This was requested by popular demand as well so I'll try to keep up. I don't want to be lynched! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3: The New Kid

Draco was having quite a day as Headmaster. So far he had to break up a couple of fights, stop a few pranks and an exploding canary crème. He had no idea how Dumbledore of his godfather had dealt with this but he felt his hair going gray. Like it wasn't pale enough… He thought. He placed his face into his hands and moaned.

"Having a rough day?" Severus' portrait asked in concern. Draco looked up and nodded.

"How did you and this old geezer make it look so easy?"

"Well, he was doped most of the time and I…well it took a lot of calming draughts. But it seems to me that you have the worse by far."

"Uncle Sev, I can't place it, but something deep down that something is going to happen. And it's not going to be something good."

"How are Harry and the children?"

"They're fine; of course I had to console Lily. She believed that the baby would take her place."

"Oh I see." Severus said. "But it's dealt with yes?"

"Yes, in fact she and the other children are helping Harry out a great deal when I can't be there. It bothers me from time to time but I manage."

"Draco, don't overwork yourself. It'll only destroy you if you do. I don't mean to be a nagging old crone but I think you have a new student to see to."

"Oh yes," Draco said with a sigh as he brought the records that were nearby to him and opened it. "Damien Summers… Oh you know I feel about this kind of name. Something always ends up being dark and sinister. Oh well, send the boy in Severus and lets have a look at him." Draco didn't have to wait long for in sauntered in a dirty blond haired boy with deep dark blue, almost black eyes. His smirk was one of a troublemaker and Draco had to compose himself. Merlin has a sick sense of humor!

"Mr. Summers," Draco said in a cool voice. "Welcome to Hogwarts, have a seat." The boy nodded coldly and took a seat across from Draco. It was then and there as he took his own seat that Draco had a good look at him. He was at least fifteen years old, was dressed in leathers and a mesh shirt, he had his tongue pierced and had black eyeliner on his eyes (that will have to go). His hair was long and spiked in a crest. There was a tattoo of a leviathan on his left bicep and the boy was muscled as well as tall. Luckily, he was not taller than Draco. The boy almost looks grown…"So where are you from Mr. Summers?"

"I came from America. From New York City te be exact." The boy said as he slouched in his chair. "Te school I was in sucked so my parents and I moved here."

"So how do you like England so far?"

"Everybody's so uptight." Damien said. "Like someone's put a shotgun up their asses and shittin bricks that they'll pull the fuckin' trigga." Draco blinked at this. He was far from being uptight but this boy was quickly getting under his skin.

"But you really don't have a choice in the matter. Your father works in the Ministry and what of your mother?"

"She's a slut." Damien said. "I told Pop to dump the nasty hoe but hey, the old fucker just doesn't listen. He says that one day I'll understand but I think that's a load a bullshit!"

"I see," Draco said as he stiffened a bit in his seat. "Anyway, don't think this is going to be a 'bird course'. This school is seven years of hard work so you can become a decent wizard in this society…"

"Whateva ole man." Damien said as he rolled his eyes. "Are ye done yet, see ye."

"Sit down!" Draco snapped. Damien turned a bit surprised but retook his seat. "Listen here, you may have called the shots back where you came from but here, I'm the last person you want on your ass." Damien looked at him and crossed his arms. "So whatever shit you're carrying, leave it at the door and get ready to work your ass off for after today, for seven years, you belong to me. You got that Summers?" Damien looked at the Head master and actually grinned.

"All right old man, let's see what you got." The boy said as he took his timetable. "See ye around." With that he left and Draco sat back, sighing in relief.

"Wow that boy…."

"He's a hellion." Severus said. "You think you can handle him Draco?"

"You know something Uncle Sev, I am not sure. Didn't you feel his power? I haven't felt such power since…." He couldn't finish for he shuddered. The boy's aura had been dark, cold and sinister. Something about him didn't sit well with Draco. He had to make sure Harry never got stressed from him. He spelled trouble and if he had to, Draco was willing to make the boy's seven years at Hogwarts a living hell.