Disclamer: Harry Potter is not mine. It's Jo's.

Thanks to KaraSays, xxxxcrazychickxxxx, and Ms.Reinvented for reviewing!!

I love you, Leah, my awesome beta and amazing sister. Thanks!

and on to...


Chapter Two

But, Honestly


The young man's head was pounding when he woke up to harsh florescent lights. It took him a moment to realize where the hell he was. It seamed just like another one of his nightmares, the one where he was discovered by Potter as opposed to the one where the Dark Lord came back to life again. Draco squeezed his eyes shut and attempted to wake up. This obviously didn't work, so he continued to pinch himself, hard. When this also failed to wake him up, he looked around the room. One wall was made up of bars and assumedly magical barriers. The other three where dirty white concrete that matched the floor and ceiling.

"Bugger!" Draco rolled off his cot and ran to the wall, which he desperately banged his aching head against. "Wake up! Potter did NOT catch you! They did NOT find you in a muggle dance club! You were NOT dancing! And it was NOT with muggle scum that you were grinding! Wake up damnit!"

"Whatcha' doin'?" A large, deeply tanned man walked into view outside the bars. "Stop or I'll have to immobilize you again. It'd be a hassle to put you back on the cot."

"Who are you?" Draco asked, sitting back down on his cot. "Oh right. Guard. That would make sense as I apparently AM in prison. Shite." "Yeah, I'm the guard; you can call me Henri. Me or my staff will be bringing you meals three times a day," the man who called himself Henri said. Draco didn't answer. He figured that this wasn't Azkaban, which meant that a lot had changed since he'd went into hiding 3 years ago. If Draco had been found those days he would've been sent straight to Azkaban. This, of course, would have been rather pointless as the Dementors are rather faulty prison-guards

"I probably won't be able to get out of here, right?" Draco asked Henri.

"Now, wha' kind of holding chambers would these be if we couldn' hold you in?"

"The kind I wish I was in…" Draco didn't ask what the hell holding chambers where because he had already given away too much about how little he knew about the current British Ministry of Magic. Draco tried to think back to what he had learned last night, but alas, this was difficult, as he had been sort of drunk. Hadn't Weasley said something about right to a fair hearing? Fair my arse. He knew he stood no real chance with the famous Harry Potter against him.

"Would you like breakfast before or after you're questioned?" Henri asked.

"Coffee, now," Draco demanded absentmindedly. Henri raised his eyebrows at being addressed like a servant but passed the order onto a lady in his staff.

"Malfoy, you will speak to me with respect," He informed Draco. "You may 'ave been an elite, pureblood Death Eater, but now you are regarded by most as lil' more 'an filth. The brand on your arm's no longer a sign of pow'r, but a symbol o' weakness, and a skull is just an empty case where a brain used t' be and the snake protruding from it's filthy mouth is jus' another kind o' vermin. Mr. Potter is arriving soon to start the interrogation, so I recommend you prepare yourself. He seemed rather excited about this when he gave himself the task."

Draco looked up at Henri, his eyes gleaming with fury. His neck arched back and he jutted his chin violently toward the shocked guard. Impatience and anger made his body shake. It felt as if a demon was hatching in his chest. He didn't care who he hurt and it was probable that if he destroyed the universe he wouldn't feel a drop of remorse.

"You pathetic blood-traitor! Nobody speaks to me like that! You are the scum of this planet and will be squashed. You will speak when spoken to and when you open that pit in your face the sounds that come out will have respect and awe expressed in their every syllable. Where the hell is my coffee? A Malfoy never waits!" Draco instinctively reached for his wand, but, of course, it had been taken from him. "Where the hell is my wand?! Accio wand! You foul, useless piece of-"

Draco stopped mid-sentence. He blinked a few times and responded to Henri as though he had not just blown up. "Sure, Henri, whatever, I'll tell Potter what I know."

The lady who had left to get coffee ran into Draco's line of view, with coffee splashed on her uniform. Her eyes were wide and looked like she might have been about to cry. "Here is the coffee, sir. Sorry about the wait I'll be quicker next- "

"Don't apologize Lynn. Malfoy here was very rude, you did nothing wrong." Henri interrupted her kindly. She nodded, handed her boss the coffee and rushed off.

"What's her deal?" Draco asked confused.

Henri turned back to Draco with a furious look on his face. "What did I just tell you about respecting me? Lynn is not your servant and she also will be treated well, do you understand?"

"Yeah, sure, I know that," Draco answered confused. He had no idea what he was supposed to have done. "Can I please just have my coffee now? I'm still kinda hung over from last night and banging my head against the wall and being stunned and everything."

Henri glared but gave him the coffee. "That is how you ask for things. Pleases and Thank-yous."

"Thank you sir." Draco sipped the coffee and fought the urge to gag. The nasty coffee had him vowing never to diss starbucks again. "When is Potter getting here?"

"I'm here," Harry Potter said as he appeared next to Henri with a loud popping sound. "Could you lead DE4 to the interrogation room, Henri? Thanks."

Draco found himself being pulled out of his cell, down the hall and pushed into a comfortable room. Potter crossed him and sat in the far end of the room on a huge armchair. Draco awkwardly followed suit, sitting across from his least favorite person in the world.

"So, Malfoy, would you care to tell me where you've been these last three years?" Potter asked in a practiced calm voice.

"Not particularly," Draco answered honestly.

"Too bad. We have Legilemense and a large stock of veriteserum. We are going to know everything, no matter whether or not you give us the information willingly."

Draco winced at the unpleasantness of having no choice. "It's a long, dull story. I know you don't have the patience. And really, shouldn't you be off signing autographs or being interviewed or something?"

"We have time," Potter is cruel.

"Well, I don't. I off." Draco started to get up but realized he couldn't exactly just walk away. "Well… maybe I can't exactly leave, but I don't have to talk. Freedom of silence and all that."

"Being difficult?" Potter got out his wand and twirled it and grinned. "Sounds like fun."

"Over the whole nobility thing, are we?" Draco tested the water. "Isn't against the chivalrous code to attack someone without a weapon or something?"

Potter just grinned wider and raised his wand. As surprised as Draco was at this very Slytherin-acting Golden Boy, he wasn't an idiot, so he started to speak.

"Fine, we were in Italy and then in Greece. My mother made sure we were staying in beautiful palaces. Then a week ago I came back here. I didn't like the sun all the time. Besides, I'm 21 and really shouldn't be living with my parents." Draco sneered. "Happy?"

"No. Where is your father?"

"Gee, I don't know. Has the 'youngest seeker in a century' failed to seek him out? No way!" Draco knew that being immature wasn't going to get him anywhere, but Potter tended to bring out the obnoxious and jealous 11 year old in him. "You're so great, thinking you can do anything you want, just because you're the little boy who lived! Well I'm not afraid of you Pott-"

"I'm sorry Potter, I don't know where he is. It's possible he is in Italy still, with my mom. But he might be looking for me. My mother is probably a nervous wreck not knowing where I am." As Draco said this he felt guilty for leaving his mother alone. She had given and saved his life after all. "You won't punish my mother will you? Without her you would've died and so would've all your friends."

"She may have changed," Harry Potter said, looking at Malfoy strangely. "But you obviously still have the same annoying faults you had when you were younger. Hermione doubts whether you are completely evil, but then again she thought you were innocent in our 6th year too, didn't she."

"Why do you think I haven't changed too?" Draco asked.

"I'm still kind of reeling over your comment earlier. You have no idea how hard it is to track every single Death Eater." Potter said, confusing Draco. "You had no right to speak to me like that in school and you have less right to now."

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Potter" Draco said deciding it didn't matter. "Anyways, I can tell you where Blaise Zabini is if you havn't found him yet. He is staying in Central Hostel in Italy. He had been coming back to ask for my help avoiding you. I guess I won't be much a help now though. I know you have Goyle, right?"

Potter nodded taking notes on Blaise's whereabouts. Draco felt a twinge of regret having to betray his friend, but got over it quickly.

"Where is Goyle now?" Draco asked hoping for the worst. Draco would never trust that stupid git again. "Is he dead? I hope so. I would've killed him myself if I'd had the chance."

"Calm down Draco, he's not dead. He is in-" Harry answered.

Draco interrupted him with a pained yell. It hurt so much that his only true friends had lost such faith in him. That those stupid oafs had thought he was over, that he wasn't worth following. When had he EVER shown them the wrong path? He wanted to hurt them back. He wanted them to burn in flames"

"Malfoy? What's wrong?" Potter asked a blinking Draco.

"Why would you care? I'm fine." Draco was so confused with all the stupid over-reactions of people today and what was with Potter giving a damn?

"Are you sure? You don't want any water or something?" Potter asked looking shocked at Draco's response.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Draco reassured him.

"Ok…. Um… Goyle is in Azkaban. Life sentence. Turns out he killed two people." Draco was not surprised.

"I'll continue questioning. Have you been an active murderer since Voldemort died?" Potter asked.

Draco winced. He really hated the fact that he could be described as a murderer legitimately. His eyes stared at Potter's forehead but then shifted, ashamed to look at his famous scar, down toward his eyes and finding solace in his left ear. Mouth dry, he finally nodded.


"Who?" Potter asked pen to paper.

"Pansy Parkinson." Draco studied the red curtains as Potter tried to digest that.

"Why?" He finally asked, "Wasn't she your girlfriend?"

"Got carried away I guess… lost control." Draco said softly as shame and self-hate washed through him. "She was annoying. Hurting women never used to bug me. It's how I was raised. I guess I'm not proud of it. Now I'm going to have to fight that part of me forever.

Potter was silent as he put his notepad away. He looked almost afraid, not the 'I'm in a room with a murderer' kind of scared. Draco definitely detected a 'I'm in a room with a crazy person' kind of scared. He closed questioning and Henri led Draco back to his cell. The harsh lights in the cell burnt his eyes and the dampness collected on his skin. Draco actually wished that Potter was still there just so that he wouldn't have to stay in his cell. It was a bad feeling in Draco's gut that gave him something to do for the next hour alone, brood.

Draco wasn't crazy, was he? He wasn't dangerous anymore, right? He'd buried those parts of himself deep down long ago, hadn't he?


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