"I feel like there's something between us," Mark laughs, attempting to conceal the true meaning of his statement. Since their first meeting, he can't stop thinking about the girl he is dancing with, "so…for a girl that doesn't go to dances, you're going alright."

"Maybe you're just a great teacher," Juno says, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Hey, you ever see that chick again? Cynthia?"

"Uh, no, I didn't. I heard she's got kids or something. I don't really think about it all too much. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, you know. I mean, I'm a junior. I dunno if I'm going to see my friends in ten years time. And I guess I'd miss Paulie." Juno placed her head on Mark's chest with a sigh, thinking.

He was thinking too. About Vanessa, the baby. Most of all, about Juno. It wasn't right for him to think this way about a girl half his age, right? He thought back to the first day they met, where they shared their music. He could swear there was a look between them, too, before Vanessa interrupted their 'jam session'. "Paulie," he mumbled, realising that his thoughts were useless. There were guys her own age for her.

"Yeah, Paulie. You know, weird best friend? Father of the 'bump'. I just wanna know if we're going to stay friends."

"Friends?" Juno pulled away from him, nodding, before resuming her previous position in his arms. "I figured you two would, you know…get together"

"Me and Paulie? Nah, he isn't my type."

"Who is your type then?" Mark asked, pulling away to look into her eyes, searching for something, though he didn't know what.

"Well, I don't know…" She blushed, "I've been thinking about this guy lately…I can't stop. I'm not the kind of girl that lies on my bed and daydreams, but that's what I've been doing…" Juno rambled before looking into his eyes, noticing a smile forming on his face.

"This guy, the one you can't stop thinking about, care to tell me about him?" Mark grinned, flirting sounds in his voice.

"Well, he's about this tall," she motioned with her hand around the same height as Mark, "he has an amazing music collection. And, he's an awesome dancer," she smiled, looking up at him.

Tension filled the air, as the sounds of the music they were dancing to died out, and they could feel how close they were to each other. The garage door began to open; Vanessa was home. Mark was so close…