I have gained inspiration from this chapter from the Beatles' song "Yesterday". And I have gained inspiration from other writers out there (you guys rock!) enjoy! This chapter is totally for true TIVA and JIBBS lovers and fanatics...aka...ME!! Anyway...get back to the story.

Maybe I should put a disclamier in...so here it is.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own NCIS, yet if I did, Vance would probably be throttled and stabbed 3 times in his chair. (sorry, I couldn't resist adding that. If you love Vance...then don't take it personally...please.) CAn't wait till Season 6!!

And as I mentioned before, i'm sorta also running out of ideas...please help! I am officially going on strike until I have at lest 7 reviews for this chapter! I mean guys...puh-leez! Only aserene is reviewing, and MissJayne reviewed...

It was 10 pm. There was no prospect of going home early tonight, as the report and work pile stacked on their desks towered over them. Ziva was typing furiously, her eyes skimming back and forth. Zevida was down with Abby, enjoying the Goth's company more and more, and she was also interested in what Abby did. Tony was writing sluggishly, while Tim had his head in his hands. Gibbs was talking with the Director over the best way to handle the case. As Ziva printed out the report, Tony slammed his pen down, startling McGee out of his reverie. Ziva came back holding the thick stack of paper. She put it in her "finished" pile. She sighed, then began to type again. Tony had enough. He stood up, to stretch his legs.

Walking over to Ziva, he commented, "My my, Ziva. You're a little workaholic. Now, how much have you done, sweetie?" Tony gazed at the "finished" pile enviously. Ziva's eyes snapped up from the computer. Tony smiled at her, returning to his comfortable chair.

"Hello, Ziva. You have come back to the world." Ziva grimaced and tried her best to glare at him.

"What do you want?" she snapped, her bleary eyes beginning to close, then she pushed the lids open again. Tony smiled again, leaning on the backrest.

"A rest, my dear Zee-vah. Not that you'd know how too," he replied teasingly.

"Get back to your work," Ziva's words slurred slightly, as she looked back to her computer. Tony began to write. Then he began to hum. Oh great, here we go again, Ziva thought, what is wrong with this guy?. Her typing slowed slightly. Then he began to sing softly.


All my troubles seemed so far away,

Now it looks as though they're here to stay,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Tony looked directly at Ziva as he began to sing. He wanted to provoke some reaction from his "crazy ninja chick" who sat there at the computer, never brining up what happened 5 days ago. Tony remembered the scene so clearly, especially when Ziva kissed him. Exhilaration had swept through him.

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be,

There's a shadow hanging over me,

Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Ziva turned towards Tony slowly. Did he really mean these words he was singing, or was this a random tune he just picked out for the sake of it? Seeing his eyes boring into hers like on so many occasions, she guessed he did mean the words. She wanted to tell him that she did remember that night, 5 days ago. Yet she was conscious of the others. Tony got up and walked towards Ziva. He leaned on the desk, as he bellowed out:

Why she had to go

I don't know, she wouldn't say. I said, something wrong,

Now I long for yesterday.

Heads were beginning to turn. He wanted that to happen. This would be a new piece of gossip. He wanted everyone to know that he cared for Ziva so much. The song was so true. Yet he only had Ziva in his eyes. McGee was secretly filming on his camera, ready to save this beautiful, precious file. He was grinning slyly, as Ziva and Tony were completely oblivious to this.


Love was such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Tony was now belting the song out on the top of his lungs. It projected around the office like a stereo. Ziva kept her face hard, trying to keep the water in her eyes, in her eyes. The song seemed to be talking to her, and Tony's actions added to it. Gibbs and Jenny had heard the racket, and had come out of their office. They peered down at Tony, with Ziva slightly shrinking down, to hide her face. Jenny smiled while Gibbs sighed. She hummed the tune with Tony, her head beginning to rest on Gibbs' shoulders. Gibbs looked around furtively to make sure that no one was looking, then he kissed her. Jenny smiled. They quickly let go.

Why she had to go

I don't know, she wouldn't say.

I said, something wrong,

Now I long for yesterday.

Tony pulled Ziva up. Ziva got up shyly. "Dance with me," he whispered, then winked. McGee was scribbling notes down for his book. Ziva and Tony twirled around the pen, Ziva's hair flying. She laughed contentedly. Abby and Ziva had just come up from the lab, and were watching the two with wide eyes.


Love was such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Tony stopped twirling Ziva around, and then together they sang the last verse again, Ziva's voice blending in with Tony's.


Love was such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.


He turned around and kissed Ziva full on her lips. She stiffened for a moment, then relaxed. Ziva seemed to overflow with emotions. There was the sadness that had been contained in her because of the death of Sarah, then now this exhiliration and happiness that swept through her. There was no slapping, no action. The office was silent. The two kissed passionately, then let go. Suddenly, cheers and clapping arose from the office, everyone being fully awake and aware now. Jenny sighed and hand in hand with Gibbs they walked down the steps. At the sight of the Director and Gibbs, everyone scrambled back into their chairs, and began to type, glancing furtively at each other.