I've read a lot of Q&A fics, but never saw a truth or dare one. Well, here's mine. Special thanks to Vinny Martello for allowing me to use Roka and Roxy. Thanks dude! Well, for your reading pleasure, here you are. Oh, and i do not own Starfox or any of the characters. I do own this story however.

Chapter One

Let the Games Begin

The Great Fox was silently drifting through space, more specifically right outside Corneria's atmosphere. The remarkably large ship remained in this path, orbiting the peaceful planet, for around a month and a half. No jobs came up that would come to the attention of Star Fox, and the ones that didn't were covered by the Cornerian government. It didn't seem like anything eventful would ensue in the coming days, so Star Fox sat idly by, waiting for the moment to spring into action. Or, at least the action that included lethal firearms. When it came to the other kind, it was taken to notice how often it was happening. Once or twice a week for two evident couples. But when it came to the whole picture, not much was happening. Star Fox acquired enough money to be occupied during the time of calm. But the calm would soon be ruptured slightly. It all starts one day. Nothing out of the ordinary was occurring. Slippy was in the hanger, installing a state of the art booster to his Arwing. Peppy was in the study, the room he was seen in most of the time. Falco was messing around in the anti-gravity chamber, making up different moves he could use in the event that he had to fight while skydiving. Katt was looking up…suggestible information. And the other four, which happened to be Fox, Krystal, Roka, and Roxy, were relaxing in the hot tub. Everything seemed to be going well, until the lights went out suddenly and along with it all the electronically powered appliances. Slippy's tools shut down slowly, the computer Katt was operating, the anti-gravity chamber, and the jets in the hot tub. It was bizarre that everything in the Great Fox would go out at once. Outraged and confused, everyone but Peppy gathered in the hangar, the only room with an emergency generator. Falco was slightly limping, Slippy was covered with grease, and Fox, Krystal, Roka, and Roxy were drenched, covered in towels and were shivering slightly.

"What's g-going on here?" Asked Fox, his arms crossed to produce a bit of heat. Slippy was examining the fuse box, and when he turned, he looked slightly amused.

"Well, it looks like a simple black out. Too much electricity was being used all at once. I'll switch on the emergency generator."

"But doesn't that only work for the lights?" Asked Krystal. As Slippy pulled the switch, the hanger was immediately engulfed in light.

"That, the doors, and the communications array." The toad answered.

"You've gotta be kidding me! What do we do now?" He crossed his arms in frustration, something he did often. Slippy just shrugged his shoulders. "I wasn't asking you. Your ideas suck. Any ideas anyone?" Looking from one person to another, they only shrugged.

"Whatever, I'm going to dry off." Said Fox, turning to the door. Krystal ran up and grasped his shoulder.

"I'll go with you." She whispered with a smile. In spite of her voice being lowered, everyone seemed to hear, resulting in Falco's snickering and Roka's mischievous smirk. He wanted nothing but to leave the room before his face showed everyone his embarrassment. He nodded to Krystal, and they left.

"Well, they got the right idea. I'd better go dry off, too." Roka was next to leave, followed a second later by Roxy. The three who remained just stood silently for a few seconds. Falco decided to end the awkward silence by advancing to the door like the others did moments earlier. He was followed by Katt, who was followed by Slippy.

Fox began running the towel across his fur. It absorbed a small amount of the water, but he could feel the rest of it against his skin. Once he reached a decent dryness level he reached over to grab the clothes sitting on his bed. That's when a knock came to the door.

"Fox, can I come in?" It was Krystal. Fox blushed slightly. He was completely naked, he didn't want her to see his manhood.

"Yeah, come on in. I'm not dressed though." He thought it'd be best to warn her.

"So what?" Her answer made Fox chuckle slightly. She entered fully dressed, not at all flinching at the sight of his masculinity. "I know it's kinda stupid for me to ask, but…do you think it would be fun to play Truth or Dare with the others until the power comes back on?" Fox stopped pulling his jeans up for a moment. Truth or Dare? Odd idea, but it sounded interesting. Even adults could play it once in a while. But something doesn't seem right.

"Sounds boring. But I know how to fix that." He said, continuing to get dressed. Krystal looked at him with a confused glance. Once Fox had his black T-shirt on, he turned to Krystal. He walked up and whispered in her ear. She stared blankly as she listened, then attained an evil grin. The plan was set.

"What the hell is taking them so long? It doesn't take this long to dry off and get dressed." Falco ranted. They had been waiting for a good fifteen minutes for Fox, Krystal, Roka, and Roxy.

"Calm down. They'll be here sooner or later." Replied Katt. She was leaning against Falco's shoulder, trying to be as patient as possible. Just then, the four foxes they had been waiting for came through the doorway into the silent room. They all had mischievous grins and seemed to have something interesting to share.

"What are you grinning about?" Asked Falco.

"Well, we got an idea." Spoke Roka. They continued to just stand there with evil grins, waiting for a rebuttal. Falco squinted his eyes in annoyance and curiosity.

"Well, what is it?" He was quickly getting angrier.

"Truth or Dare." Spoke Krystal. Katt sat up in slight glee. Slippy sat still and gained a small grin of approval. Falco, however, didn't do anything of the sort; he got up and vacated the room instead.

"I'll have no part of that. Truth or Dare is for kids."

"Oh, but this is different. If someone doesn't answer a question or complete a dare, they have to strip off a piece of their clothing." This halted the avian's movement and made him turn and sit back down.

"I'm in." He said without grinning. "But shouldn't we get Peppy?" Everyone back away in disgust.

"Do you really want to see him strip off his clothing?" Asked Slippy.

"Good point. Let's just get this started." His patience was wearing, though it didn't stop the now evident fact. "Wait, where is Peppy?" Everyone looked around the room, now fully aware of Peppy's absence.

"Wasn't he in his study?" Asked Slippy.

"I'll go check." Replied Fox. He then ran down the hall. Doors went by until he reached Peppy's study. He attempted to open, expected it to be locked. This was exactly the opposite. The door slid open and Fox peered inside. Peppy was sitting in the chair in the corner, eyes darting back and forth across the page of an extremely thick novel. He looked up upon hearing Fox enter.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked.

"Didn't you know that the lights went off?" Fox replied.

"The lights went off? I didn't notice. Well, if you don't need anything, I'd like to get back to my reading." And he once again dug his nose into the book. Fox just rolled his eyes and went back out into the hallway. As the door shut, he began his way back to where the rest of the team was, contemplating on what chaos would ensue.

Well, there's the first chapter. Remember, leave a review with your truths and dares, and make them as dirty, cruel, unusual, and embarrassing as possible. If you'd like to be more specific, like who should be the victim or whether or not they should answer the question or accomplish the dare, that's good. I'll like it when my readers like to participate in my story. I know there's not much here yet, but leave a review and I'll get the next chapter up with a few of your suggestions. If I didn't get them, sorry. Try next time and I might pick yours. Until next time, R&R!