Still don't own Supernatural. Not suing would be appreciated. I have no money, I promise, so please just let me use the brilliant characters.

Anyway, thanks for the reviews.


Dean tossed a few bills on the table to cover the bill. Another meal, another diner, another town that he couldn't remember the name of – not that it mattered. Their gear was stowed in a nearby motel and they had an evening open. Both Sam and Dean were exhausted. It had been two weeks of nearly constant gigs, and not the easy ones either, the ones that demanded every ounce of their strength and knowledge. They had avoided major injuries, but there were more than a few new bruises, cuts and stitches. Dean knew that Sam was nursing a few bruised ribs, even if he didn't say anything about it. They needed a few days of nothing, nowhere to go and nothing that needed to be handled. Sam hadn't even bothered to open the laptop in the past two days.

Sam ran a hand across his eyes and swallowed the last of his coffee. "Ready?"

Dean nodded and stood. They went out to the car, the night air cool enough that Sam zipped his sweatshirt up. Though both could have happily gone to bed, neither wanted to turn in at seven. Dean caught sight of the distant, obnoxious neon sign of a bar and knew that's where he was going, maybe he could convince Sam to relax a little.

"I'll play you a game of pool, loser buys drinks." Dean fished the keys from his pocket.

Sam looked over and followed Dean's eye line to the Bar. "You round then?"

Dean smirked and got in the car, Sam a few seconds behind him. He pulled into the parking lot of the bar. Even though it was a Thursday, the lot was half full. Apparently the bar was the only thing to do in the town. He looked over at Sam as they climbed out, the kid looked relaxed for the first time in, well, in too long.

They walked in the door and were greeted by the standard small town bar; a haze of cigarette smoke, a few battered pool tables, dark corners, neon beer signs and a jukebox playing mostly oldies and country. Unconsciously both Dean and Sam relaxed slightly, as though a bar wasn't really part of the outside world.

Dean automatically caught sight of two local girls at a corner booth as Sam racked the pool balls. Sam knew his brother's plans and smiled a little to himself. They played like they were playing for money, but mostly they played as though their only focus, their only concern was getting that ball into the pocket.

Sam's skills were better than Dean remembered, but then again, he couldn't remember the last time his younger brother had played a game. There was something wrong with that, Dean figured, yeah, they had a job to do, but there had to be something else. All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy. Hell, even the psycho in The Shining knew that.

Sam won by distraction. One of the local girls got up to get another drink and Dean forgot about pool for a moment. He scratched on the eight, Sam won by default, though he'd make sure to rub it in Dean's face later. Dean went up to the bar and got a beer for himself and for Sam.

Dean passed the bottle to his brother. "I'm going to mingle." His eyes were on the girls.

"Have fun, Cassanova." Sam smiled.

"I could throw your name in, see what comes of it." Dean looked at his brother.

Sam took a drink. "Wouldn't want to mess up your game."

"Not possible." He paused. "All right, you wait here, I'll wave you over in a few minutes."


Dean smiled and walked over towards the girls. Sam watched from across the bar, a smile on his lips for the first time in more time that he'd care to count. It was nice, having a night where the only things they had to do was drink beer, play pool and pick up girls. No ghosts, no demons, no monsters, they could pretend to be normal guys.

Sam watched his brother lean on the table, he had the girls laughing at something he said. The blond was trying harder than she had to, Sam almost felt sorry for her wasting all the effort. Dean stood and glanced over at Sam, that was his cue.

He walked over and leaned against the back of the booth. Dean pulled the blond up by her hand, she giggled as he led her away. Her darker haired friend smiled sweetly at Sam.

"Cassie's always picked up guys easy." She took a drink.

"Sounds like the girl version of Dean."

She laughed. "I'm Amy."


"Would you like to sit with me, Sam?"

He smiled and sat across the table from her. He took a drink.

"So, Dean said that you're just passing through."

Sam nodded. "We don't really stay anywhere very long."

Amy reached across and took Sam's hand. "That's all right with me."

He smiled and took another drink of his beer. A sharp pain pierced at his temple for a second and then was gone.

"I wish I was just passing through here." She sighed.

Sam refocused on Amy, tried to ignore the slight headache. "How long have you lived here?"

"Not long, just my entire life." She smiled and took a drink. "It's all right, but it's small and nothing happens. Ever."

A few spots of light flashed in his vision and the pain upped a notch. Weariness washed over him and despite how nice Amy was and how much he wanted to be with her, sleep was overruling everything else.

Amy noticed him pale a little. "Are you all right?"

Sam unconsciously brought a hand up to his temple. "Just a headache."

She met his eyes. "Maybe you should call it a night."

"I couldn't just leave you. I'm fine."

She took his hand again. "I have to work tomorrow anyway. Go get some sleep and call me if you're doing something tomorrow." She slipped a business card into his hand.

"I feel like a jerk leaving." He muttered with a smile.

"How about if I walk you out, then we'll be leaving at the same time. I'll tell Cassie that I was with you and you can tell Dean you were with me. Nobody loses."


Sam stood and dizziness washed over him. He searched the bar for Dean and saw him in a back corner. He and Amy walked towards them. Dean looked up as Sam approached.

"I'm heading back."

Dean smirked and tossed the keys to Sam. "Have fun."

"You don't need the car?"

Dean smiled as Cassie walked her fingers up his leg. "I'm good here."

"See you tomorrow, Cass." Amy smiled and took Sam's hand.

Sam and Amy walked from the bar into the cool night. The air cleared Sam's head a little and he took a slow breath. He walked Amy to her car.

She pulled her keys from her pocket. "Call me sometime?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

She shrugged. "I've been on you end of a set-up, I know you're not just flaking out on me." She feigned serious." Are you?"

"No." He smiled a little. "It's just been a long week."

"That's what I figured." She climbed in the car.

Eighty-three Mustang, Dean would have approved.

"What about your friend?"

Amy rolled her eyes. "She'll either get a ride or call me in three hours. Doesn't really matter." She looked at Sam, noticed how much paler he seemed outside, the way he tried to pretend he wasn't in pain. "Get some rest and call me."

"Yeah." He really intended to.

"Maybe get some coffee or something, the bar isn't really my scene."

"Mine either." They both smiled a little at the connection.

"Goodnight, Sam."

"Night." He took a step back from the car.

She started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Sam watched her go before he went over to the Impala. He climbed behind the wheel and leaned his head back. The dull ache and become a dull throb and the lure of sleep was stronger than before. He took a breath and turned onto the highway.

He parked in front of their room and tripped slightly on the curb. He unlocked the door and stumbled over a bag in the room. He left the keys on Dean's bag and eased onto his bed. He kicked off his shoes and let himself sink into the pillows. He thought that maybe he should take something for the headache before he fell asleep, but sleep was too quick.