Still don't own Supernatural. Not suing would be appreciated. I have no money, I promise, so please just let me use the brilliant characters.

Sorry for taking so long to update. Things got busy and my own migraines decided to make an appearance for a few days (like today and 2 days ago, and I had no Winchesters to sit with me) so that kept the story from being written. Also, I changed the plot, I never really knew where it was going anyway……so now it's sort of a 'three-shot'. I might pick up the plot later, but for now, I think it's done.

Thanks for the reviews.


Sam woke in the dark hours of early morning. Dean was stretched out on his own bed, the blanket half on the floor. Sam slowly rolled to his back, his head still throbbed, but it was better as long as he didn't move too much. What he remembered from the past day were blurred and hard to focus on.

With a sigh, he pushed himself up and felt the room spin lazily around him. He swallowed back nausea and pressed his fingers against his temple. Slowly he stood and walked towards the bathroom. He didn't bother with the light, both for his sake and to keep Dean from waking up, if he was even still asleep. Sam leaned heavily on the counter and poured himself a glass of water. He splashed some cold water on his face and ran his fingers through his hair so he didn't looked like he had been mugged.

As he stumbled over a bag, back to bed, he realized that he wouldn't be able to sleep any more. Even though his brain felt like it was wrapped in think fog, there was still enough distraction from pain to keep sleep away. He didn't feel like laying for hours on the motel bed, so he pulled on his shoes. He scribbled a quick note for Dean, 'Went for a cup of coffee –Sam' and slipped out the door.

He found the card in his pocket with Amy's number and fished out his phone. As he walked, he texted her his number; maybe she'd call sometime.

The horizon was almost starting to become light and the stars had faded. He wished that he had grabbed a few pills on his way out, but he didn't think of it. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he expected it to be a message from Dean, he flipped open the phone. 'How are you feeling? –Amy'

He smiled and texted back. 'Going for coffee the diner.'

A message responded. 'See you there in 10'

He slipped the phone back into his pocket and continued down the silent road towards the glowing lights of the 24-hour diner and truck stop. The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, but didn't spike his headache like he feared. He took a booth towards the back and ordered a cup of coffee.

The waitress, one of those stereotypical truck stop waitresses that have the 'I've smoked for the past 40 years' voice and the personality of a brick wall, brought him a cup of strong, black, not particularly good coffee.

Amy came in not long after and sat down across from him. She ordered the same, but added sugar.

"So." He took a drink. "Why are you up so early, I didn't wake you, did I?"

She shook her head, smiled. "Couldn't sleep. You?"

"Same." He smiled.

She could see that he was still a little pale and his hands shook slightly. They didn't talk much, instead they were content just being in the other person's company. It was one of those relationships where both people suddenly find themselves with someone that they don't have to pretend for, it's not love so much as compatibility.

"How's your head?"

He shrugged. "Better." He took a drink. "We're probably moving on later today, or tomorrow."

"I know." She smirked. "Funny thing about phones is they work from any distance."

"I'll keep that in mind."

They spent the better part of two hours, the conversation anything and everything between weather and favorite things to the meaning of life and philosophy. The sun rose and cast everything in a bright, clean light. Sam's phone vibrated and he saw a message from Dean. 'At the diner?'

Sam looked up at Amy. "One sec." He typed, 'yes'

'You okay?'


'Ready to go in 2 hours?'

Sam paused, looked up at Amy. "We're leaving in two hours, I guess."

She nodded. "I work in two hours, so it's a good way to part. Both of us going on towards our lives."

"I wish there was more time."

He took her hand and she smiled. "We'll just have to make sure that our paths cross again. I'll try if you will."

He smiled. "I can do that."

The next two hours passed much like the ones before it. All too soon, but yet seeming like the right time, Dean pulled up in front of the diner. Sam and Amy stood, a quick hug and they went their separate ways.

Once Dean and Sam were back on the road, weariness washed over Sam. His head still hurt, but the coffee had helped some.

Dean glanced over. "So, you and Amy?"

"We just talked." Sam sighed. "We might hook up sometime later."

Dean could still see that Sam wasn't top form, but if he said he could travel, then everything was a little better. Sam relaxed and rested his head against the window.

"Good for you." Dean muttered, even though he knew Sam had fallen asleep.

It wasn't the break that they had planned, but it had been good nonetheless. Dean figured that all the evil out there could wait one more day at least, no need to rush back into things, not yet. He glanced over at Sam, smiled and turned up the music a little. Right now all that mattered was the road ahead and that was enough.