Why The Cross?

Everyone always asks me: Why the cross? And I never respond because it's none of their business, but still I wonder: Why do they care?

Michiru tells me that it's because they're just curious. Even she wonders why I wear it. 'Not that it matters to me,' she says. I've finally decided to put the mystery to rest. So here's the story behind the cross...

********** I was about 12 years old when my family decided to move to America. We lived there for only a year, but it was enough time for me to make a friend. Her name was Laura and she was my first love.

We used to play around in her backyard and sometimes I would stay at her house for dinner or vice-versa. She was the nicest person I ever met before Michiru. We might have been kids but we had fallen in love. Of course we kept it a secret but sometimes that was easier said than done. Like this one time when we had decided to kiss for the first time and mother started calling her for dinner. We didn't kiss that day instead we ran off in like scared rabbits in different directions.

Those were the good old days...I'm sorry I drifting from the original subject. Anyway, her family was Catholic and she always wore this cross around her neck. I used to marvel at it back then, it was fascinating to me and she would always smile at me with a face full of love.

We spent the whole year together, evemn the cold winter. I remember when she caught the flu and I spent everyday at her house. I ended up catching it from her but with her by my side, it didn't even bother me.

When I found out I had to come back to Japan, I was heartbroken. It was one of the few times I ever cried. But Laura was really supportive about the whole situation. The day that I was to leave she met me at our favorite spot , which was a big tree near the local park.I still remember out conversation...

"I don't want to go," I said. "I know but don't worry we'll meet again," she said. "Oh Laura...I'll miss you so much." "Please don't cry Haruka. Here I want you to have this."

She moved her hands to the back of her neck and undid the clasp of her chain. Handing the cross to me she said, "Take this and never forget me." She placed it in my hands and leaned towards me and gave me my first kiss.

That same day, while I was on the plane, I remember putting the cross on and vowing never to lose or get rid of this token of our friendship.

And that is the great mystery behind my cross. Every time I look at it, I think of Laura and remember the time we shared together...