AN: i know that alot of storys are like this.
Truley i do. But i had to write it. The story was eating away at me.
And i do have another story that im cuurently writing bu i couldnt let this one go.
Please review?... I will love you forever.

Disclaimer: I do not own twilight.

Chapter one:

Billy talent- Nothing to lose.

"Bella?..Bella?...Please speak to us" My mother pleaded.

I looked around. The therapist's office was depressing. Like, when you first walk into the office, you know you're here because something's wrong with you. Something was wrong with me. I just decided not to tell anyone.

I looked at my mothers hopless, pleading face. You could tell she wasn't okay, because I wasnt okay.Her blue blouse was wrinkled and buttoned up wrong. Like, she didn't know what she was doing. I turned to Phil, my stepfather. Sure Phil was nice, but nice didn't cut it. I didn't like him. At all. He was almost too perfect. Perfectly ironed red shirt.

My mother and Phil were sitting on the old, coffee coloured therapist's couch. I sat at the other side of the room. On the hardwood floor.

"Bella?... We can't help you if you don't tell us what is wrong" Stupid Therapist.

I turned and glared at the man. He was mid fifties, balding and his glasses were probaly in syle in the sixities. His tailored grey suit was busting out over his stomach.

I absolutley hated him. People try to make you talk, they say its " good for you", what if you dont want to talk?. What if, this was a secret?. Therapists they try and make you talk. But they obviously don't know how annoying that is. Its like telling a deaf dog to stop barking.

It was Phil's turn to talk " Bella. please?"

I pulled up my black hoodie and tightened the strings around my face.

This had been going on for five months, and every therapy session was the same. They tried to make me talk. I was done with speaking. That's what had gotten me in this mess in the first place.I was done. No more talking. Zip.

And that is why I was here. Phil and my mother had no idea what happened to me. No one did. And I wasn't about to tell anyone.

"Hey" A boy with long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes said walking up to me. He was wearing a black band t-shirt and faded jeans.

"Hi" I replied with a wide smile. My friends giggled in the background. I quickly shushed them.

"I'm James, Would you like to accompany me too the cooler?" James. It fit him perfectly.

I nodded and grabbed onto his extended arm. We were walking and chatting aimlessly when he finally turned to me and strared me in the eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes, brown. Deep. did you know that?"

I blushed. I always thought my eyes were plain. Like me.

We had reached the cooler, Hot sweaty bodies were dancing around us. Music was blaring in the background. High School party. My first party and I was liking it so far.

"Bella, Pull down that hood now!," Mother was getting fustrated now.

Me and my mom weren't really close. But I cared for her, and she cared for me. Phil could care less about me. I think my mother knew that. He only agreed to come to these sessions because he saw how much my mother was hurting because of me.

I didn't want to hurt my mother. Honestly.

But, speaking was out of the question. Who cared if i talked or not?

Emotions were also out of the question. I would not show any emotion to anyone. Besides, no one cared about my emotions.

"Hopless. Thats what this is, HOPELESS" My mother threw her hands up into the air. And Phil sighed.

"Renee, Honey please sit down. I have a suggestion. Bella?... could you uh, leave the room for a minute?"

That wasn't good.

I nodded absently and walked out of the office. I left the office door open.

Putting my ear up to the crack, I started tracing the oak patterns on the door.

"Renee.What about Charlie?...What if we send Bella to uh, Forks..?"

No no no no no. Sure, I loved my father. But, living with him?. I looked into the crack this time.

My mother was calm. She was considering it!

"But, isn't that alot of weight to put on Charlie's shoulders?"

Oh, so thats what I was. Extra weight. Nice to know you think so highly of me, mother dearest.
Phil was just drinking this up, I would be out of the house. Great for him.

Well, I had news for him. Im wasn't going that easily. They would have to drag me by my arms and legs.

"Then its settled, Bella will go to Forks. Hopefully that will help her. If it doesn't, then I don't know what to do"

Wait?.. Mom agreed?

My mom and Phil got up saying their goodbyes to the therapist. Their bodies got closer to the crack.

I moved away and shuffled to the nearest plastic chair.

"Bella, come on, I know you were listening..lets get packing"

AN: I know this plot is very over used.
but please give it a chance... i had to write it.
No flames though ... But pointers on how to fix my story better are good.

The Italics were flashbacks. i know i didnt put enough description.

But, isnt that better to imangine it, they way you want to imangine it?

Oooh, and if you didnt understand.. in the flashback, bella was at a party.