Another day, another night wasted by recovering their strength instead of finding Gaspard and Phillip. Evangelina wandered the empty corridor of Michael's home. It felt emptier than it did usually, she could picture Phillip walking up those stairs and approach her closed door in his quite manner and knock gently which would wake her up and together, with Phillip waiting just a couple of minutes, they would proceed down together to have breakfast, where Gaspard and Michael would be waiting.

She choked back a sob. I have to be strong. She thought determinedly, feeling a burst of adrenaline. Phillip and Gaspard depend on Michael and I to save them, I can't be weak now. She nodded and straightened her posture as she walked down the stairs, lonely and broken.

She could hear the faint chatter – if you could call it chatter, it was more like raised voices in a disagreement, "We will not be using Eva as bait, use yourself as bait Kostan!" she recognised Michael's voice as he spat at the handsome vampire she had met last night.

"Michael" she spoke sternly as she entered the room. Michael flinched at the tone she used against him and felt guilty, not guilty at the fact that he was rude to a vampire but the fact that she had caught him in such a wicked state. "Let's not treat our guest and allies like that,"

Allies? Michael thought in distain. Vampires will never become our allies, love. For they were only thoughts and thoughts couldn't hurt anyone unless they were voiced which was something Michael would never do to hurt Evangelina. She suffered enough already so he stood with apologising to her but not to his guest.

"Oh good morning Mr. St John, Mr Kostan. I hope you two can help us get Gaspard and Phillip back. I miss them dearly," she whispered to the vampires who heard every word and felt the strong emotion as she pleaded to them. Michael quickly wrapped his arms around the smaller woman noticing quickly that Josef Kostan tensed as Michael came in contact with Evangelina. Josef looked away and Michael knew.

Mick smiled, assuring the young woman that everything would be alright, that her friends would be back and they would disappear from each other's lives. Michael was happy with that statement, the sooner his brothers were back the sooner these vampires were gone from their lives and the sooner Evangelina would be happy again.

Josef cleared his throat still feeling his chest constrict at the sight of Michael and Evangelina so intimate like that. "Don't worry Evangelina, we'll do our best to help you," Evangelina smiled at Josef and if his heart was still beating it would have bounced against his rib cages, threatening to come out but for now he was content with the feeling she gave him. That calm and relaxed feeling, he rarely ever experienced these days. "But for now, we would like to know everything that you know of so far about these vampires,"

Michael glanced down at the broken woman in his arms and tightened his hold onto her, intending to tell her that he was never going to let her go and she leaned back against his chest accepting him. "Fine Kostan,"

January 1th, 1987

2:54 am

For Gaspard, spending New Years alone was nothing different. He couldn't remember the last time he had spent this day, this indication of a new year with someone he cared about that's because, moving to live in Brooklyn, Gaspard had kept away from people. He was hurt and scarred from the life back at home in little his little town of Devil's Lake, North Dakota.

Just thinking about what had happened back home, made him shiver with fright. He had been living a lie, a big lie back at home unable to do anything about it, all Gaspard could do was run, and he did, he ran as far away as he could from that place because to him, Devil's Lake truly belonged to the Devil.

6:09 am

Gaspard cooked and clean the small apartment he had to himself in the dodgy part of Brooklyn, it wasn't a five star or any star for that matter, apartment but it provided him shelter, water and electricity when he needed. Gaspard had found a job at the local newspaper agency just a train station away from his apartment which paid him well enough for him to live through until his next pay.

Gaspard never once did he whine or ask the Heavens why he was living in such poverty and bad luck while other people who have sinned more so than him live in luxury without a care in the world, he accepted his fate and continued with life always looking behind his shoulder feeling as though there was someone after him, someone who was out there to kill him.

It was a shame; Gaspard hadn't known that his instinct was right. Someone was there watching him from the moment he left Devil's Lake, they've been watching him struggle and beg even to survive and this someone stood back within the shadows and grinned a sinister grin. The grin of a predator waiting for its prey to give up and let death come upon them.

11:06 pm

From a drizzle of light rain earlier in the night became pouring of cats and dogs. Gaspard without the luxury of having a car or enough money to catch a cab, he was left to walk home as the last train had left almost one hour ago. Just my luck he thought depressingly but thought no more.

The streets were empty except for occasional homeless men or women lying under chairs or their makeshift home in the alleyways groaning and moaning from discomfort of the weather but Gaspard paid no mind to them. He was barely living himself and had no time for others but where he could, he did. The streetlights that littered the streets were no use to give him light as most of them were burnt out or were broken beyond repair.

Footsteps, he could hear footsteps echoing his own as he walked down a completely deserted road, not even a homeless person lay there nor was there seen a stray cat, it was just him and the echoing footsteps' owner. Gaspard paused and the footsteps stopped too. He continued walking for another twenty feet before stopping again and glancing back but saw no one. Chills ran down his spine but he was unsure from the coldness as his clothes clung to his skinny figure or from fright.

Gaspard quickly picked up his pace and ran, he ran down the empty street careful to avoid the dark alleyways and running in the middle of the road as to avoid being attacked. Although a smart choice, Gaspard wasn't dealing with a human, he was dealing with something that belonged in his imagination and the stories.

He felt his body hit against a sudden brick wall and then trapped against the walls. His vision grew fuzzy and unclear as his head banged against the wall quite forcefully. Walls are moving. That was the only clear explanation that Gaspard could think of. Once his vision began to clear up and he could vaguely make out silhouettes in the rain and the dark, Gaspard gasped at the intensifying piercing white eyes in front of him. He could make out the pearl white set of teeth included two very pointy incisors. Vampire.

The mere thought made him flinch with fright. "You're so yummy," the vampire hissed into his ear. Gaspard gasped and shivered as the vampire's cold hand tightly held his throat, blocking the air from entering his lung leaving poor Gaspard gasping for breath and clawing at the hand to realise him but to no avail. The vampire simply laughed at the pitiful attempt of escape from his meal. "Oh you disappoint me. I thought you would be more of a challenge,"

His pointy teeth touched Gaspard's cold neck and he flinched and struggled even harder against the vampire. The vampire let him fall to the ground and watched as he cough and choked gulping in amounts of air that was cut off from his lungs. "You're absolutely fascinating though it's a shame I have to kill you," there was no remorse in that tone just a simple statement made by the vampire to the quivering human beside his feet who didn't look up at him but continued to swallow amounts of air.

Gaspard closed his eyes as his body relaxed again, he was going to accept death that would come to him. He gasped as the vampire sunk his teeth into Gaspard's tender flesh and proceeded to drink from his supposed delicious blood. Gaspard felt his mind drift away, back to home, back to the family he left behind, back to the woman he love and the big secret a small town kept so neatly. A secret he would take to the grave. However, luck wasn't on his side, the vampire wasn't going to satisfy Gaspard with a quick and simple death, no, he picked up Gaspard from his bleeding neck and chuckled into Gaspard's face licking his lips of the blood that escaped.

He hissed lowly as his nose breathed in Gaspard's scent from his neck, up to his hair and down to his chest. The vampire smirked against Gaspard's skin as he ripped the thin shirt from Gaspard and proceeded to touch him in ways he didn't like a man to do. The vampire was going to humiliate Gaspard, he wanted Gaspard to suffer and beg for a quick death instead of this but Gaspard would not succumb to such thing, he would endure this torture and not beg.

The vampire trailed his fingers down to Gaspard's belt and he gasped in panic. He tried to think of happy moments, when his mother was still alive or when he was with his lover. He tried his best but the vampire had now, touched Gaspard at a private area where he could not think anymore but his mind yelling for him to beg to this monster, beg and grovel for a quick death.

11:54 pm

It seemed forever that the vampire was finally satisfied with Gaspard's torture. Gaspard lay in a fetal position. His mouth mumbling a prayer as the vampire violated him in ways he wished never happened. His naked body bled from bite marks that the vampire had fed from him. Finally the vampire bent down to him and chuckled to Gaspard's ear, making Gaspard shiver again.

"You've been such a good pet but I think it's time you die now," Gaspard couldn't remembering experiencing such relief when death was about to be given to him. He didn't say anything else but continue to mumble his prayers.

The vampire smirked and sunk his teeth roughly into the bleeding neck of Gaspard and sucked roughly. Gaspard gasped and moaned in discomfort at the pain he was experiencing. He felt his neck being torn slowly as the vampire fed from him so roughly feeling the nails of his killer dig into his tender skin, ripping and shredding his body like a doll.

Slowly, the pain began to disappear, his body began to grow numb and at exactly 12:00 am on January 2nd, 1987, Gaspard was dead to the world and to the vampire who had killed him so ruthlessly.