Disclamier: I don't own Twilight

Haha, I hope you like this story, I have alot of good dares for it. Sorry about the writing, I know it's bad but Hey, I did it at 10 o'clock at night, and I had a really bad cold. Review, I like reading them!


It was the usual rainy day in Forks Washington. I was over at the Cullens house and I was bored. The Cullens and I had been sitting there for hours watching some really old movie. I looked up at Edward, his eyes were glazed and unfocused. I could tell he was thinking about something else rather then the cheesy movie.

"Edward, I'm bored. Let's do something!" I said. Edward looked down and smiled

"And what would you like to do, my love?" I saw Emmett out of the corner of my eye pretending to gag. Edward rolled his eyes.

"Lets play a game!" I suggested. It was better than sitting around doing this. Alice looked up at us.

"Ooooo! A game!" she squealed. Her eyes went unfocused for a second before she jumped up and said "Let's play Truth or Dare!"

"Truth or Dare?" said Jasper, "Isn't that a game 10 year old girls play at sleepovers?" Alice rolled her eyes.

"It's either that or Spin the Bottle. You choose," she said. Emmett laughed.

"Ewwww, wonder if I'd have to kiss Bella!" he made a face.

"Truth or Dare it is then!" said Carlisle.

"Wait a second! Lemme go grab something," Rosalie jumped up and dashed up the stairs. She returned with a set of dice and a big blue book.

"What is that?" Edward asked.

"It's the Truth or Dare set Emmett gave me for our 30th anniversary, along with that box full of chocolates," Rosalie glared at him.

"Hey, it's not my fault you didn't appreciate my wonderful gift to you!" Rosalie uncharacteristically snorted.

"What did you do Emmett? Reach in a 75 percent off bin and grab the first two things you put your hands on?" Emmett looked down ashamed and Edward laughed.

"No, he reached in the 90 percent off bin and grabbed the first two things he put his hands on," said Edward. Rosalie just glared at Emmett.

"Can we play the game now?" Alice asked impatiently.

"Of course. This should be fun." muttered Edward. I looked up at him.

"I vote Edward go first," I smirked. Edward rolled his eyes and picked up the dice.

"Anything for you love," he sighed. Kiss up coughed Emmett. Edward shook the dice in his hand, and smoothly let it roll out. The dice hit the floor and bounced before landing on Dare.

"Now what?" he asked. Alice flipped through the Dare section of the book, looking for the dare she wanted to use. One of them caught her eye, and she smirked.

"You have to streak around the house while screaming 'I'm a werewolf!'" she laughed. Edward's eyes grew wide, while the Cullens and myself roared with laughter.

"No WAY am I doing that!" he growled through his teeth.

"Rule says!" Alice taunted.

"No! End of story!" Edward glared in the opposite direction. Alice's face fell a little. Darn, Edward was so stubborn, if only he were a little more persuadable...

And then an idea occurred to me.

I leaned over and placed my lips in his ears. I lightly kissed his earlobe, trying to be persuasive and seductive at the same time. I probably looked like an idiot.

"Edward," I breathed, grabbing his collar and pulling it towards me. "Please, do it for me."

"No," his voice was strong, but a little unsure. I knew I was winning.

"Please," I whispered into his ear. "Look at me." Edward shifted his face a little to see me pouting, but quickly looked away. I knew the damage was done. I heard one of the Cullen's snicker behind me.

"Please," I whispered once more. I felt his shoulders fall. I had won.

"Oh fine!" he snapped, jumping up and glaring at me. "You Bella, are going to be the death of me,"

"Thank you!" I replied.

"Can I at least strip in the bathroom so my family doesn't have to see me...naked?" Once again, the Cullen's and I roared with laughter.

"Fine," Jasper said, "Just don't take too long. And no running away either. We shall be watching you!"

"Darn," I heard him mutter as he ran towards the bathroom. Less then a second later, we heard the bathroom door, and saw Edward's face peaking out from behind the staircase.

"You may start now!" Alice squealed.

"Stupid Vampires," he cursed as he began circling the house again and again. He was too fast for my eyes too see, I could only see a blur, but I knew the others could see him perfectly.

"Why aren't you yelling yet?" called out Emmett. I heard Edward sigh.

"I'm a werewolf." he said without enthusiasm.

"Put more into it!" called out Alice.

"I'm a werewolf!" he yelled with a little more enthusiasm.

"Now start howling!" I yelled.

"No! That wasn't part of the dare!" he yelled back.

"Please, Edward! Do it for me!" again, Edward sighed.

"I'm a Werewolf! AAAWOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Edward yelled out. By now, all the Cullen's were on the floor shaking with laughter. I'm sure if they were human, they would be crying now. I knew I certainly was.

"You may stop now, Edward!" called out Carlisle.

"Oh thank god!" Edward yelled. The moving blur stopped, and then there Edward stood in front of us with his clothes back on.

"What kind of sick game is this!" he angrily yelled. The Cullen's were too busy laughing to respond to him.

"Great idea Alice!" I choked out.

"Thanks Bel-" she started, but Alice's laughter abruptly stopped, and her eyes became unfocused. When her eyes became regular again, she layed down on the floor and started howling with laughter.

"What is it Alice?" Jasper asked, but there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" volunteered Carlisle. When he opened the door a husky voice started to yell.

"What the hell are you doing? You guys are not werewolfs, and we do not howl like that!"

A/N: Like it? Like it?! Review, I like reading them! I shall try to get the next chapter done soon! Later!