My Life as Fox

by Joyblazer905

My Life as Fox


"Aw shoot! I missed the catch again!" I growled as I walked back to my den, empty stomach. I could barely catch prey, let alone do anything. I sulked through the forest, and walked into my den, which was a tree cavern. I closed my eyes and smelled the grotto, like I always did when I entered. This was home. But if only Ma and Dad were here...If only I could see them once more...I brushed the back of my memory to seek my life as a child once more. Ah, frolicking with my parents by my side in that meadow... scrumptious banquets whenever I wanted, a swim in the river...and playing with all my friends. Yes, friends are what I wanted the most, but I knew my aspiration would never be real.

A noise shattered my thoughts and I whipped around. A loud whirring sound filled the forest air and a frosty gust rushed into the warren. I peered outside, and I saw a colossal black thing that landed about twenty yards away from me, tearing down a group of trees underneath it. My eyes widened with fear, and I scampered across the forest floor. I threw my head backward to see that whatever it was again. Two animals were coming out of it, though they had no fur, no tails, and they walked on their hind paws. I didn't like the look of them, so I continued sprinting. My limbs were getting tired from the dash, but they were barking something I couldn't understand and their scent proved they were angry. I stopped abruptly to pant for a few seconds, and I knew I was so far ahead, they could never catch me. The yelling was getting closer.

I heard a sound that cracked the air.

And I went black.