A/N: My brain is never ending with story ideas. Thought of this one not too long ago and thought it was worthy of posting. It's pretty short. I don't own anything sadly. Please R&R. :)

Mr. Larkin walked past the bathroom and almost spit out the coffee that he was drinking.

"Lincoln! What on Earth are you doing?!"

Link had what looked like an entire can of shaving cream spread all over his face.

"Shaving pops!" he replied with a wide grin.

Mr. Larkin inwardly chuckled.

"Shaving eh?"

"Yeah! I got a hair right here. See?"

Mr. Larkin smiled and thought "Ah. The infamous hair that only the owner can see."

"Well, lets clean ya' up and then we can have a look-see."

Mr. Larkin took a washcloth and dipped it in the warm water that was in the sink and gingerly wiped Links face.

"Geez Link. How much shaving cream did you use?"

"The whole can."

Mr. Larkin inwardly groaned. He had just bought that can yesterday.

"Alright. Let's have a look here. Where'd you say it was?"

"Right here. See?" Link pointed to an area on his chin.

Mr. Larkin knelt down to chin level and looked at the spot that Link was pointing to.

"Well, I don't really see anything son."

"See. Right here."

Mr. Larkin leaned in a little closer to look. Link was pointing at a pimplish looking spot. Mr. Larkin pretended to go along with Link and his hair theory.

"Ah! I think I might see something."

Link beemed.

"But why are you shaving son?"

"Well see, there's this really pretty girl at school that I want to impress and I thought that.."

"Link. Link. Link. The way to impress a girl is not by shaving your face."

"It's not?"

"No. You gotta…"

Mr. Larkin stopped to think for a moment.

"You gotta what?"

"Well…you gotta be sensitive."

Link thought about that for a moment. What did sensitive mean?



"Like how pops?"

"Well…you gotta tell her she smells nice and she looks pretty in her dress."

Link got a sort of excited look on his face.

"And then what pops?"

Mr. Larkin thought for another moment.

"Do a nice gesture for her. Hold a door open for her, let her go in front of you at the lunch line."

"Oh. Okay. I think I get it."

"Good. Glad we had this little talk son."

"Me too pops."