
I do not own Sailor Moon or Naruto.

Author Notes: Thank you to everyone who reviewed. I am not completely satisfied with this chapter; it's almost a filler for where I want to take this story. I apologize for the delay of this chapter. I tend to write in spurts, so…


"Now then, if we could please get back to the information you had to share with us, Cosmos. What…" Tsunade was interrupted by the resounding bang of the office doors. Shizune rushed into the room, a message clutched in her hand.

"Tsunade-sama! An urgent request from the Sand!"

Chapter 5: An Angel's New Name

Tsunade sighed in the quiet of her office. It seemed impossible that less than 2 hours ago the room had been filled to capacity. As soon as Shizune had announced that the Kazekage had been kidnapped, and who exactly had kidnapped him, Naruto had demanded the mission. Tsunade had not had the heart to deign him, and realistically Team Kakashi was the logical choice considering the shinobi in the village at the time.

She was frustrated, however, because Cosmos had insisted on accompanying them to Suna, and Hinata had surprised her by quietly requesting the same.

Tsunade had wanted to deign them both, but Kakashi had said that with the foes they might be facing extra help would likely be needed. She had given in then, because Kakashi would never request such a thing if he did not truly believe it to be true. They had left within moments of her agreement.

Tsunade sighed, and silently prayed that Narutos' new family would provide the protection he needed.

They had agreed to meet at the village's South gate. Kakashi stood impatiently leaning against a tree. He who was never early, rarely on time, and always late had been forced to be the first to reach the gate. This being due to a certain woman whom he had been signaled by Tsunade to follow as they were leaving the Hokage's office. Cosmos had spoken quietly with her companions and Naruto outside the Hokage building, given Naruto a gentle pat on the cheek, and then proceeded with her daughter directly to the gate.

He had been forced to send a shadow clone to his apartment to collect the things he would need for the trip. He could just imagine what his former students were going to say when they saw he had beaten them here. Kakashi was brought out of his musings by a tug on his pant leg.

He looked down to see that Cosmos' daughter had a firm grip on his pants with one hand and a small grey kitten in the other. Where had she gotten the kitten? And why did it have a crescent moon on its forehead?

"That's a cute little cat you have there," Kakashi squatted down so he was on the little girls' level.

He reached out to rub the kittens' head gently. "What's her name?"

"My name's Diana," the kitten purred as she leaned into Kakashis' fingers.

Kakashi blinked. Was this tiny kitten a summon animal? Kakashi also remembered the two cats from earlier. He glanced over Rini's head and watched as Cosmos approached a cat on either shoulder.

"Are these cats summon animals?" he questioned Cosmos.

Cosmos raised an eyebrow. "Summon animals? No, Luna, Artemis, and Diana are the advisors to our family. Luna is my personal advisor, Artemis is Venus's and Diana, when she is old enough, will be Rini's."

"Is it wise to bring your… advisors was it and what about your daughter?" Kakashi questioned. He glanced down at Rini.

Cosmos looked slightly amused by his question. She glanced at the white cat perched on her shoulder. That seemed to be a signal to the cat, who jumped to the ground gracefully.

There was a flash of light from the crescent moon on the cats' forehead, and when Kakashi blinked there was a man standing where the cat had been.

Kakashi could not help but blink again. Was it a genjutsu? A replacement technique? The man standing before him now was dressed completely in white and had, long straight white hair. But what struck Kakashi was the crescent moon directly in the center of the mans' forehead.

"I trust this is satisfactory? My name is Artemis, and I can assure you I am anything but helpless." The man smirked lightly at him, then there was another flash of light and the white cat was back.

Elsewhere in Konoha…

Naruto had made it to his apartment in record time. He wanted to reach the gate as quickly as possible, so that he would hopefully have a few minutes to speak with his new mother.

His mother.

Naruto could hardly believe what this day had already brought to him. He glanced around one last time to make sure he had not forgotten anything. He then quietly closed the apartment door, and went to meet his new family.

Kakashi was once again caught up in his own musings. After Artemis' rather startling display, Rini had giggled at his stunned expression, or what she could see of it, and skipped off to play with the cats under a nearby tree.

Cosmos had been distracted by the arrival of several of her … come to think of it what were they? Her friends? Companions? Followers? They had not been quiet clear on that point.

Kakashi was again drawn from his musings, this time by the arrival of Naruto.

Cosmos smiled gently as her new son approached, obviously out of breath from his rush to arrive at the gate. She glanced behind her where the senshi who would be accompanying them on this trip were gathered. The rest she had directed to either scout the planet for new signs of Chaos or guard the village which would be their new home, at least as long as they resided on this particular planet.

Naruto stopped within a few feet of her, suddenly nervous.

"What should I call you? We're family now right?" Naruto questioned her hesitantly, almost afraid he had been dreaming and this woman had not adopted him only an hour ago.

Cosmos walked forward and embraced him gently under the watchful eyes of the senshi and Kakashi.

"You may call me whatever you are comfortable with, my son." Cosmos watched him calmly, waiting to see what he would decide on.

Naruto squinted his eyes in thought for a moment, and then brightened. "Then, how about kaa-chan?"