Ok, so like, I had this idea for a new story on fan fiction(:

But of course, I didn't have a strong feeling if I should try writing it or not, but now, I kind of want too.

I want to see how many people read it, and of course REVIEW!(:

So yeah, please let me know if you like this story and if I should continue it!

Love ya!

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer is the masterful owner.


I twisted and turned in my bed, the sheets getting all tangled around my body. The past week I had been having terrible nightmares that would start just after I went to sleep, overtaking my mind and controlling my thoughts. It would re-occur every night, the same dream, as if it was trying to tell me some sort of message, but I just didn't understand. I would try to decode it when I woke up, but it affected me physically, mentally, and emotionally too. No one knew about these nightmares, not even Alice or Rosalie.

My breathing began to turn harsh, my chest heaving up and down. The killer had come back to me, with a bouquet of white Lily's in his hand, that had blood red tints in their centers.

I was lost in the woods, trying to find my way back to the campus. I looked left and right, the darkness bringing a new kind of fear to me.

I hesitantly walked forward, not knowing what to do or where to go. I saw a dim light in the distance. Thinking it was my way out of here, I began a slow paced run towards the light, hoping to reach it soon.

The moonlight shone through the cracks in the trees, lighting up a small path for me to run to the light.

As I began to get closer to the light, the forest began to get more dense, trapping me even more than before. I felt claustrophobic, and tripped over a big root from a near-by tree. I scraped my knee.

Just great, I thought, another mark. I tried pulling myself up, but I pain shot through my body, like I was on fire. I tried to scream, but no noise came out from me.

"Bella…." I heard a deep voice mutter out loud, a small wind of breath hitting the back of my neck. I could feel a trickle of sweat go down the side of my forehead, but I didn't move to get it. I was too terrified.

"Who-who's there?" I stuttered out, my eyes averting to every inch of the forest for which I could see. My heart beat began to increase, now loosing my ability to count how many beats it pumped per minute.

"I want you Bella…I want your body, your blood…you're mine!" The voice yelled, as I felt a pair of cold arms grab my neck and squeeze the accessibility of air out.

I was choking, trying to fight the pair of arms away from me, as I felt my legs being lifted in the air. I was being taken somewhere, I wasn't sure where though. I saw a fire being burned off near the corner, figures surrounding it.

"You called me Bella, and now, you'll get your answer…"

I snapped up right out of bed, finding the sheets all messed up, wrapped around my legs. But what was very interesting, was that I found my blanket, the one that I had since I was a small child that I kept in a drawer near my bed, was tied around my neck, as if a noose.

I un-wrapped it quickly off from around my neck, throwing it across the room, my hands shaking uncontrollably. I looked down to see a small red stain on the sheets that were now pulled up to my chest. I knew it wasn't my time of the month, why would there be blood?

I could smell it though - it had been one of my special abilities, you could say. The smell of blood made me queasy. I ran my trembling finger all around my face, as I noticed that my nose was bleeding, the blood running down onto my lips, and dripping down onto the sheets.

I could taste it on my tongue, I tried to contain myself and stop the bleeding, but my queasiness took over, as I felt my head begin to hurt. Everything in the room began to spin, as my sight slowly started to become dark, the blackness taking over. I fell back on the bed.

"Bella! Bella!" I heard my name being called. I couldn't move or open my eyes. I felt a cloth type fabric swipe at my nose, as I felt the wet napkin clean my face.

"Ugh…" I groaned, using all the strength I had in my body to put my hand on my head, "What happened?"

"Oh, good, Bella you're awake." The peppy voice of my roommate, Alice came into hearing, "Are you okay? What's been going on with you?"

"Nothing Alice, I just woke up and had a nose bleed…then I fainted. You know I don't like the smell of blood. Hey, Alice, why are your eyes black?"

I looked at her, and noticed the change in her eye color. Usually, her eyes were a beautiful color of butterscotch, but now they were a charcoal black. Her eyes were searching mine, moving from my eyes to my nose, which had stopped bleeding. I could smell a very faint stench of blood now, not enough to affect me again.

"Oh, nothing, just these new contacts I'm trying on." She said hurriedly, jumping off my bed and heading towards the door, "I'm going out, I'll be back soon."

I took a quick glance at the clock, it read '5:34 A.M.' Where would Alice go at this time at night? But she was Alice, and she did mysterious things like that. Maybe she went out to see Jasper. You see, Jasper Hale was her boyfriend; they were the cutest couple on the planet! The only thing was that while he was 6 foot 1, Alice was a mere 4 foot 11. They both had amazing butterscotch eyes, that had me mesmerized from the first time I had seen them both.

Actually, their entire family had butterscotch colored eyes. There was Jasper Hale, with his gorgeous sister Rosalie, and then there was Alice, Emmett and Edward Cullen. They were all adopted by a man named Carlisle Cullen, who had a beautiful wife named Esme. Jasper and Alice were a couple, while Rosalie and Emmett were another couple. I never really talked to Edward, since he was a loner a lot. I wanted too, though…because, I was intrigued by him. I wasn't love crazed like every other girl in the school that wanted to get laid by him. I wanted to get to know him…but of course, we never talked.

There was something weird about this family though. Even if Alice and Rosalie were my roommates, and we were close, don't get me wrong, but…I felt as though he were keeping something from me. Like, this huge secret, that belonged to their family. I understood why they wouldn't tell me, since I don't really know them all that well.

I tried getting back to sleep, but now that I was fully awake, I decided to get myself out of bed. I shuffled myself to the bathroom, opening the light that burned my eyes.

"Gah!" I yelled as I covered my eyes with my hands. I rubbed them slowly, hoping to get myself used to the light. I turned on the shower, making sure the water was nice and hot, just the way I liked it.

I stripped down and jumped into the shower, closing my eyes as the warm water drizzled onto my back, soothing my muscles. I quickly shampooed, conditioned, and washed my body, the bathroom filling up with steam, and smelling like strawberries. I washed my face too, making sure all the dried blood was wiped off.

As I got out of the shower, I wrapped my body up in my white fluffy robe, twisted my hair up into the towel. I brushed my teeth, cleaned my ears with q-tips, and wiped the mirror from the fog, just so I would be able to see myself.

I walked out of the bathroom, finding both Rosalie and Alice, looking spotless and beautiful as ever, sitting on my bed, which had newly covered sheets and an outfit laid out. I stared at Alice, who had a sweet and innocent look on her face.

"What?" She smiled softly at me.

"Alice…why do you always plan on giving me all these fancy outfits to wear when you know I'll be perfectly comfortable in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt."

"Oh, Bella. That makes you look ugly, since you're so pretty. I think this maroon and dark gray striped wool top will just look fabulous on you with a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and patent leather boots. I can picture you in this outfit, and looking amazing!"

I looked at her, snorting in her direction. "Yeah, right. You two are the models in his dorm, not me."

"Bella, stop saying that, you're gorgeous!" Rosalie said. Well, this was ironic.

"And this comes from the world's most beautiful and hottest superstar…" I muttered, grabbing the clothes and walking to the walk-in closet that we were just so gifted to have…yeah right.

After pulling on the clothes, I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw something I normally don't really see - a beautiful young woman looking back at me. I turned around, looking at myself in the mirror, giving into Alice.

"Okay, Alice. I'll admit it, you have the fashion mind of a genius."

"A Fashion God, you mean?" She smirked.

"Yes Alice, you're the world's number one fashion god." I giggled, hugging her tightly, now even more taller than her with my added on inches from the heels. I was normally 5 foot 4.

"You know, Bella, my brother Edward is single." Alice told me.

I blushed softly, hoping that the girls didn't notice. I looked at them both, who were smirking at each other.

"Okay, and I should care…why?" I told them.

"Well, I thought that you would like to know that information." Rosalie nodded in agreement.

"I'm not like all the other girls at this school, guys. I, for one, have a brain, and like to learn. I don't concentrate all my time on parties, drinking, and getting laid." I walked into the kitchen and poured myself some apple cider.

"But you're only in college once, live a little…" Rose and Alice giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked them.

"Oh, nothing…I was planning on meeting Emmett and Edward in the courtyard near the tree and then we were going to go to the library and use the computers for a bit. Would you like to join us?" Rose looked at me expectantly.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged, drinking the last of my apple cider. I would need to make a note to buy some more, because I loved my apple cider.

"You're apple cider addiction is funny…" Alice said, looking at the apple cider with a repulsed look on her face.

"Don't be hatin' on the apple cider!" I said, setting the cup down in the sink, grabbing my bag, along with my binder and my book for English. My major in school was English; I was planning on becoming a writer.

"Coming Bella?" Rose asked, holding onto the doorknob.

"Yeah!" I said, walking towards her, as we stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind us.

"So, do you think Edward is cute?" Rose mentioned as we got into the elevator.

I looked up at her, tired of all the 'Edward' talk. "Yeah, I guess he is cute…"

"Huh, okay." She dropped it. So did I.

We walked out into the fall weather, the warm wind slowly rushing over the air, touching our skin ever so gently.

Finally coming into view of the courtyard, I saw Emmett and Edward leaning against the tall Oak tree that was standing in the middle. When Rose saw Emmett, the biggest smile came across her face, as she skipped over to him and wrapped her arms around his muscular body, planting a kiss on his lips. It never really felt awkward for me, but sometimes I wished that I knew what it felt like, to really be in love. I had only had one boyfriend, Jacob, from back home. I thought I loved him, and that he loved me, but he proved that all wrong with sleeping with my friend Victoria.

"Hey Emmy!" Rosalie cooed at Emmett, kissing him once again on the cheek.

"Hey Rosie! Hey Bells!" He gave me a quick hug as well, "You both like a pair of fine ladies gracing us with your presence."

"Oh Emmett.." Rose giggled, "Hey Edward!"

"Hey Rose. Bella…" I looked up at him all of a sudden, alerted by hearing his voice. We never really talked, only a quick hey, when I would see him with Alice, or Rosalie and the gang.

"Huh? Oh, hey Edward…" I blushed, looking down at my feet.

"You look beautiful today." His eyes bore into mine, as I felt my heart begin to melt from the intensity. But I refused to become one of the love struck girls at this school that just wanted to sleep with him.

"You guys ready to go?" Emmett asked.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Hold on one second." I flipped open the phone.

I looked at the phones screen, hoping to read whom the caller was. All that I saw were the words 'Unknown Caller'. Was I being paranoid?

No, I wasn't. It was probably someone who was calling to ask for money, or for donations or something. I thought that I had put my number on the do-not-call list.

I decided to answer anyways.


There was no answer on the other line, all I heard was heavy breathing, continuing on for a few seconds. I heard someone grunt, a grunt that meant that someone hit something. My breathing picked up, as I scrunched up my face in concern and fright.

"Is anyone there?" I asked once again, hoping to get an answer this second time.

"Watch out Bella, because I'm watching you…" A deep voice came through to me, then immediately hung up. My hands were shaking once again, as I moved my phone from my ear and clicked the end button.

"Bella, you okay?" Edward asked, his butterscotch eyes looking concerned, as he slowly brought his hand to the small of my back. I shrugged it off.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Please don't worry about it." He looked like he was concentrating on my intently, his gaze locked on mine.

"Okay, let's go." He said, walking away. Did I do something wrong?

I walked it off, hoping that everything would be alright.

Ok, so I hope you all liked that! First chapter, woop!

Can you all please review and tell me what you thought?

I would appreciate it so much.

SHOUT OUT TO BRITT! The whole apple cider thing is something her and I talk about haha!(: she's briiitx xhc on fan fiction. Check her out.

Love you all, my loyal readers,
