I'm happy that a few new people have gotten into this story!(:

A Huge Thanks To: mj. twilighter, chitown4183, XxXxXfanfictionXloveXxXxX, Highlands, FrequentlyDazzled917, oxcrushhed(x2), pricel (x3), twilight-is-lovee,we. cloned. edward. cullen , Foam Weber, briiittx xhc (x2) and Pixel Angel (x3)(:

I'm glad that people like this story, and yes, I got some inspiration from "Blue is for Nightmares".

I'm like, WICKED sorry I haven't been updating this. I have a new story, called:

I Don't Know You, But I Think I Love You

And it's become very successful. And lately that's the only story I've really had any inspiration to write. But today I felt like finishing up this chapter, so please, excuse my late updates.

And check out my new story, and review, pwease? (:

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

I couldn't believe my eyes - what I had just witnessed was something that I never thought would have happened. Edward had flew out of the door, and had tackled James to the ground. No words came out of my mouth, which was weird since my jaw had dropped down to the ground. I looked back into the dorm, to see Emmett and Jasper rush out as well, the three men grabbing James and running away.

I still stayed out of the room, staring off towards the elevator, where the men had just disappeared. Alice and Rosalie sprinted out of the room, standing in front of me, their faces twisted in guilt and confusion.

"What's going on, you guys?" I burst out, looking at the two girls, "Why did Edward just tackle James? Were you guys listening to us? What the hell is going on? This has gone on way too long, and I want answers now!"

Alice looked at me up and down, and grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the apartment. "Listen, Bella, go change, put something comfortable on, and meet us in the living room." She pushed me towards my room, and shut the door behind me. At this point I was beyond confused.

I quickly zipped off the dress, and threw the shoes off my feet. My toes felt free from the suction those heels caused my feet. I put the dress back on the hangers, and grabbed my favorite pair of sweats. Sadly, they were from Juicy Couture, another article of clothing that Alice had bought for me. They were very comfortable, though. I then changed my bra, and slipped on a plain white tee, and threw on my "Twilight" Hoodie that I had bought from Hot Topic. It was amazing.

I opened my door quickly, running to the couch and plopping down. Alice and Rosalie were on the opposite couch, looking at me, their eyes darkened to a deep, coal color. It scared me - now that I was seeing a whole other side of the people who were known as my friends.

"So, please, tell me what the hell is going on!" I urged them on, my voice cracking from my obvious fright.

"Bella, what we are about to tell you…it's no joke, but you must promise, that you can tell no one." Rosalie started, but Alice looked at her, and smacked her on the hand.

"No! We can't tell her bluntly. You're going to have to guess, Bella. But you should know, that we aren't normal." She told me.

"Not to be mean, but I kind of already knew that," the sarcasm was thick in my voice, "But seriously, what are you guys trying to tell me, you're monsters?"

Rosalie and Alice looked at each other silently. I began to laugh - they couldn't be serious, could they? My laughter began to turn fake, as I stopped it overall, and my eyes began to widen.

"Um, please don't tell me you guys are evil, blood-sucking monsters or something?" My heart's pace began to fasten. I could feel my body begin to react to the sudden change in the atmosphere. There was nothing I could do but just sink myself deeper into the couch, as I waited for an explanation.

"Do those thoughts tell you anything at all?" Rosalie asked, intertwining her fingers together.

I grabbed my head in my hands, hoping that all this added-on stress would disappear. "I don't know, you guys! Please, this cannot be happening!"

"Bella! Bella!" Alice came over to me, grabbing my hand. I flinched back - her hand was ice cold. I never really had felt it like this before. I looked at her eyes, which had now changed from a soft shade of butterscotch, to a deep coal black. I sucked in a huge intake of breath, as I tried to move away from Alice on the ouch.

I gasped out loud. "So you ARE blood-sucking monsters!" I half whispered, half yelled.

"Well, technically not…we don't drink human blood, we drink-"

Full realization hit me at his point. "YOU ALL ARE VAMPIRES!" I felt my world begin to spin, as I began to sway back and forth. My vision began to decrease, as the blackness overtook me, sending me off to my own world.

I felt a pair of cold arms make their way around my waist, pulling me into a hug. I fluttered my eyes open, bringing my hand up to my forehead, making sure I wasn't still faint. I looked up to see a pair of eyes staring back at me - this pair wasn't only butterscotch, or black, but a mixture. I widened my eyes once again, to see who it was - Edward.

"Let me go!" I yelled, kicking at Edward, hoping that he would release me from his grip. I pushed on his hands, but they felt like marble - his entire body was like a marble statue.

"Bella, please, calm down. Your heart rate is way too high."

"You're not going to drink my blood! No way! Let me go, or I'll yell!" Just as I said that, Edward quickly let go of me, letting me scoot away from the five vampires who were all looking at me.

"Bella, we won't harm you, will you please hear us out?" Emmett said, sitting on the other side of the couch, looking at me with his signature puppy dog look. I was still very hesitant, but I slowly nodded my head, hoping to hear a full description about this.

"Well, who's going to start?" I asked, after a few silent moments slipped away. They all looked at each other, then turned their glances to me. Alice got up from her seat on the seat, and walked over to me.

"Now you know our secret - Bella. We are a coven of vampires. We've been alive for many decades. To give you a simple summary, we never sleep, we sparkle in the sun, and our diet…well, that varies for each vampire. You see, usually all vampire drink the blood of humans, but Carlisle, other than a father figure is also the leader of our coven, has changed our ways, so now we only drink from animals. We call ourselves vegetarians; it's a little inside joke. That would explain why our eyes are golden, or butterscotch, as you may call them. If you drink the blood of a humans, your eyes will become a maroon, more crimson color. But if you drink from animals, your eyes will be golden. Some vampires have special powers, but not everyone. Like me, I have the ability to see visions for the future. Though they may change, when someone changes their decision. Edward can read minds, and Jasper can play with people's emotions. Rosalie is just…very beautiful and conceited, and Emmett is super strong. Esme has the ability to love anyone, while Carlisle is immune to human blood - thus making him the perfect vampire doctor."

After Alice finished her explanation, I was a bit dumb-founded. This all was so…new, and different. Should I have even been a little scared at this point? I was very pensive about it, because though this was something that would scare any human, I barely felt any fright at all.

"Oh…okay. Well, that does explain a lot." I said, sitting more upright in my seat.

"You're taking this very calmly," Jasper pointed out, as I smiled at him. He smiled back at me. Now I would realize that he could feel all my emotions.

"Yes, I don't know why I am, but I don't feel harmed. I've known you all for quite sometime, and I guess that, well, I don't know…I trust you all, and I hope that I don't get hurt. You all won't hurt me, right?" They all looked a bit offended.

"Bella, we would never do that," Edward said, making his way next to me on the couch, awkwardly sitting down, "I myself will do my best to protect you from anything."

"Yeah, that's because he loves her," Emmett said under his breath. Rosalie quickly smacked him on the side of his head.

"Rosie! What was that for?" He asked her.

"Don't spoil the moment!" She told him, as they both glanced back towards me.

"Thank you, Edward. But can you all do me a favor?" I looked at them all individually.

"Sure, anything you want." Edward replied.

"Why did you all attack James?" The room became more tense.

No one said anything, it was dead silent.

Just as Edward was about to open his mouth, my cell phone began to ring. Well then, this was great timing, was it not?

Hehe, so thanks for reading! And I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I'm sorry for the shortness, but at least it's an update, no?

Review, alert, fav, READ!
