Resolution – a Teen Titans fanfic

by Lady Comet

Disclaimer – None of these characters belong to me. DC owns them; I'm just borrowing them and bending them to my will for a bit.

Warnings – Beware of lesbianics, and odd pairings.

Dedication – This is dedicated to my wonderful girlfriend, who is the world to me, and as a huge BB/Jinx supporter, inspired this fic. Hopefully she won't mind having to wade through the Raven/Terra parts to get to that, though :)

Part 3 – Becoming Home

Less than an hour later, the Titans and Jinx trudged back inside the tower, having defeated the remnants of the Hive Five and delivered them to the authorities.

Beast Boy slumped onto the couch. "Dude, that was actually harder than I thought it would be."

Cyborg smirked. "I guess they must have learned from getting their butts kicked so much before."

"We still kicked the butt, though," Starfire pointed out, stretching her arms.

Jinx watched, feeling awkward, as Robin brought up the computer screen again and set to work. Raven and Terra were talking quietly near the kitchen, and Cyborg and Starfire sat down with Beast Boy on the couch, waiting to see what Robin was doing.

Feeling frustratingly guilty, she said, "Listen, I feel kinda responsible for what happened. They wouldn't have attacked your home if I wasn't here."

Cyborg looked over at her. "Jinx, it's really not your fault. You don't think we deal with this kinda stuff every day?"

She smiled, and he smiled back. It occurred to him, then, that even though things were uncomfortable between them because of their past relationship, over time, that might pass.

"Robin, what are you doing?" Starfire asked as she floated up to him, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"I'm trying to locate the other two Hive Five members. If those three are back in business, its likely Kid Wicked and Seemore are too." As he set the computer to search recent police files on petty crime across the country, he turned and looked at Raven, who was still standing with Terra away from the rest of them. "Raven, can you use your magic to try and locate them?"

She nodded. "I'll do what I can." Then, sparing a glance at her not-so-secret girlfriend, she headed to her room.

Terra watched her go, looking slightly lost. Moments later someone tapped her on the shoulder, and she whirled around to see Beast Boy standing beside her.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

She sighed, "Sure," and followed him as he led her out of the tower again.

They went down to the rocky beach, where they used to sit and talk together so long ago. He picked up a rock and skipped it across the water, then turned, smiling, to see if she was going to do it too. But she just sat nearby, passively staring at the ripples it made.

"So you figured it out, and told everybody?" she said. It wasn't really a question, and she didn't look at him as she asked.

He sat down beside her. "Was it that obvious?"

"Yeah. I could tell by the way everyone was staring at us earlier," she said, her voice giving away her frustration. "Why did you tell them? And how did you know, anyway?"

"I didn't mean to, Terra, honest. They could just tell something was wrong, and Starfire kept bothering me and trying to guess what it was, and finally I broke down and told them." He looked nervously over her. "As for knowing, well, I knocked on your door earlier to see if you wanted to play cards with us, and you didn't answer. So I transformed into a fly and snuck in, and I saw you guys…well, I'm not that oblivious."

She frowned. "You shouldn't be sneaking into my room, BB."

"I know. Are you gonna tell Raven?"

She thought for a moment, then shook her head"…No. I don't want her to freak out."

He sighed, relieved. "Thanks." The next few minutes passed in silence, both them looking at anything but each other. Finally, the changeling couldn't stand it anymore. "…So, are you really gay?"

"Yes," she answered without hesitation. "I know for sure that I love Raven, and I think that's a pretty good sign."

Awkward tension settled over them as the silence resumed. Beast Boy absentmindedly picked up another stone and tried to skip it, but it plunked into the water unceremoniously.

After a while, he broke the silence again. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"BB, there wasn't anything to tell until today. I hadn't figured it out yet." Slowly, she turned her head to look at him, blue eyes meeting green. "Do you think we can still be friends?"

He was quiet, thinking, and she fixed her gaze on him as she waited for his answer. Then suddenly he smiled, and though it still held sadness, it gave her hope. "Yeah," he said. "I mean, it's not like I'm comfortable with all this yet, but you're my best friend and a big part of my life, and I don't want to lose that. No matter who you end up with."

Relieved, she reached out and hugged him. He hugged her back, but gently pushed her away after only a moment.

"We'd better get back upstairs. Robin might have found something by now."

"Or Raven," Terra added. "Though I don't know how her magic is going to help in this case."

"Well, she is pretty amazing," he replied as they headed back up the beach. "I'm really not surprised that she's the one you want, instead of – ow!" He rubbed the back of his head and looked behind him, catching a glimpse of a faint yellow glow around a small rock that clattered to the ground. Frowning, he looked over at Terra as a similar glow faded from her eyes.

"Don't," she smiled, then took off running. "Race you upstairs!"

He laughed, then transformed into a cheetah as he ran after her.

"Hey Robin," a familiar yellow and black visage greeted from a video window that had opened up on the computer screen. "We noticed you were doing a search on police reports in our area. You know, it's a lot easier to just call us."

He smiled back. "Well, Bumblebee, I'm actually looking at reports from the whole country. We're looking for Kid Wicked and Seemore, previously of the Hive Five."

She put her hands on her hips, ignoring the noise behind her as Mas and Menos tried to get to the computer screen in order to ogle Starfire and were intercepted by Aqualad. "Hmm. It's a good thing I called you, then. They actually showed up here last week."

"Really?" Starfire gasped. She looked over at Jinx, who shrugged.

"Yeah. So far they haven't caused too much trouble, but I've had Herald out watching for them, and he can't seem to find where they're hiding. Why are you guys looking for them anyway?"

"Billy Numerous, Gizmo, and Mammoth attacked us today," Robin replied. He gestured to the pink-haired witch behind him. "Jinx is staying with us for a few days, and they were trying to get her to come back to their team. Since they're active again, we wanted to find out why they're missing two members."

She shrugged. "Must've had a falling out, or something."

"Do you guys want help catching them?" Cyborg offered.

Looking slightly insulted, Bumblebee shook her head. "No, I think we can handle it."

"Look," Jinx chimed in, "these guys were my old gang. I know I should clean up my own mess."

"If you want to clean up your own mess, you should stay here, where the Hive Five technically still operates." They all turned to see Raven walking towards them, having found nothing in her own search.

Jinx scoffed. "Oh really, does that mean I'm on the team?"

Beast Boy and Terra also returned just in time to hear that, and looked at each other in confusion, then at the rest of the group. Robin turned back to the computer. "Thanks Bumblebee, we'll be in touch." He shut off the communication, then turned back to his assembled teammates. Starfire nodded confidently at him, and he looked at Jinx again. "We're going to have to discuss it among ourselves. Do you mind leaving the room for a while?"

She frowned, but bowed her head in assent. "I'll be in the guest room, then." The others headed for the couch while she headed for the hallway, trying not to look to eager or interested in the possibility they suddenly presented.

Jinx spent the next half hour lying on the bed, staring at the boring decorations of the room. She was actually just dozing off when someone finally knocked on her door. Shaking off her tiredness, she sat up, and said, "Yeah?"

It opened and Beast Boy stepped inside, a smile on his face. "Hey."

"Hey." She crossed one leg over the other, staring at him. "So?"

"We've come to a sort of compromise." He turned back and held the door open again. "Come on, everyone wants to talk to you."

She stood up and wordlessly walked past him, aware that he followed after closing the door behind them. She assumed everyone else was waiting in the common area, and when Beast Boy didn't correct her steps, she continued in that direction. They were all seated on the couch, and looked up as the two of them entered. Beast Boy sped up to walk in front of her, taking her hand. "Over here." He led her to a chair they had placed across from the large sofa, gesturing to intend she should sit down. He still smiled, and as she sat, she couldn't help but think that she liked it, and him. Funny how this hadn't occurred to her when they were too busy beating each other up.

Robin waited until Beast Boy sat back down next to Cyborg, then stood, reaching into his utility belt. He pulled out another communicator, identical to the ones all the other honorary Titans had. Smiling confidently, he held it out to her.

"Welcome to the team, Jinx."

She carefully reached out and took it from him, turning it over in her hands. Her lips parted into a grin. "So this means…?"

"You're really one of us now," Cyborg answered. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and grinned back at her. "We could really use someone who knows the Hive Five from the inside, since it looks like they're gonna be a pain in our collective butt again."

"We've also come up with a solution for the two in Steel City," Raven continued. "Bumblebee has agreed to let us send help after all."

"What changed her mind?"

Cyborg sighed. "Well, about five-minutes into our little pow-wow, she called us back. As soon as we stopped communications, Herald showed up at their base, badly beaten. Seemore and Kid Wicked figured out that he was trying to track them, and decided to teach him a lesson, so –"

"And Bumblebee and Herald are the boyfriend/girlfriend, so she was very upset," Starfire cut in.

Cyborg scowled at his alien friend. "Anyway, I guess seeing him hurt that bad made her realize they need help."

Jinx adjusted her weight in her seat. "Okaaaayyy, so if I'm staying here, who's going there?"

"We are," Terra said. "I mean, Raven and me. Kid Wicked's powers are similar to Raven's, so she might be able to find his weaknesses better."

"Uh huh. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow," Raven answered.

Jinx smirked devilishly at her. "Can I have your room?"

Raven glowered at her, but Terra reach over and took her hand, squeezing it gently. This calmed her down, and Robin said, "We'll expand the guest room you're in, and you can keep staying there."

Remembering the horrid decorations, she wrinkled her nose.

"But you are welcome to redecorate, friend Jinx," Starfire noted, "and I am eager to help!"

Jinx smiled nervously. "Um, thanks, but I think I can manage that on my own."

"Oh." A look of sadness crossed the Tamaranian's features, but then she smiled again, nodding her head. "Well, instead, should we all go out and have the fun tonight? It is Raven and Terra's last night here, so I think they should have a night worth remembering."

"Star," Robin said, "they are coming back after they catch Kid Wicked and Seemore."

"Even so!"

"That's actually not a bad idea," Raven admitted.

"Oh, most excellent!" Starfire exclaimed happily, flying off of the couch. She grabbed Robin and Cyborg's hands and pulled them up with her. "Let us go immediately!"

"Yeah, but where are we going?" Cyborg wondered.

The usual 'discussion' of where they should spend their time ensued as everyone followed the elated princess out of the room and down into the city. As they left, Beast Boy and Jinx accidentally bumped into each other a few times. She winked at him, and he blushed, smiling at her again. And despite herself, she smiled back, finally letting herself relax.

The next morning, after a night of visiting many different places to satisfy everyone, the team assembled on the Tower roof to see Raven and Terra off.

Starfire clung to both of them, stifling tears. "You will take care, yes?"

"We'll be fine, Starfire," Terra assured her, breathing carefully through her powerful hugs. "We do have each other."

"Indeed," she said, wiping the tears away. "I am most glad for that."

"Make sure to call us when you get there, all right?" Robin insisted as he shook Terra's hand and gave Raven a hug.

"We will," Raven told him. "You guys worry too much."

"Huh, I'll add that to my list of things I thought you'd never say," Beast Boy quipped, and she hit him playfully on the arm.

She turned her attention to Jinx then. "And you…take care of everybody, and you'll earn my trust."

"Thanks," she said, surprised. "Hmm, I guess I will stay out of your room then."

Raven opened her mouth to respond, looking angry, but was interrupted as Cyborg shoved something into her arms. It was a very large stuffed chicken, the same one he and Beast Boy won for her at a fair many years ago.

"Just in case you get lonely," he noted, trying to look serious and failing miserably.

She sighed, but smiled. "If I didn't know better, I'd say this is a big joke to both of you." He and Beast Boy just grinned back at her.

Terra cracked her knuckles. "Okay, time to go." She turned and looked down at the shore. Her eyes glowed yellow and she raised her arms, reaching into the earth with her power. Slowly a chunk of rock big enough for two people to lie on rose from below and floated near the edge of the roof. They planned to ride this all the way to Steel City, using Raven's power to speed the trip up and help keep it flying if Terra tired at all. She kept one arm stretched out towards it, fingers splayed, and turned to Raven. Raven reached out and took her free hand, then they both looked back at their friends, who began to wave as the two of them stepped onto the rock and started drifting away.

All five Titans stood and watched for a while, but eventually most of them headed back downstairs to resume the day's activities. Starfire intended to drag Robin out on a shopping trip, and Cyborg planned on working on the T-Car, which needed some upgrades. Jinx and Beast Boy stood there staring after them the longest, until they were nothing more than a speck on the horizon.

"Hey, Beast Boy?"


Jinx turned her head to look at him. "Do you wanna go out sometime?"

Surprised, he turned and stared back at her, that familiar blush returning to his face. "Um, sure," he said finally.

"Good," she grinned back, taking hold of one of his hands. Then she headed back to the door, pulling him along with her. "Now, why don't you teach me how to play those video games? They seem pretty important to being a full-fledged member of this team."

About two years later…

It was mid-afternoon in Jump City, on a relatively sunny day with a light breeze and no sign of rain. The civilians were busy going on with their lives, not noticing as an odd shadow passed over the buildings and streets, heading with speed toward Titans Tower. It slowed down as it approached, just touching the edge of the roof so its occupants could step off safely.

The door to the roof opened and out stepped Cyborg, who had seen the odd thing coming. He hurried to meet the two women as they stepped off the rock, one of them sending it back down to the ground.

That done, Terra turned and grinned at him, her blonde hair still short and very windswept. "Hi Cy!" she called, and beside her, Raven smiled. She had also changed little, her white costume finally sticking with her.

He reached down and hugged them both. "Took you guys long enough!"

"Yeah, well, Seemore and Wicked got smarter," Raven noted. "It took us longer than planned to stop them for good."

He quirked his eyebrow. "And what about the three months after that?"

Terra smiled sheepishly. "Well, we kinda got attached to the place. Titans East can be a lot of fun."

Pouting dramatically, he feigned extreme hurt. "But I thought we were fun!"

Raven rolled her eyes. "Oh hush. You know we'll always really belong here."

"And we did get Starfire's announcement," Terra added. "There's no way we're going to miss the wedding, or anything that comes before it."

His grin returned, and he gestured back toward the door. "Speaking of, we should get back down there. BB and J are trying to get Starfire away from all the Bridal magazines she ordered. Jinx's sure they'll rot her brain."

They followed him downstairs, walking into the familiar chaos that was the Titans West common room. Starfire was sitting on the couch, surrounded by stacks of magazines, and Jinx was indeed trying to pry one away from her. Beast Boy sat nearby, watching with amusement. Ignoring the ruckus was Nightwing, previously known as Robin, who was fixated on the computer. It looked like he might be trying to create a diversion that would fool the local villains into ignoring the fact that all the city's heroes would be distracted during the wedding ceremony.

Terra cleared her throat, and they all looked at the door. Starfire let out an exuberant shout, taking to the air and zooming toward them. Before they should duck out of the way, both Terra and Raven were enveloped in one of her famous rib-crushing hugs. Beast Boy, Jinx and Nightwing followed after her, waiting until the two of them could get free.

"Welcome back," Nightwing said, smiling. Raven, who had managed to get out of Starfire's grip first, walked over and embraced him.

"The darker look suits you," she smirked, and he shrugged.

"Had to grow up sometime. We left your rooms as they were, so all your stuff should be where you left it, if a bit dusty."

"Yeah…I'm gonna go check anyway," Raven decided, eyeing Beast Boy suspiciously. He shrugged, just grinning at her.

As the violet-haired sorceress left the room, Jinx, who had hopped up onto the counter and sat there comfortably, pulled Beast Boy into her arms. He turned around to face her, and she smirked at him, settling her hands at the nape of his neck.

"You know, you really should stay out of Raven's room," she purred. "It always gets you in trouble."

"But they've been gone for almost two years, and its not my fault if I get bored sometimes!"

She laughed, then pulled him closer and into a passionate kiss.

Terra, having also escaped Starfire, watched them with surprise. "So, when did that happen?"

"About a month after you guys left," Cyborg answered.

She turned her gaze up at him, her expression all concern. "Are you okay with that? I thought you and Jinx used to go out."

He smiled. "Its okay. That was a long time ago, and I've had a while to get used to it. Besides, its not like Jinx is the only girl I ever liked, or loved." He looked far away then, as if he were remembering something he didn't think of often.

Starfire broke the mood by grabbing onto Terra's arm again, attempting to pull her toward the mountain of magazines. "Terra, you must come look at these! It is so odd that in some ways, a wedding ceremony on Earth is like one on Tamaran, but in other ways it is so different, and so strange! I still do not grasp the concept of this 'garter' they speak of. Do you know what it is?"

"Umm, actually, I've got a better idea," she said, grabbing at the phone as she was dragged past it. She tried not to laugh at the blush on Nightwing's face that had appeared at the word 'garter.' He may look different, she thought, but he's still the same. Everyone is.

Starfire let go of her, peering at her curiously. She just grinned and held up the phone with confidence and pride.

"So, who wants pizza?"


Notes – Ta da! Thanks very much to everyone who read and reviewed, and I hope the ending didn't disappoint.

I actually contemplated leaving that last scene out, but I don't intend to write any more of this, so I wanted to make sure it felt complete and didn't leave any loose ends or anything. Hopefully that works.

That said, thanks again, and if you like any of the other fandoms I write in, please check out my other stories!