Hiya guys I'm back with story no. 7. I can't believe it myself, updates won't be as frequent as I'm going to be putting up my first BBC Robin Hood, C.S.I. crime scene investigation and charmed fanfics in the next few days which will bring me up to ten fanfictions, I'll be putting up the sequel to My Version of the Christmas Invasion soon and also a prequel, showing what happened before that.

Anyway. Here's the Disclaimer, for the first time ever in the first chapter of the story

DISCLAIMER: Do I own Doctor Who and Torchwood, well if owning the DVDs and magazines counts then yes, if not then sadly no I don't, if I did I wouldn't be writing these on here, they'd be what you see on TV.

The rift was spiking, Captain Jack Harkness was standing in the middle of Cardiff bay trying to figure out what the heck was going on, this wasn't like the last time that the rift had opened, meaning that his team hadn't touched it, although to be fair they only opened it to get him and Tosh back from the 1940's and they had unwittingly released Abadon. No, this time the rift had opened on it's own and stuff was pouring out of it all over Cardiff, as soon as it had opened, Jack had called in the police and the army to evacuate the bay.

The Captain didn't have a clue what to do, he couldn't contact the Doctor as he hadn't seen him since he had left the Tardis after the year that never was, he didn't know if Martha was still travelling with his friend or not and couldn't find out as he did not have her mobile number, so he did the only thing that he could, he waited.

Then he heard the noise that he'd been waiting for… the wheeze of the Tardis engines, he turned around and saw the Tardis materialising and when it had, the Doctor walked out of it alone and went to stand in front of Jack.



The Doctor looked at Jack "What did I tell you?" he asked, "What did we tell Rose never to do?"

"You told us not to open the rift cause it's dangerous." the Captain answered. "Don't blame me or my team, we had nothing to do with it." Jack said "Ever since the year that never was, the rift has been more unstable than ever, we've evacuated the bay until we can fix it." he elaborated. "Can you fix it?" he asked the Time Lord.

"Oh yes." the Doctor said.

He ran into the Tardis quickly followed by Jack and began closing the rift, when it was closed the two of them sat down on the floor in silence.

Suddenly the Captain stood up and walked out of the Tardis. "I'll be back in a while." he said and left the time ship to go and check on his team and to get something for the Time Lord to eat as he was on his own Jack knew that the man would forget to eat and took it upon himself to make sure that he did so.


Once Jack had left the Doctor stood up and left the console room and finally went to the one room that he had been avoiding for over a year, Rose's room.

He opened the door and entered the room, floods of pink met his eyes for the first time since the day he lost her, he smiled sadly and sat down on her messy bed, she clearly had made it hastily, there were clothes on the floor, her make up was strewn across her dressing table. Looking around her room, the Doctor felt the tears that he had been hiding for a year building and because he was alone, he let them fall. He cried quietly, the only evidence that he was crying were the tears streaming down his face. Eventually he couldn't take being there any longer and left the room.


Jack entered the Torchwood hub only to be greeted by a hug from Gwen and Tosh at the same time, when they finally let him go he asked "Did you miss me?"

"No, you idiot." said Gwen "We just wanted to hug you."

Jack shook his head at the two girls with amusement and went to his office and grabbed his wallet, he turned around and said "A friend of mine's in town for a few hours, I'm going to spend some time with him-"

"Him?" asked Gwen. "Is it the right sort of Doctor that you were telling me about?"

"Yeah, he's hurting, I can see it." Jack told her "About a year ago, to you guys, two for us, the Battle of Canary Wharf happened, the Cybermen Invasion. The Doctor was in the middle of it with his best friend Rose Tyler, he lost her that day to a parallel universe and I don't think he's had time to grieve. He said goodbye to her, but didn't tell her everything that he wanted to tell her, he never told her how he really felt, he's barely grieved the loss of her at all and I intend to help him, either get her back or move on."

"He loves her?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, he does and he never got the chance to tell her." Jack answered and left the hub. He went to the nearest chip shop and got chips and headed back to the Tardis.

He reached the Tardis and unlocked the door for the first time in over two hundred years, he was so happy that he didn't even notice the figure walking towards the Tardis from behind him.

Well, what did you think. This is the first cross over I have ever done, so feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm not going to tell you who the mysterious figure is until chapter 3 or 4

