Oh my gosh! This has taken so long! I'm sorry! It won't take this long next chapter, please still ready, this chapter is worth it, it's got Ikarishipping! Bananaz4ever! You're in the next chapter, I'll explain the method of doing the chapters, or I'll send you an email explaining it, it's actually a simple method, email me or something, we need to get the next chapter up faster, sorry everyone, read away!

"DAWN!"May cried,dropping her bags and running towards Dawn.

"Huh?,MAY!"Dawn cried as she was crushed in a breath-taking hug.

"Dawn! I can't believe it it's really you! It's been years! How are you? How's Caitlin? Melody wants to know that by the way..." May rambled on.

Paul rolled his eyes in the background, "well, well, well, if it isn't the original troublesome stupid girl", he said loudly so May pulled away from Dawn to glare at Paul.

Then she looked at Dawn, "you know him?" She asked her blue-haired friend.

"Unfortunately," Dawn answered as she walked in front of Paul, "By the way Paul,I've changed a bit,"

He raised an eyebrow, "how so?"

May snorted, "Is saying 'hi Dawn' so very hard for you Paul?"

Paul rolled his eyes, "it's not even worth my time", he turned to the bronze gate as a guard dressed in a navy blue uniform marched over from his side of the gate, he seemed to appear out of the mist.

"Can I help you three?" He asked in a deep, almost robotic voice, straight to business,

"Y-yeah, My name's May Maple and she's Dawn Summers and that's Paul Jones", May spoke up, pointing at first herself, then Dawn, then Paul.

"Humph", the guard grunted and barked into a walkie-talkie "We have Jones,Summers and Maple", and with an ear-piercing groan, like giant nails on a chalkboard, the grand gate heaved open,grinding the silvery things on the ground to moon dust. Without a second thought at the superstitious-looking path, Paul Jones trudged in, May looked at Dawn, a mixture of fright and

insecurity on her facial expression.

"Just come on," Dawn said as she walked up behind Paul,"You know Paul, When I said I had changed I meant that no matter how many times you try to wind me up, I'm not going to give you the pleasure of seeing me blow up." She said then walked ahead of him. May ran behind her trying to keep up with her 'walking' pace.

"Hm, pleasure hey? Pleasure for me is quiet, which I see is impossible for you" Paul groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You know, it's actually very unhealthy the way your going, no friends and such", May said,

"Does it look like I care?" he hissed so venomously that May cringed behind Dawn, then she peeked her head out,

"do you really have no concern of your own life?"

"What will it take to shut you up?" he growled.

May instead focused her eyes on the silvery things that crunched softly as they stepped on them. "Hey,are they some kind of.... pebble?" She asked.

"Silver river pearls", the robot-like guard said as he marched on.

"Wow", May said, staring at the beautiful stones.

Suddenly the trees parted to a beautiful gently flowing but very wide river,moonstones and smooth navy-blue rocks scattered across it's bottom, the color of Dawn's hair to be exact.

A quaint little arching bridge was the only way over. The wood looked stable at

least. The guard went over first but it creaked a little with his weight.

Paul had slightly longer legs than the girls, so he was able to overtake them,he

stepped onto the bridge,

"Wouldn't it be great if the bridge just 'happened' to fall while Paul was on

it right?" May whispered to Dawn.

"Yeah...," she replied "But I guess, in a strange way, if he were to die we'd

all miss him....somehow...."

"Yeah right," May answered and was about to take a step onto the bridge when a

plank of wood fell under Paul's foot.

"I thought that looked stable," Dawn said while looking down at the river

while backing away.

"Calm Down!" Paul shouted from half way across the bridge, "It was one


"I'm still not going," Dawn said while, basically, gluing herself to the spot

she was standing in.

"Hurry up!" The guard grunted as Paul stood in the middle of the


"You're wasting time here being paranoid, stupid girl", Paul said as he marched back over the bridge and to Dawn, "Either you cross, or I make you cross".

May stood where she was and Dawn

looked a little frightened at how close Paul was standing in front of her,

(there were only a few inches between them) Paul then grabbed her wrist and

started tugging her towards the bridge.

"Hey! Let go of me!" Dawn protested as she struggled to get out of Paul's


"Are you going to cross?" He asked. He sighed and said in a softer

voice,"listen, if you really are that scared of a gently flowing river on a

perfectly stable bridge then fine, I'll help you get across", he could not

believe what he was saying, here he was trying to be nice to troublesome, THE

Troublesome! the one who constantly annoyed the hell out of him, what

sounded so believing about it to him was that he WANTED to help her, to show her that she

was safe. "I'll go first alright, just don't tread too roughly and you'll be

fine",he added, unconsciously loosening his grip so instead of holding her

wrist he was now holding her hand as he made to lead her forward.

"Yeah I'll just follow behind you to," May said, cranky that she'd been left to fend for herself, while following Paul and Dawn, "These are the kinds of times you wish Drew was around," She mumbled

quietly enough so no one else could hear, or so she thought.

"Did I just hear her say she wished Drew was here?" Dawn whispered to Paul,

who became slightly flustered because he could feel Dawn's breath on his ear.

"I don't know," Paul answered, back in the same tone he normally uses, Dawn

looked disappointed, "Ask her yourself."

"Fine!" Dawn turned to May, "May, Did I just hear you say, you wished Drew

was here?"

"No!" May answered in a rushed voice, "Look the end of the bridge!" May said

in a, once again, rushed voice and ran ahead of Dawn and Paul.

At the end of the bridge Paul let go of Dawn's hand, she immediately missed the warmth,

"There see, you're fine, you didn't fall off the bridge." Paul said while

looking down at her,

Dawn giggled, "Yeah I guess your right, Thanks," Dawn said while blushing and looking to the


Paul sighed in frustration, "I guess some things never do change", he said, more to himself than Dawn though as he continued on, leaving Dawn standing.

She broke out of her trance and hurried after them, catching up to May.

"Come on Dawn, were you really THAT scared of the bridge? Or did you just want Mr. Knight in Shining Armor behind us to come rescue you?" May giggled, "that's right", she added as Dawn looked at her in shock, "yes, i saw the way you blushed red when he grabbed your hand, and the way you looked when he stood so close to you!"

Luckily she was whispering this and Paul couldn't hear her, and even if he could he wasn't even paying attention, he was looking with eyes of wonder ahead of them. May looked up to see what he was looking at and her even her eyes gaped at the sight of the huge, modernized but still antique mansion, the gate was a gum ball beside this.

"Welcome to your new home ladies and gentlemen", the guard said as we walked up the path (still of silver river pearls) that was obviously built for carriages and such, it was like a round about, only a great brass fountain was the center.

Paul kept his eyes on the door, suddenly anxious to go in, to see where Gleah had spent many years of her life at.

"Oh my god!" Dawn gasped at the scenery and spun around, trying to take it all in at once,

"here here", May agreed, her eyes still beach ball wide. The great doors were Indian red with gold vine-like patterns bordering it, they didn't creak like the ancient gates had, they swung gracefully open to view a large hall, covered in paintings of ancient but beautiful nevertheless great monarchs of the house.

May felt such a slab of pride as an aura off them that she bowed her head slightly in respect.

May and Dawn were so busy staring that they didn't notice three butlers walk up, two men and a woman. Paul noticed and turned to them. May saw too and quickly faced them and Dawn did likewise.

"My name is Yoshi", a man with an English accent said, "I am the butler of miss May Maple".

"That's me!" May jumped, "I have my own butler!?"

"We only have the best here".

Paul's butler was the other man, his name was Felix.

"My name is Heather Wilkins, and I am your butler for your stay here", the woman said to Dawn, she was actually very young and pretty and had a kind face and voice, Dawn knew she was gonna like her.

"Now, we go to the parlor and you three will wait while we unpack your luggage for you", Yoshi said, leading the way as the other two skipped to either side of him, the parlor was just around the corner and had many plants and flowers in it, the lounge was soft and comfortable as

May plumped herself on it and sighed,

Yoshi held his hands out politely for her luggage, "May I?"

"Oh, sure", May said, handing her belongings over to the butler as he swept from sight. Paul repeated the gesture with his black backpack and Heather kindly took Dawn's luggage and vacated the room also.

"What now?" May asked, "We wait", Paul said. May pouted, she'd never been a saint for patience,

"this place it beautiful!" she blurted, "it's so clean and modern and yet, it's very old! And all the owners are so proud! It's gonna be a blast living here!" She exclaimed. There was a moment of silence until...

"Anyone know where the toilet is?" Dawn blurted out while looking round the lounge.

"No," Both May and Paul answered, giving her strange looks.

"Okay...I'm going to try find someone who can tell me where the toilet is," and with that she left.

"So...," May started while turning to Paul, "Why do you talk to Dawn nicer than everyone else? Do you have a crush on her or something?"

"Eh....," Paul's cheeks turned light pink, "No."

"really? Because it's not bad to have a crush you know, I mean, I have one", May said with a shrug, then she realized what she said and slapped her palm over her mouth.

"Then as you obviously agree, it's not the subject of discussion with the average trainer"-

"I'm not a trainer", May interrupted, "I'm a coordinator, but besides that, I guess you're right, but for reference, I think Dawn likes you, truthfully, more than I can say for myself", May admitted. "I really don't know what she sees for sure..." She looked at Paul's scowl plastered face intently, "but I'll bet she sees you more then me or anyone else for that matter could ever see of you".

"Thanks for the reference", he muttered. Suddenly May stood up and started stretching, then she looked out the wall-sized window that looks out to the fountain and beyond.

"Oh my gosh!" May Exclaimed, running to the glass to peer out, "Drew's here!?"