Hay there all who love ShikaTem! This is one of my favourite pairings, so I decided to do a tribute to them in the form of fluff! Mushy mushy mush! I'm at home due to a bitch of an ear infection, so this is my days work!...that and the three essays I had to to just now :(


Temari was frozen. She didn't know how the hell to deal with something like this. All the while he was coming closer, hand softly reaching out to her. "Shikamaru." She said warningly, still not able to move.

"Just be quiet and enjoy it woman." He sighed, laying a hand gently on her cheek.


"No. There is nothing between me and Ino." He said firmly, stopping barely inches from her face.

"My brothers-"

"Aren't here to kill me." He smirked. She blinked hard, trying to figure out of it really was him or whether it was some cruel trick her mind was playing on her. "Temari." He breathed, going so close there was barely a hairs breadth between them. Her mind lost all thoughts of trick, instead focusing on the man in front of her.

"Yes?" She asked, hands shaking with nerves. This would be her first kiss ever. She hadn't had any time for love growing up, and Shikamaru was the first crush she had ever had.

"You are so damn troublesome sometimes." He pressed his lips on hers, causing sparks to race up and down the wind kunoichi's spine. Her arms instinctively wound around his neck as his hands slid down to rest on her hips. He broke away after a minute, smirking when she looked at him in disappointment.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Your brothers meeting finishes in five minutes. If you want me to be able to do that again, we should move away from the Kazakage building." Temari grinned.

"I know the best place." She grabbed his hand and began dragging him along.

"Slow down you troublesome woman!" He called, trying not to trip. She ignored him, running faster. She pulled him up onto the roof tops, heading for the house she shared with her brothers. They landed on the roof, Shikamaru ready to faint from lack of breath. "Damn it Temari, I'm dying over here!" He panted out. She flipped him off and fell onto the roof to stare at the sky.

"Only Gaara comes up here."

"Oh great, I get killed by sand rather than puppets." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he lay beside her. She jumped when he somehow slid an arm under her back.

"They won't kill you."

"How do you know?"

"Cause I'd kill them." He chuckled, raising his arm so she rolled into him.

"That's good to know." Temari rested her head on his shoulder, flicking his earring with one hand. "What are you doing now woman?" He sighed.

"Flicking your earring." She said simply, not stopping her movements.

"Troublesome woman." He sighed, but pulled her in tightly, never wanting to let go.