Stephenie Meyer owns all Twilight.

The story that Aro is telling will be in italics.

Chapter 1 – Simple Fairytale

The Volturi walks onto the set, wearing their same black cloaks. Seeming as they were floating as they walk, their footsteps barley audible. The group consisted of Aro, Marcus, Caius, Jane and Alec. They seated themselves in chairs, Aro holding a book in his hand. Jane looked annoyed, Alec calm, Marcus rather bored, Caius with a partly interested expression, and Aro smiling in a weird way.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, welcome." Aro said his voice covered with thick honey.

"… You sound like a pedophile." Caius replied. Alec howled with laughter and Jane jabbed him sharply in the ribs.

Aro ignored that. "Let's see what story we have today…" He was about to open the book when-

"WAIT!!" Emmett cried and stomped into the set. He replaced the book with a different one and left.

The Volturi stared. "Err, okay... Let's begin!"

In a very far land from here, there lived a beautiful princess. Lots of men had fallen head over heels for her, but she never had returned their feelings. Her name was Princess Rosalie. Her mother and father desperately wanted her to find a prince, a future king of the kingdom. Rosalie obliged but none of the suitors was her cup of tea.

"Rosalie, you are getting old. Find a prince soon, or else you'll be too old to marry." Her mother scolded.

"Mother, I am trying my best. None of them seem to fit my taste." Rosalie replied, while looking out the window, hoping for her prince to arrive.

"You know, this sounds really corny." Jane interrupted.

"Deal with it." Rosalie snapped her voice in the background.

Princess Rosalie's parents, very impatient and getting grumpy, decided to hold a ball. There, they decided that she would have to find someone. They invited every man, from the far side of the forest to the very ends of the kingdom they reined over. Just as long the men were not in jail and would take their precious daughter hostage. The ball was going to be held in a few days from now but guests from everywhere in the kingdom was appearing already.

Rosalie sat on the throne, watching the guests show up and stare at her admiringly. It was quite boring. She would've rather watched a bird swallowing a frog whole or something. These suitors, they were all the same. They were only interested in taking hold of the throne, selfish for themselves. They didn't really care about her, even if they did; it was because she was the king and queen's daughter, not their lover.

"Prince Emmett." The announcer guy announced. Rosalie looked around, there was no one there except for the prince whose face she couldn't see because of he was still inside the carriage. She stuck out her tongue and blew. It made a farting like sound. Laughter boomed from the carriage. Rosalie looked up; there was the prince that had actually got her interested in the past hour. He was rather muscular and large, but with a good sense of humor. He walked up the steps, with a smile on his face.

He reached out his hand. "Emmett, nice to meet you Rosalie." She felt surprised; he treated her like a friend, rather than a princess like how the other suitors did. She took his hand, shaking it with a slight smile on her face. So far, this prince was rather interesting to her taste. "Well see you later." Their hands parted and he bowed a bit then walked away. Rosalie watched him as he left, she found him attractive.


It was the dinner. All the suitors were all stuck-up to the king and queen, trying their best to please them. However, there was one suitor who was not so stuck-up; he hung around the dinner table until he decided to engage the king and queen in a conversation about frogs. That certain suitor was Emmett. During the whole dinner Rosalie was staring at him every now and then. Not wanting to cause too much of attention at that. Unfortunately, one of the suitors, named Royce had found that despicable. He decided to talk to 'his' princess after the dinner.

Rosalie was about to stand up and go over to talk to Emmett as everyone rose from the table but Royce blocked her path. He looked like he was expecting something. "Hello, I'm Royce. Princess Rosalie, can I please have a moment?" Rosalie silently sighed and nodded. "Thank you." He led her out to the back garden. Even though the candles were on, the two were dimly seen in the dark. Royce sat down on a cool stone bench, he gestured to the empty seat next to him. She sat down, despite the reluctant of her instincts. "Princess, I see that you take a certain interest to a prince. It may be selfish of me to ask but can you consider the other suitors? The main reason why the king and queen held this was because you could meet many suitors not just pay attention to one." Rosalie knew that Royce wanted her to pay more attention to him than she did to Emmett.

"I-" Rosalie began but was interrupted as Royce tried to kiss her, she struggled against him. But before he could force himself onto her, she felt a hand wrap around her waist protectively, pulling her back and another smashing a pie into Royce's face.

"What the-" Royce said, wiping the cream off of his face. Rosalie looked up into the face of her prince, it was Emmett. And he looked really pissed.

"You're in a hell of trouble buddy. Trying to harass the princess, eh?" Emmett said suggestively, a threatening tone in his voice. Royce had no time to reply has Emmett released his grip on Rosalie and flung him into the water fountain.

"Damn, Emmett can really kick ass." Alec said, looking to the side of the set and looking like he wanted to move farther away from it.

A whistle was heard from the background. "Woo!!" There was only one person who that could come from, Emmett.

"Language." Esme reminded from somewhere in the studio.

"Emmett?" Rosalie asked with a questioned look.

Emmett gave her a reassuring one. "I saw you being dragged off to your doom and decided to follow. Then I decided to kick the dragon's ass." He laughed. "Lets go back. I'm going to ask your hand in marriage, that is, you disagree." He looked at her seriously.

"I agree." Rosalie smiled and pulled Emmett into a surprising kiss.

"That was… weird." Marcus said, blinking. A chair was thrown across the set and directly hitting his head. "Ow."

"I want POP TARTS!!" Jane screamed.

"Shut up Jane." Felix said, popping out of nowhere, trying to close Jane's mouth.

"Well that concludes today's story. See you next time!" Aro said happily, ignoring the chaos behind him as the studio began to burn to the ground while waving to the camera.


A/N: I think this was supposed to be like Sleeping Beauty in Rosalie's and Emmett's version but this is all I can come up with. Maybe the next one will be Bella and Edward's whacky version of the three little pigs? Or maybe an Alice and Jasper one… Please review, thanks. :)