This is a short I did for a good friend on LJ. A little Shuuhei/Renjiness for your reading pleasure. Hope you like! xD

Apology Accepted

Hisagi Shuuhei rolled onto his back, his breathing harsh, but his body slowly draining of tension. His muscles finally relaxing from the stress of a hard day's work, from the fight, from having to do too many jobs for too many people with too many problems. The sweat that had collected between his shoulder blades stuck to the bedsheets. He ran a hand over his eyes and sighed deeply.

Abarai Renji folded his arms beneath his chin and watched him beneath heavy eyelids. The younger shinigami was stretched out on his stomach, his red hair lay in a messy braid across his back. His tattoos glistened under the candle light like fresh ink on his equally sweaty skin.

Shuuhei met his gaze evenly and reached over to brush a stray lock from Renji's face. The two were silent for several minutes, just breathing, just taking in the feel of being near each other. The after effects of their sex soothing their tempers and calming their hearts.

Finally, Shuuhei spoke. His voice was soft and trembled ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry."

Renji untangled his arms and caught Shuuhei's fingers in his own. "I know."

Shuuhei felt the pressure of tears and closed his eyes. He knew it would be a relief, but he couldn't break down until he explained himself.

"I don't know what came over me," he groaned. "I just got so fucking mad, and I couldn't-"

Renji cut him off with a firm kiss against his lips. Shuuhei whimpered and tangled his fingers in red locks, pulling the younger man closer. His heart ached as he remembered the things he had said-- no, shouted at his lover earlier, and the tears slipped from his eyes and down his cheeks.

Renji pulled away and trailed calloused fingers down Shuuhei's jaw. "I told you, there's nothing between us. There never was. Taichou is too high and mighty for someone like me. He's never touched me like that."

Shuuhei opened his eyes and turned on his side to lay face to face with the other man. He laced his fingers tighter with Renji's and moved his other hand to rest on the red head's hip.

"Kuchiki Taichou's fucking stupid..." he whispered.

Renji smiled softly and moved in closer. He tucked himself under Shuuhei's chin and kissed the light skin of his lover's collar and neck.

"I love you, Shuu."

Shuuhei kissed Renji's hair and tightened his hold on the other man.

"I love you too, Renji..."
