He remembered when he used to sneak out at night to see her. He wasn't exactly sure why, he thought he might of loved her, but no he didn't, he didn't know. They tried to kill eachother during the day, and at night they couldn't wait to see eachother, why? He wasn't sure. Accually he wasn't sure about a lot of things. Oh, and the her you're hearng about is none other than Princess Azula of the Fire Nation. Yes, Princess Azula of the Fire Nation and Sokka of the Water Tribe used to make out at night, weird huh? But those days were long ago, or it seemed long ago anyway. They have both moved on. Sokka is now 17 and is trying to find a girlfriend, but couldn't find one that he could see while traveling, and Azula is 16 and doesn't want a boyfriend. Sad, right? How two people seem perfect for eachother then it doesn't work out, but on the bright side some of the relationships do work out. Well, anyway let's get this story started.

Sokka had always traveled with his friends trying to beat the Fire Nation in the seemed-to-be-never-ending war. The war hasn't slowed down any, even with the Avatar's help, they tried but it never worked. Now they are in a market a very crowded one and guess what Sokka's doing...Trying to find a girlfriend. He was pushing his way through the crowd when he spotted a girl, she was beautiful. She brown hair that went to her waist, light brown eyes, and a slim figure. She was wearing a light green dress that went to her knee. Sokka was in awe with how cute she was. He thought it was love at first sight...Love at first sight...that's how he felt with Azula, he couldn't help but think of her from time to time. He bet that if he didn't have to leave they would've been together forever, but Destiny and fate do what they want, and he knew that they didn't put this cute girl there for nothing.

"Hello there." Sokka said walking up to her.

"Hi." She said smiling, she had a beautiful smile, too.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" He asked.

"Shopping for my parents, my mother's in bed with a fever, so I told her that I would do the shopping." She explained.

"That's nice of you, but you should watch out, there can be creeps in places like this." Sokka replied.

"Like you?" The girl giggled.

"W-wait! I-I'm not a creep! I'm accually the Avatar's best friend." Sokka explained panicing.

"Relax, I was just joking." The girl laughed then quieted down. " The Avatar's best friend, that must be an honor."

"Yea, I guess you could call it that, but I think the honor's his." Sokka said hoping it didn't sound like he was bragging.

"Well, I would be honored if you would protect me from those creeps." The girl walked closer to him.

"Don't worry, I will." Sokka replied as he walked with her while she did her shopping. " by the way, What's you're name?" he asked.

"Ai, and yours?" She asked.

"Sokka." He replied. Ai. The perfect name, it had to be a sign, what were the chances of her name meaning love? Eventually she was done with her shopping, but Sokka wished she wasn't, he didn't want to part after all. There was silence between the two, Sokka noticed that Ai looked nervous, he wasn't sure why, but he found out soon enough when she finnally spoke up.

"Uh, If you want, you can come home with me. I want to introduce you to my family." She said blushing.

"Sure." He replied blushing back. They walked to her house, which was farther than he thought it would be, and walked inside.

"Mom, I'm home!" Ai called out as they walked in the door.

"Oh, welcome home honey." The lady said then coughed, she was laying on the coach.

"How are you feeling?" Ai asked walking into the room and up to her and put her hand on her head. "You're still warm."

"I'm feeling better than earlier, but who's he?" She asked noticing Sokka.

"Oh, I met him in the market. He wanted to 'protect me from creeps'." Ai laughed. "But he is really sweet."

' She said I'm Sweet.' Sokka thought to himself then said. "I just didn't want her walking in such a crawded place alone."

"Now, isn't that cute? He's definently boyfriend material." This made Ai and Sokka's faces turn red.

"And guess what else? He's the Avatar's best friend!" Ai exclaimed. "Isn't it cool!"

"Wow, that is pretty cool." Her mom replied coughing. Sokka looked out the window and noticed the sun was starting to set.

"Oh, I, uh, I gotta go...Can I see you tomarrow?" Sokka asked.

"Sure, Just meet me in the market in the same place we met today." Ai replied smiling.

"Sounds great, I'll see you tomarrow." Sokka said and with that he left just waiting for tomarrow.


Well, did u likey?? I personally like the intro XD I know its short but I hope you guys will read it!! for those of you who liked 'A Mother's Love.' you'll probably like this story too!! Enjoy!!