Hello...peeps (I love that word!). This is a sequel to HearttoHeart Confessions, cause you requested it (and I felt like writing it). This is what happens on Ziva and Jenny's night out. I'll think about doing a few chapters for this one...you'll just have to wait and see.

Spoilers: My story HearttoHeart Confessions...you'd be better off reading that first, but I guess you don't necessarily have to...

Dedication: I wanna dedicate this story to aserene, who has given me so many kind reviews...you rock! Also, if you are reading this, aserene, may you PLEASE write another story to do with Jacqueline's Secret!! Pretty please? All of you should read it.

Anyways, Reviews will be appreciated greatly! And I might dedicate a story or mention you!! Thanks peeps! switches off

Chapter 1


Ziva furtively scribbled down a few more notes, before slamming her pen on the table. Tony jolted and nearly fell from the chair. Ziva chuckled as Tony tried to stay upright.

"What is wrong, Tony? Scared by a little...noise?" Ziva packed up her case file and slipped it into the first drawer. In return, she drew out her gun and buckled it to her belt. Tony stiffened at the sight of the gun coming out, then relaxed when Ziva did not make any motion of wanting to shoot him. Ziva locked the draw, then shut down her computer with grace. She slung her backpack onto her shoulder, ready to leave. She was about to farewell everyone when Tony stopped her by putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Tony?" Whatever Tony wanted to say or was on his mind was clearly bothering him. Tony's face was screwed up as he tried to decide how he should phrase it.

"Uh...Ziva...would you like...to...uh...get...um..."

"Get to the point Tony, maybe before tomorrow." Ziva crossed her arms and stared at him with the Ziva-ish look.

"Would you like to get a drink with me?" Tony finally asked. Ziva was mystified. How could it be hard for Anthony DiNozzo, who had probably asked six million girls out for a drink, to ask her out for a drink.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" Ziva asked curiously.


"Well I'm sorry, I've already got something planned."

"You...serious? What?"

"I'm going out with Jenny. And no, before your troublesome conscience and humour mentions it, I am not a lesbian. I am going for a girls night out. So there."

"You...serious? And I wasn't going to say that you are a lesbian because I'm...forget it. Bye Ziva." Tony was clearly troubled. He turned away.

"Bye Tony." Ziva went into the opening elevator, and as it closed, all she saw was Tony's troubled, sad face.

Jenny was going to get picked up by Ziva at her house. She dressed up in a casual white dress. As she began to fasten her shimmering earrings, her phone rang.


"Jenny? It's me, Gibbs."

"Jethro, what's wrong?"

"Nothing...the case turned out fine. A little more paperwork then we're done."

"Okay, great. So...what?"

"I was wondering if...if you might like to get a drink with me tonight?"

"I'm sorry Jethro...I'm going out with Ziva. I haven't had a girls night out...since...ages. Anyway, I better get going. Bye Jethro."

"Bye Jen." Jenny flipped her phone down. Jethro hadn't wanted to get a drink with her for ages. At that thought, the doorbell rang. Jenny hurriedly grabbed her handbag and slipped into her stilettos. After peeking through the eyehole, she opened the door. Ziva stood in front of it, wearing the same casual white dress except her earrings were ocean blue instead of purple. Jenny quickly embraced her.



Jenny laughed as she said, "We're matching."

"Yeah, that's funny. Okay Jenny, let's get going." The two women reached Ziva's car. Jenny hesitated before stepping in.

"What Jenny?" Ziva asked.

"I heard your driving hasn't...err...changed from the last time I was with you." Ziva laughed as she stomped on the gas pedal. The car flew forward. Jenny closed her eyes and prepared for the rest of the journey, and had a feeling she might get sick...

Gibbs and Tony sat at their respective desks. Ziva and Jenny had gone on their "girls night out", leaving Gibbs and Tony nothing to look forward too, as it ruined their plans.

"Why don't you go home, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked.



"Well, I had planned to go out with Ziva, yet she has gone with Jenny. Why aren't you going?"

"Mostly the same reason, Jenny's gone out with Ziva."

"You and the Director, huh?" Gibbs got up and head-slapped him.

"No, I just wanted to catch up with Jenny. Its been a long time..."

Tony stood up, after rubbing his head and suggested, "Hey Gibbs, lets go out and have a drink together, like old friends and not as Boss and Agent." Gibbs nodded, pleased at the idea.

"Okay, we'll meet at the.."

"Let's go to Gamma. I heard it has good bourbon." Gibbs flashed Tony a smile.

"Okay, DiNozzo, okay. I'll be there at nine-thirty. Don't keep me waiting."

"Yes Bos...I mean Gibbs." Tony smiled, feeling his night was getting slightly better.


I hope you enjoyed it! I need at least 6 reviews to post up the next chapter! And it has intresting stuff in it... SO REVIEW!! (you know you want to!)