Three days later, the Doctor, Martha and Jack were standing outside the TARDIS about mid morning.

"So the next time you need help, don't go waiting for the TARDIS to hijack you. Just ask, alright?" said Martha.

"I will, I promise," said the Doctor.

"And you'll take care of yourself, won't you?" He laughed at her. "Oh, all right," she said, slightly embarrassed. "You just scared us, that's all."

"I know, and I am sorry," said the Doctor.

Martha looked unconvinced. "And the next time you'd do exactly the same thing."

"No!" the Doctor protested. "Definitely not … well, probably not, I mean, it would depend on the situation …"

Jack was laughing. "Well I'm convinced!" He noticed the Doctor was suddenly looking around them suspiciously. "What's the matter?"

"We're being watched," said the Doctor.

"Oh, that." Jack pointed at the CCTV camera that was aimed in their direction. "It's just my guys being nosy, nothing to worry about." He waved at the camera.

"You really need to talk to them, you know," Martha pointed out.

"I will," said Jack. "Eventually."

"Who's waiting for the right moment now?" said the Doctor. He held out a hand to each of them, and they took it. "Thank you both for looking after me."

"You're welcome," said Martha.

"I'd carry you anytime Doc," said Jack." Martha elbowed him. "What?"

The Doctor shook his head at him, and with a wave, disappeared into the TARDIS.

"Keep in touch," called Martha.

"Don't be a stranger," said Jack. They watched the TARDIS dematerialise. "Drive you to the station?"

Martha nodded. "Thanks." He offered her his arm, and they began to stroll across the plaza. She laughed suddenly, and at his questioning look, she said, "I was just reminded of our first trip together. He offered me his arm like that. We went to the Globe Theatre to see Shakespeare."

"In the flesh?"

Martha nodded. "He kept on trying to chat me up. Then he tried to chat up the Doctor."

"Sounds like my kind of fella," said Jack with a grin.

"Do you think he'll be alright?"

"You can't fix everything, Martha," said Jack. "Only time heals those kinds of wounds, for him and for us."

She sighed. "I hope time's quick about it then."

"Amen to that," said Jack.