A little smut to keep you going. A real, good update on its way.

What a way to wake up; beautiful sunshine, the smell of a fresh cup of coffee, and most of all the sound of Lucas around her. Peyton smiled as she felt him try to quietly creep back to bed, and slide under the covers, his hands wrap around her waist to pull her closer, as though they had been lying too far apart.

She turned over so they were face to face, and smiled at his lame attempt to feign sleep. She threw back the covers, and straddled him, smiling as he suddenly came very much to life, and seemed to enjoy the early morning wake up call, the brush of their skin already making his heart race. She leant down, her knees either side of his hips, and kissed him, gently.

As she went to break the kiss, he sat up and moved with her, keeping their lips together as his hands moved to her hair and the kiss became anything but gentle.

Minutes trickled by as they simply lost themselves in a kiss that became so much more than his lips on hers. His arms pulling her closer, the urgency of her hands as she pulled his shirt up & off, her breathlessness as he wrapped his hands in her hair, making the friction almost unbearable as neither wanted to break the moment to remove the clothes that kept them apart.

"I missed this," Lucas breathed into the curve of her shoulder, as he kissed it before gently pushing the straps of her tank top down, his thumbs brushing her arms and sending goosebumps across her skin.

She didn't say anything, for minute she just stayed there, sitting in his lap, her legs wrapped around his hips, her almost in pain from how much she wanted him. And she did, in every sense, in every way. She held his face in her hands, just for a minute, before telling him in a voice barely above a whisper "I missed you too" before he smiled, and gently moved her off his lap, onto the bed.

They both felt the coolness on their skin as they separated, her body blazing hot at the points where they'd touched. Her hands immediately reached for him, wanting heat and electricity, the feeling of skin on skin. As he moved across, her hands moved from his chest to his shorts, pushing them away he lowered himself onto her. Kicking his shorts away, she smiled as she felt the weight of him on her, the reassuring feeling of a puzzle piece slotting to place.

Her pants were quickly removed, Lucas barely looking to see where they landed as he threw them aside. His hands held hers above her head as their lips meant, any pretence at an earlier gentleness abandoned.

He opened his eyes, and pulled his lips away, and held her gaze. Their bodies pressed together, hearts racing, hands and limbs entwined, he slowly moved into her and watched as her eyes snapped closed at the moment he entered her.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he moved his hips back and forth, back and forth. Her lips parted as she pulled oxygen in, her cheeks flushed. "Open your eyes," he said, as he let go of one of her hands, and brushed her face. Her green eyes opened as his thumb gently brushed her cheekbone, his skin a warm roughness on hers.

Wordlessly, she moved against him as she held his gaze, their hips easily falling into the same pattern, moving as one in the same slow rhythm.

Her hands gripped his arms as the frustration and pleasure built in her, wanting more of him, as he painfully moved in the same slow way. His eyes never broke from hers as he moved faster, her hips matching him thrust for thrust as together they reunited, a sweet release for both of them as months of separation were erased in a single embrace.

Hope you enjoyed. Comments are looooooooove. (The baby is like asleep or something before you ask. Just go with the sex! Ha)