A/N: Hey guys, here is my story of Book 2 of Breaking Dawn from Bella's point of view

A/N: Hey guys, here is my story of Book 2 of Breaking Dawn from Bella's point of view. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything :(


Chapter 1: Plane

I lay in Edward's arms on the plane ride home. There was no passion or love in his touch. His arms had always been as hard as stone, but now they could have been better off being stones. He didn't look me in the eyes; I knew he wouldn't be able to hide himself from me if he did. Who knew that vampires and humans could have babies? Just add that to the long list of thing I found out while living in Forks.

I wasn't so upset like Edward was. I guess it hadn't hit me—I was pregnant. What a horrible way to mess up my honeymoon. This poor baby, I would never tell it that it was a mistake. I was a mistake and didn't need to know that much. Being totally truthful, I was a little annoyed with Edward. He told me we were going to get this baby out of me. Well listen Mr. Cullen, maybe I want baby half-a. That was completely crazy. Edward normally gave me whatever I wanted, but I don't think he was going to budge on this.

On a lighter note, I wasn't having my period. Yea, I know… "Will you talk to me?" I finally blurted out.

Edward was taken aback by either my rudeness or abruptness, it sounded like both to me. "Bella, please don't start. I need time to think on my own."

"No, you need to think with me. We're in this together. This is our child!"

That got him. I felt his arms relax, but they were still restrained. "This could kill you. Carlisle didn't even know anything like this could happen. This is my entire fault. I shouldn't have taken this risk. If you keep this baby it will surely kill you. Be reasonable Bella," his voice was calm but abrupt.

"Are you really starting that again? You were a complete gentleman, denying me sex for as long as you could. When we finally did it you wanted to kill yourself from frustration, I believe this was fault," I sighed, "Not fault. I didn't mean that little one," I tapped my stomach lightly.

Edward pulled my hand away from it, "Don't talk to it. That thing doesn't deserve one ounce of your love!"

"He's my child Edward! Stop it! Be reasonable!" I snapped.

Edward didn't talk for a really long time. I felt sleep dawning on me. Now with the pregnancy I had been extra tired. I couldn't help but being human. Edward wanted me to be human, he wanted me to get human experiences—we that kind of bit him in the butt in the end. My eyes closed involuntarily. I felt Edward's chest stop moving after a while. He didn't want to breathe, or he would breathe in my smell and feel the urge to kiss me.

It was pretty safe to say that Edward would keep as much physical distance from me as possible. I didn't want this. I didn't want him to fear hurting me. He never hurt me physically. After our first night I was so in love and so happy that I wasn't in any pain at all. He never believed me. Edward always blamed himself for everything that went wrong in my life; I hated to see him hurt.

I woke up from my sleep with a sudden, sharp gasp. I coked my head to Edward's flawless face. He wasn't looking at me. "You talk in your sleep," was his explanation of this stoic disposition.

"What did I say?" I sleepily asked.

He still didn't look at me. Uh-oh, it was that bad. I was getting so irritated, why could he just tell me what he was thinking? Why could he open up and show me every emotion? Why did he have to always be so strong for the both of us? I felt tears well in my eyes. I tried to hold them back, but they were too heavy. Thick tears stained my cheeks and burned my eyes.

Edward encircled me into his arms. I rested my head on his chest and cried. Hormones. I cried and cried and didn't see it coming to an end any time soon. When they finally did stop and I could manage to get words out, Edward was there to listen. "Why are you mad at me?" I managed.

"Silly girl," Edward kissed my forehead, "I'm not mad at you. No ounce of my being could ever be mad at you. I wish this never happened. I wish we could have had our honeymoon, changed you, and loved each other until the end of time. Nothing more. No more complications. Everything was ready and now there is another reason on my part to fear for your life." Edward hid his face in his hands.

I brought my lips to Edward's cheek. It was cool under my skin. "Thank you," I whispered through another layers of tears.


"Thank you for finally talking to me. I need to know why you are upset Edward. We will get through this together. Our son won't kill me."

Edward lowered his forehead and leant it against mine. I felt his cool breath caress my face. "I love you more than words can say," he mumbled.

"I love you too. There's no reason to freak now, not until we go home at least."

He didn't say anymore. He didn't need to. We just sat together as my unwanted friend, sleep, slowly pulled me into unconsciousness. I had a feel; it was only going to get tougher from here.


A/N: There was the first chapter! HAHA! I know it was short, but I just didn't know really how to start it. They will get much better from here, I promise! PLEASE REVIEW!! Love you guys!
