Reviews are kindly appreciated ;D

Visit From The Future

Chapter One


"What?" I questioned dumbly. Both my parents rung their hands a nervous gesture I loathe to admit was passed down to me. I pursed my lips and rose somewhat graciously from my chair. "I have to marry Murtagh Morzansson?" My tone alone betrayed my hatred for him. One hundred years ago a certain rider of a red dragon betrayed the Varden and fought for the evil tyrant, Lord Galbatorix. The history books may say what they want about 'names' but tit or tat Murtagh was a traitor.

"Estarael, for seventeen years we have been training you to live for your people. We aren't ordinary, you, your mother and I. We represent the kings and queens of Alagaesiia of present time and we must be willing to put our lives down for our land."

"By marrying an old traitor?" I sighed. My eyes burned and my throat ached, but I knew what my father was saying was truth. All was not bad and I lived for my people. "I am sorry mother, father. I just need to let this sink in a bit. I'm going for a ride."

"Be careful dear," My mother whispered.

Icefire, where are you?

I'm on my way.

I walked with my arms folded across my bosom onto the terrace waiting for my large white dragon. A humming bird skitted around my face eventually going toward the red flowers on the terrace. It mocked me, flaunting its freedom before my eyes. I hated royalty. And why hadn't the Varden destroyed such long ago in their endeavours? History wasn't a subject I enjoyed, but the future ruler of Alagaesiia had to know almost every detail in the book. Two large wings flapped gracefully bringing down my only friend.

What if he's still a traitor?

Your parents know whats best and don't forget after the Varden freed him from Galbatorix he worked tooth and nail to help restore Alagaesiia.

It's not fair is it?

Life's not fair. But there are times where we must act on duty and do what is expected of us, then things may work out to the best.

Speaking from experience? I smiled.

Hardly, Icefire snorted.

We stood side by side on the terrace looking at the warm colours of the sunset eventually blend into a deep blue. The wind was blowing my long hair in every direction. I grabbed it and stuffed it in my mouth.

Stop that.

I want to hack it all off.

After you get married. Who knows Murtagh may see your bald head and run for the hills.

Great idea Icefire!

Oh dear. I laughed a little and resumed my melancholy expression. Then a burst of red caught my eye. Looks like we have visitors.

Yes too bad thorn isn't a girl, then I could have set you up nicely. Icefire narrowed his gaze at me.

The red dragon was hovering in the air, Murtagh now in sight. He raised his hand in a wave like gesture to which I stiffly repeated. He seemed dazed. My heart sped a little faster as I saw him bend down and whisper to his dragon. He seemed calm and somehow familiar. It wasn't tradition for princesses in line to attend balls and ceremonies, no that was for their siblings, the ones who had nothing to worry about. The crowned princess, me, had to work day and night studying and preparing for ruling. Hence, this was the first time i actually saw him in person. Tragic, it was, that he was far too good looking. I shunned the thought and walked inside. However the sly look I received from Icefire noted me that my thoughts hadn't gone unheard.

Murtagh looked at the princess. Somehow he felt like he knew her.

Something up Thorn?

Nothing I know of. Thorn replied easily. His eyes however danced.

Hurry! I yelled to Icefire as I held on with all my strength to his saddle. We were supposed to be in the castle having our first formal meeting with Murtagh, but I had fallen asleep in my hideout, which was basically a secluded area in the forest I had dubbed Milk and Cookies a long time ago.

Don't worry we'll make it.

By the skin of our teeth!

Five minutes later found me under the calculating gaze of the one, the only, Murtagh Morzansson. He was at least six inches taller than me and that coupled with his dark hair and eyes made me cower, inside of course.

"Well, we'll leave you two to get aquainted." Estarael held his gaze til her mother and father left.

"Do I know you?" he asked in an authoritative tone.

"You should, considering we are to be wed," he smirked a bit at that. "Tell me, I think you want to forget about all of this just like me, maybe we could agree to be at least civil with each other."

"Hmm...seems fair enough. But for about a duel?"

"With swords?"

"No with leaves," he laughed.

"Fine," I spun on my heels and walked out. Princesses didn't duel, and as such I hadn't been trained in it as much as in magic, but I've always had profound interest in it and wished to try it. The question was did he know all of this? If so then how?

About half a second into the duel and he already had me. I gasped a bit.

"First rule, never let your guard down."

"T-that was cheating! We hadn't even started!"

"So? You think your enemy will wait for you? he'll kill you on the spot."

"Why are we doing this?"

"Because you want to learn how to duel." I looked at him quizzically.

"Come on let's try again."

I hated to admit it, but I had learnt quite a bit from duelling with Murtagh. One, he was not patient, two he was not patient. But I guess all in all he was kind of nice.

You mean very nice?

Shut up Icefire.

I wasn't talking.

I sighed and curled up on my bed. I found myself smiling at the thought of Murtagh. What had become of my strong will power? I drifted off to sleep with a small smile on my face.
