Hi to those of you who still hold any consideration for my story. I know I have been a most terrible fanfic writer as I let you on hold for these past two years, without even giving you guys the news that this story would be on a temporary hiatus (I think you noticed it). My life since I stopped writing What If didnĀ“t let me have any time to write anymore, my last years of high school were very busy, with no time to do anything but study. Now that I'm finally through them, I am officially off school, but I have entered college now, so that leaves me with no available time again.

The other reason why I stopped What If is because I have long lost the spark which kept me writing the story in the beginning. Sometimes, when writing takes you through a different path than you intended to go, you get lost and don't have any more passion for what you were doing. It was also very hard to keep on going when my hots for Twilight had gone away. If I had once been a huge fan of it, it went away as these yeas have gone by.

Anyway, I would like to thank all of those who were faithful readers and accompanied me until the last chapter. The kind reviewers that fueled me to write and the ones who even markes my soty as a favorite deserved an end to the story, as they were the reason I wrote until chap. twelve, but I can't go on.

You guys from fanfiction . net were the best, and I owe my work to you.

Thank you from reading, from the bottom of my heart.

Paula Kakimoto (previously known as Kaki-Chaan)

Ps: for those of you who like Pride and Prejudice, there is an idea which has been nagging me, so I will try to upload a fanfic in my holidays (even if I haven't written anything down yet.)