
I've spent a lot of time in silence lately, since we're not talking. Well, more like I'm not speaking to him.

It's not that I'm some crazy bitch like everyone automatically assumes when I first tell them about my predicament. "You're married to Edward Cullen!" they always screech, as though I need any reminders. "Why on Earth do you want a divorce?!"

It's not that simple, I always find myself explaining. Although, that is partially just to divert their attentions away from the fact that I want a "bogus" divorce from my "perfect" husband. This is the first thing that's ever been simple between us. But, of course, to preserve our carefully constructed façade, I always just tell them that looks aren't everything, and the love just… fizzed out. We got married to young. All very good reasons to want a divorce, yes. But none of those were true for us.

Not even close.

Because our love didn't just sporadically disappear. As painful as it is, I'm still just as head over heels for him as I was in high school, when I was absolutely positive he would never see me as anything more than Jasper Swan's baby sister. I still adore him as much as I did the night I agreed to become his wife. I am still as crazy about him as the day I became Mrs Cullen, just shy of my nineteenth birthday.

We hadn't been married too young. He was twenty, and although I was just days away from being nineteen, I was always very mature for my age. I had to be, or I never would've survived graduating two years ahead of my original class. We knew we were in love, and we even waited for two years to pacify Jazz, who wasn't ready for his best friend to become his brother-in-law.

How could he do this to me?

Maybe I should explain our story first, before asking you to follow the story of my sad, pitiful divorce.

No time like the present, right? We might as well start at the beginning: our senior year of high school.

Neither of us, nor Jasper for that matter, were normal senior age. Jasper had missed the cutoff by less than a week, so he turned eighteen almost immediately after school started. I was just barely sixteen.

Why was I sixteen my senior year? It was simple, really. I neglected myself, and my social life, in favor of graduating early and getting the fuck out of Forks, Washington. It might seem absurd (only to you ridiculous people who adore small-town life), but it was the truth.

Edward, however was about to be nineteen. He'd transferred in from somewhere in Canada in the middle of my "freshman" year. Our high school decided to dock all of the credits for classes we didn't offer at Forks High (which was, needless to say, a lot), bumping him back to Jazz's and my grade.

Looking back now, it's easier to laugh at how absurd my little crush on him really was back then. Granted, I find a lot of strange things funny now, like how every time Jasper and Alice come over, both Edward and I start to cry. But that's neither here nor there.

Edward and I seemed like total opposites, and in reality we really were very different: he was outspoken, popular, and friendly; I was quiet, shy, and so lonely I could hardly stand it. Our appearances were quite unlike as well; me with my long dark hair and dark brown eyes, and he with his perfect bronze hair and golden-toffee eyes.

But nevertheless, I loved him with all of my heart. Secretly, of course. Can you imagine the sort of mockery I would've gotten from Jasper had I actually told him I was harboring and indescribable amount of love for his best friend? And that I had been for years, ever since he and Edward had become friends?

Sorry, I keep getting side-tracked. But anyway, I really do promise I'm going to tell you the story. But all of this thinking about the beginning is making me maudlin. And I really hope you'll be objective and not just take Edward's side because he's "pretty."

Anyway, this is my story.