It was the day;-

It was the day;-


I got my letter that I began to be truly happy. I mean James and Al had always teased me about being about being a squib even though I wasn't, not even slightly. But they said it again and again and again. They said it so much I started to believe it myself, I mean if you hear something enough times.

I knew I was different it was obvious. I was the only one without Red hair. I was Blond. Not even Victorie, whose mother was blond, had blond hair. I mean it wasn't even strawberry blond fully blond.

But more than my hair was different about me. James and Al had always assumed that I was a squib. Practically a Muggle. They had no idea what it actually was. No one did. Not even myself.

Ok, so quite random. I cam up with the idea of doing Lily's story (thank you JKR! No attachments, no final word on this story. YAY!) this is just random.

Please read and review.

Would I be writing about them if I OWNED them? No probably not. JKR's

Chapter one will be up sooner than you think.

Love love love!